Israel - Palestine discussion thread

... the typical (German) answer, go back to your own country.

Being so openly racist isn't going to help you.

What also doesn't help is that he didn't say that, he said you should make a living in a Muslim country of your choice.

Not only did you just expose yourself but there was no need* :D

*Ah, Brighton, 1992, quite a summer.
Don't make me break out Jim Carrey again.
Go ahead, post it.

So... Because it doesn't fit your opinion, and because it doesn't support the idea that Israel is the worst thing to happen to this world in the history of the universe and any type of future then it must be biased right? Where are you getting the rest of your post either?

I'm guessing this is biased too? Or will everyone ignore it because it shines bad on their opinions, like the last time I posted it. :rolleyes:
I stopped reading after 'vacant school'. Let's get back to ignoring Israeli war crimes and cherry picking the 'facts' to fit your agenda. Go go go!
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Go ahead, post it.

You got me! You called my bluff. I'm not man enough to post Jim Carrey again. Touche' good sir, now you don't have to respond to the point... which would be that we don't know who you're possibly talking about. You dodged that like a pro!

Did I say I don't like Germany? And now you come with the typical (German) answer, go back to your own country.

And only because I am Muslim, that does not mean that I live that way. I don't give a damn about religions. Any religion, including mine!

Not trying to be a smartass here, but if you don't give a damn about religion, even Islam, then why do you still identify as Muslim instead of being German?
You got me! You called my bluff. I'm not man enough to post Jim Carrey again. Touche' good sir, now you don't have to respond to the point... which would be that we don't know who you're possibly talking about. You dodged that like a pro!

Cats <3
Israel's strikes are somewhere between precise, and broad. A precise strike with modern soldiers and equipment does still have civilian casualties, most likely less that 100. A broad strike similar to how Hamas is striking Israel would order well over a thousand civilian casualties.

Hamas target NUCLEAR reactor. Looks like these worthless people are trying to kill everyone in the region, including their own. Then again some of Hamas's rockets have landed in Gaza.

Oh so it looks like they don't care who they kill as long as it is someone. If only Hamas wasn't Islamic so that ISIS could just steamroll them into the ground.
Don't make me laugh.

Look; the defenders of justice and freedom hit a UN school today (surely a terrorist haven):
Don't make me laugh.

Look; the defenders of justice and freedom hit a UN school today (surely a terrorist haven):

Oh hey look! One side is killing people.
Oh hey look! the other side is killing people.
Oh yea? Well the other side is killing more!

Here's what I want to know.

mister dog
look; the defenders of justice and freedom

Who the hell are you talking to? Who is it that this remark is aimed at?
I stopped reading after 'vacant school'. Let's get back to ignoring Israeli war crimes and cherry picking the 'facts' to fit your agenda. Go go go!
Which is funny because right after that line it states the school was in between two populated schools. But since you didn't read it, you wouldn't know. ;)
Someone's a little off their rocker...

Israel's strikes are somewhere between precise, and broad. A precise strike with modern soldiers and equipment does still have civilian casualties, most likely less that 100. A broad strike similar to how Hamas is striking Israel would order well over a thousand civilian casualties.

Hamas lobs rockets to hit something. This is despicable.

Israel aims them onto civilians. This is an outright atrocity.
Oh hey look! One side is killing people.
Oh hey look! the other side is killing people.
Oh yea? Well the other side is killing more!
Good summary of the conflict. Both seem to want to kill eachother regardless of innocent victims being caught up in the middle do you agree? So is Israel still "defending itself" or is its violence out of proportion?

Who the hell are you talking to? Who is it that this remark is aimed at?
Israeli's trying to get the moral high ground by claiming that they only target the ones that aim for them, or wasn't that obvious to you already?
I'm not. What is your issue with my post?

Hamas launches rockets into an Israeli civilian population for the purpose of hopefully killing absolutely anyone that it comes in contact with... and you think this is the moral high ground?

and you're not joking?

Tell me... whom do you think Israel is trying to kill? Don't tell me how they're going about doing it, or how sloppy they're being, or how evil it is... tell me who you think the country is trying to kill. Now tell me who Hamas is trying to kill.

I'll give you the answers so that there is no question.
- Israel is trying to kill anyone who would fight them. They don't care how many civilians get in the way.
- Hamas is trying to kill Israelis... that's it. Not Israeli combatants, just Israelis.

I'm not defending what Israel is doing as somehow saintly or wonderful, what they're doing is awful. But don't pretend for a second that Hamas somehow has the higher moral ground. It's absolute nonsense.

Israeli's trying to get the moral high ground by claiming that they only target the ones that aim for them, or wasn't that obvious to you already?

No. Name the member in this thread you were aiming that comment at.
I'm not defending what Israel is doing as somehow saintly or wonderful, what they're doing is awful. But don't pretend for a second that Hamas somehow has the higher moral ground. It's absolute nonsense.
I guess you overlooked the fact that i never endorsed Hamas neither. Fact being that with the high tech the Israelis posses in contrary to the homemade rockets Hamas shoots off they should aim better, but they simply don't give a ****.
I guess you overlooked the fact that i never endorsed Hamas neither. Fact being that with the high tech the Israelis posses in contrary to the homemade rockets Hamas shoots off they should aim better, but they simply don't give a ****.

Actually what you quoted was aimed at another GTPlanet member. And yes, I think Israel does not really care how many civilians they hit. Also though, keep in mind that Israel is not the US. We have spent an absolute fortune developing bombs that can fly in your window or bust through 5 floors before going off in the basement. They don't have every piece of military technology ever invented. Not saying that they care, they don't, just pointing out that you might be holding them to our standard... which is not fair for anyone else on the planet.
Hamas launches rockets into an Israeli civilian population for the purpose of hopefully killing absolutely anyone that it comes in contact with... and you think this is the moral high ground?

and you're not joking?

No I don't. That's why I called it despicable. I recognize that Hamas does not have the capability to conduct precise warfare, Israel does yet they just shelled a UN shelter with kids in it.

Tell me... whom do you think Israel is trying to kill? Don't tell me how they're going about doing it, or how sloppy they're being, or how evil it is... tell me who you think the country is trying to kill.

Honestly I used to believe whole-heartedly that Israel was simply after Hamas, but as more of these civilian casualties came to light and more videos of IDF troops shooting civilians show up, I'm not sure anymore.

Unfortunately your question is too vague. Israel's government might be trying to do something, but troops might be doing another, and different people in positions of power might have different motives. I'm sure there are IDF troops and Israeli higher ups who want nothing more than to defend themselves reasonably from Hamas and live in peace. Evidence is suggesting that some IDF forces are so paranoid about some global antisemitism that they are willing to turn Palestine into a kill-zone.

Does this speak for all of Israel? Of course not, but Israel has a reputation for covering up the atrocities of its military under the guise of collateral damage.

Now tell me who Hamas is trying to kill.

Hamas are evil people. They're targeting all Jews and they have said this repeatedly. I find them despicable, as I said in my post.

I'll give you the answers so that there is no question.
- Israel is trying to kill anyone who would fight them.

I think this is an oversimplification.

They don't care how many civilians get in the way.

I agree.

Hamas is trying to kill Israelis... that's it. Not Israeli combatants, just Israelis.

I agree.

I'm not defending what Israel is doing as somehow saintly or wonderful, what they're doing is awful. But don't pretend for a second that Hamas somehow has the higher moral ground. It's absolute nonsense.

I called them despicable. I'm not defending what Hamas is doing. Both sides are far in ditch of morality. What I was responding to Crispy's post was that much of the strikes that Israel launches that kill Palestinians are simply not acceptable as collateral damage.
I called them despicable. I'm not defending what Hamas is doing. Both sides are far in ditch of morality. What I was responding to Crispy's post was that much of the strikes that Israel launches that kill Palestinians are simply not acceptable as collateral damage.

Maybe I misread your post. I read it as you implying that Hamas was happy to hit the side of a building or blow up a parked car, and that they deserve a slap on the wrist, while Israel is legitimately blood thirsty and wants to kill everyone. It seemed as though you were trying to demonstrate that one is despicable, and one is a whole 'nother level of evil.
Maybe I misread your post. I read it as you implying that Hamas was happy to hit the side of a building or blow up a parked car, and that they deserve a slap on the wrist, while Israel is legitimately blood thirsty and wants to kill everyone. It seemed as though you were trying to demonstrate that one is despicable, and one is a whole 'nother level of evil.

I used a poor choice of words. Crispy's post suggested that Israel is justified in their killing of innocents. I wanted to communicate that Israel was committing atrocities. Both sides have done despicable deeds.

All's well 👍
I don't really care about what you think about me. You have contributed 0 to this thread and at the same time you're saying I don't care about adding nothing substancial to it. I've said it once I can say it again: go and read the thread. I think I've posted a lot of links, videos, reports about this conflit (and day-to-day life of palestinians in Israel) unlike you.

So to be a contributing member I have to post videos about a topic that has gone on for decades and is well documented beyond this cycle of the conflict? That's just ignorant to think that is the sole way people contribute. Also I've read the entire thread and I'm contributing by asking and learning and then using that to what I've already learned. If you rather be blind and act I haven't done anything that's fine but just further escalates the sheer ignorance you want to use and validates @Danoff on the concept of you basically having your fingers in your ears.

Have you ever been there? I've been a few years ago.
Have you read, whatced, listened to what people (myself included) posted in this thread about the way Israel treats innocent palestinians every single day?

If you've read my post you'd see I have spoken to Israeli's that clearly don't agree with their Gov'ts foreign and domestic policies. You showing you're one sided and obvious backing doesn't tell me anything other than what you wish for me to believe. It's not objective in any measure. Is it sad that innocent people are dying on either side yes, but clearly you'd have seen me say this if you actually understood what anyone says beyond your myopic view.

Your eyes are quite open and you're so educated... I know that. Usually blind people have their eyes open all the time too.

Did you get this from a fortune cookie?

I'm against Hamas as much as I'm against the fact of Israel is killing and opressing innocent people. If you missed that part of my posts it's your fault... Oh I forgot. You didn't read the thread.

Actually I did read the thread so this time I'll ask you to refrain from posting material that you know quite well isn't true. As AUP dictates. Unless you have some remote viewing of my PC I can assure you've I have read the entire thread since it opened.

I won't comment your type of language and personal accusations though. I won't go that low. I'm not that educated.

Hey it's your choice, if you can't grasp the fact that Israel has the right to attack back and the fact that Hamas is putting weapons in areas that would get innocents killed so people like you can spew this stuff, then you should stop and ask who really is blind. Since most of us seem to understand what's going on and have voiced how we think it should go instead of how it is going.
I don't see civilians dieing as murder necessarily. It's murder only when they're intentionally killed or not taken into consideration at all.

People may live around military targets. If that is the case, it's the job of the military to try not to kill those people.
Fair enough. 👍 Personally, I do assume(yes, pure assumption) enemy civilian safety are more likely to take backseat, higher the priority of the objective, but that's neither here nor there at this point in the discussion.
Depends on the weapon. WWII carpet bombing is extinct because GBU weapons makes less bombs capable or more thorough destruction while reducing collateral damage. This is the kind of weapon Israel has. For the most part, the bombs and missiles go where they are pointed.
WWII bombers may miss the zip code all together, but even these "GBUs", they are pointed at the area where Hamas are shooting from, right? Near houses & hospitals?
I don't understand. How would they unite if they're disagreement? Why would the side that does not condone unjust attacks unite with the side that does?
There isn't a nation on Earth that doesn't process political conflict within, including whichever country you may reside in. Love them or hate them, all these nations form representation somehow.

Again, my personal opinion, but that's the only way I see peace for the Palestinians. As long as one side of their body keep waging war, and other side playing victim, you are setting up Israel as the oppressor. My advice to them would be to get their house in order.

I do thank the posters in this thread for educating me! I knew that Israelis had no-nonsense military & always hit back hard, but I didn't realize the extent of their mistreatment of the Palestinians. I definitely would like to familiarize myself more on the subject. 👍
I'll give you the answers so that there is no question.
- Israel is trying to kill anyone who would fight them. They don't care how many civilians get in the way.
- Hamas is trying to kill Israelis... that's it. Not Israeli combatants, just Israelis.
Hell yeah. Lets fight fire with EVEN MORE EXPLOSIVE!!!!

Hamas is trying to wipe Israel. I know, lets kill em all Palestinians, not just Hamas. Who cares about taking it on strategic manner? Dont forget to upload them on instagram. Im 1000% sure when they grow up they all joined anyway, right?

Right? [/sigh]

There is a reason most of "neutral" medias focused on Palestine's humanitarian and not their "Hamas" if they want to give Palestine's sympathy.
Question to all of you sane people here with some humanity, where have you been all these years? I'm quite surprised. This kind of **** has been going on for as long as I can remember. First time I see people online reacting to it.

Holy **** I haven't had the time to follow up on news and thought this was a joke.
I do love Fox, when they found the ladder and described it as a "Terror Access Shaft!"... that sounds like a hell of a film, right?
Son of a bitch. Now I have to like your post. I was about to tell him quoting anything from Fox news doesn't help his credibility.
It's like Israel really does own the USA.

Well if we said yes we'd have a lot of explaining to do about our double standards on the whole terrorist thing. You know Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somali, etc. All of which have had many questionable killings of innocents that at this time probably trump what Israel has done.
Actually what you quoted was aimed at another GTPlanet member. And yes, I think Israel does not really care how many civilians they hit. Also though, keep in mind that Israel is not the US. We have spent an absolute fortune developing bombs that can fly in your window or bust through 5 floors before going off in the basement. They don't have every piece of military technology ever invented. Not saying that they care, they don't, just pointing out that you might be holding them to our standard... which is not fair for anyone else on the planet.
Yeah i already thought i got mixed up with all the quoting :D
High tech weapons being what they be, if you start using them in urban areas they are bound to make innocent victims anyhow, doesn't really matter who employs them.

Question to all of you sane people here with some humanity, where have you been all these years? I'm quite surprised. This kind of **** has been going on for as long as I can remember. First time I see people online reacting to it.
Indeed, Good evolution that more and more people in the west are seeing through the smokescreen thanks to the net, and realize what the Israeli's are really doing.
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Well if we said yes we'd have a lot of explaining to do about our double standards on the whole terrorist thing. You know Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somali, etc. All of which have had many questionable killings of innocents that at this time probably trump what Israel has done.
..But since when did your government care about double standards? This is news to me. Especially given their attitude towards Bahrain in recent years.


No off topic please I'm just explaining why that user said what he said.
..But since when did your government care about double standards? This is news to me. Especially given their attitude towards Bahrain in recent years.


No off topic please I'm just explaining why that user said what he said.

You're not explaining what I said at all, I'm saying perhaps we are doing it to just alleviate answering question about our support overall of Israel which has been a great subject of debate since Obama came into office. Or the way I explained it, no where do I say this nation's gov't cares about double standards. Also you'd know I wasn't defending any Gov't decisions my nation makes if you simply read the MH17 thread.

Also what do you mean how we treat your country? Is it hard for the host to be the home of the 5th fleet?