I really do not understand how anyone can still defend the action of Israel. This was a crime committed in international waters. If ANY other country had acted as Israel had, things would be different now. Instead, we have to stomach (again), the twisted logic of Nazi-like automatons.
Well, not taking sides (because in this kind of situations there's no right side nor wrong side), your country has its pretty share of wantom acts of violence, classified as animal-like by you, in Northern Ireland throughout the last 50 years or so.
The difference is though, that there is peace in Northern Ireland now. 👍
My point is that I believe no country can ever assume a moral majority position towars another on this subject. As we say here in Portugal (we had our share too) every one (read: country) has a roof made of glass.
I believe you are wrong with this statement. There is absolutely no justification in the assumption that one act is acceptable because another similar act in the past preceded it. I am in no doubt that, my great nation has committed some heinous acts at one time or another, but they are where they should be, in the past.
It is worth pointing out too, that throughout history, my country has spent considerable effort fighting for the freedom and liberty of countless millions of people the world over. We could not have built modern civilisation acting as the Israelis have.
So your above statement is pretty much narrow-minded and ignorant (in regard of your own country's actions). If this isn't suffice as an example, please let me know what adjective other than "hypocrytical" would you use to classify UK's active support of Iraq invasion under the argument of the mass-destruction weaponry?
You are assuming that I was in favour of the Iraq invasion. I was not, never have been, and never will be. It goes against everything that I was brought up to believe right and proper, and is a stain on the conscience of my great nation. I also cannot be held responsible for the acts of my own country, particularly those acts, which are performed in ignorance of public opinion.
This also goes back to my original statement that
some Israelis are hypocrites and animals. I do not believe that all Israelis are, only those that believe that this kind of action is acceptable, which seems to be a majority. 👍
I also think you are misunderstanding my usage of the term
'hypocrite'. If there were one group of people on this planet who understand persecution better than most, it would be the Israelis. I find it ironic that the Israelis have now switched roles to become the persecutors themselves.
Aren't we all, to some extent? Seeing as all Israelis are humans (no matter what neo-Nazis think) and humans are members of the animal kingdom.
Does that same understanding not apply to the Palestinians too? If you believe the statement you posted to be true, then surely you should be standing in condemnation of Israel, as I am. 👍