It's been done before, but WHERE'S MAH TRUCKS AT?!?!

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United States
United States
I really miss playing GT5 racing the SVT Lightning and the Tacoma X-Runner online, it was soo fun. So much so I use to own an Xrunner and currently own a 2000 Lightning. My best memory of GT5 Is racing 2 Lotus Elises with an SVT Lightning online, it was a great race and we all had a blast (I ended up losing just barely). Would also like to see a syclone / typhoon, a 454SS and an SRT10 2dr. But Polyphony already has the models from GT6 for the SVT Lightning, I wish whole heartedly they would bring it back to the game. I'd even pay for DLC with it. And the X-Runner too. And Lotus as well, love me some V8 Esprit (25th anniversary, yellow ofc) and Elise / Exige. And there'a no way I can find to reach them directly so I can whine at them.
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