Israel - Palestine discussion thread

"Only terrorists would use pagers"
RIP doctors, I guess.

It's such a false syllogism that it astonishingly coincides with one of the all time great false syllogisms:

Cutting people is wrong.
Surgeons cut people.
Therefore surgeons are wrong.
And yet you're happy to apply a double-standard and repeatedly defend the side that has also engaged in the indiscriminate targeting of civilians on a massive scale.

Israel is a terrorist state.
I was happy to but now I'm not. No need to get aggressive with me after I've conceded.
Military wing of Hezbollah almost beheaded, there are rumours that Nasralla requesting ceasefire through Qatar(we can imagine how mad Iran government now).
I believe this is an explanation for at least one way to track phones, which may be why Hezbollah and others don't like using phones.

I know this may not seem all that controversial to say - at least in this thread - but I cannot help but to be skeptical of whether the funds budgeted for the IDF truly help progress American goals and interests in that part of the world. Heck, many Israelis, including my cousin who emigrated there, would argue that Netanyahu doesn't even serve Israeli interests, let alone American ones.

I'm wondering if the money we sent to the Israeli government could be better-spent elsewhere, even if we just limit ourselves to a purely military context - let alone using that money for something like funding upgrades to American infrastructure. (E.g. highways, bridges, internet, etc.) Personally, out of an admittedly morbid curiosity, I'd like to see that NGAD project get funded if it wasn't already.
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The US had concluded in two separate reports that Israel had blocked aid to Gaza—a fact which would make sending arms to Israel illegal—and Blinken lied to Congress about it so we could keep sending them.

He needs to resign, yesterday.

US support of Israel is "ironclad", don't forget.

He might be sacked for lying to Congress but he certainly won't be sacked for allowing arms sales to Israel.