Israel, who really owns it?

  • Thread starter Delirious
Dahze, long posts and explanations are always welcome and appreciated--this is the Opinions forum, where they are necessary. You also have to expect lots of criticism, as your opinions may get torn apart, piece by piece, and you'll soon figure out who to expect that from. Good writing and intelligence is noticed by everyone, though some just don't care, and it always gets respect. Keep up the good writing because I'm impressed and am eager to recieve more of your insight. The impression may fade after a while, especially when you meet the stand-outs of this are, including Swift, Foolkiller, Zardos, danoff, Speedy (who you've already met), and, most notably, Famine. Watch out for him. I heard that he once kicked Chuck Norris's ass with sheer knowledge. And you know that letter that Einstein delivered to FDR which warned of the imminent discovery of nuclear fission by German physicists which they could then use to make atomic warheads? The same letter which convinced FDR to impliment the Manhattan Project? Yeah, well Famine's name is on that letter, and he's actually the one who delivered it to the pres., though he went by Einstein's name so people wouldn't find out that he is, in fact, God. So where was I? Oh yeah, if I missed any of you genious people, forgive me, as I'm terrible at remembering names.
That was just a long way to ask "Have you met Famine yet?"

EDIT: I forgot to mention Sage, he's pretty good; a6m5; *Mclaren* (or is McLaren?); live4speed; anyone else? Pretty much anyone with a "Quality Posts" badge. But don't rule me out.
Remember one thing though, there is a lot of things our leaders know that they are unable to tell us.
I am guilty of forgetting this at times. So true. Also, I agree with you on the alliance with Israel. I do feel for the oppressed, I really do. But when those "freedom fighters" starts blowing up innocent people with bombs, that's where the line is clearly drawn for me.

P.S. keef, I think you are wonderful. :embarrassed:
Thanks for the comments on my post. I just try to keep things in perspective. I was raised in church, and my pet peeve has always been those who only quote verses and don't know the history. I try to remain well-informed. This is an interesting subject to discuss, and many of you have posted great information.


I have an addition to my small list of Excellent Security Council Vetoing by it's premier vetoer;

2006 - US vetoes UN resolution condeming Israel on Gaza , just a humdrum day-to-day little veto but it begs the question; if it takes one soldier to cover one other soldiers back and if that ratio could be adjusted pop./'skill set', What would that make israel from american efforts on it's behalf on the UN conterstrike Map???

There's also a resolution concerning lebanon to veto, but that can wait the hizbelles alternate use of Missiles & the condemnation of the Haifa strikes. Just breaking, i use Reuters & some BBC. Use whatever (the UN if you don't have a sock for it)

The record of US on UN resolutions i gleaned from This post of Speedy_Samurai's if ure interested.