It's Japanese not Japanese...

  • Thread starter VIPFREAK
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
it would be offensive to call someone from Scotland European.

you could call Scottish people European all you want and it doesnt matter if people are offended...because its a fact..we are European...

it doesnt bother me one way or another....
You know, I find it quite humorous with how Politically Correct we have to be in this current society. . . I mean Asian's are afraid of being refered to as rugs, Australians are getting pissed because they are refered to as Abo's basically because they can't spell their ABC's. filipinos are being refered to as Flip which sounds like a nickname of a Dolphin. . . Come on guys get over yourselves. I am a Jewish American. . . What does that mean, you can call me a Kyke and I'll laugh along with you. Normally I am the first to admit I am a kyke. Now a Japanese, That is a Jewish American Princess and I have ran into a lot of them. I can see why Oreintal. . . I mean (PC) Asian people get offended being refered to that. . . My point in this rant is basically because people get too uptight with themselves, get over it and maybe "We could all just get along" . . .
Originally posted by VipFREAK
Just wanted to let you all know that the use of "Japanese" is actually offensive to Japanese ethnicity, so is saying "oriental". I'm sure people aren't doing it on purpose but I've been seeing it more and more so I thought I'd point it out. I doesn't really bother me but it's more out of respect.


I am sorta at a loss for words... (sorta. :D )

To me, there is no frame of reference in this notice about sensitivity.

If this is referring to daily life and people openly/publicly using the word Japanese, then I can only speak for myself.
Use of the word Japanese is not polite, but I have used it in the past... However, I have never used it directly speaking to a japanese person in a derogatory way.

If this notice was related to the internet and the use of Japanese on this site...

Nah, forget that, now we are just catering. Japanese is short for japanese and on a site about a japanese video game and a million different japanese cars, I think it is only fair to let people make their own judgments about their own usage of the word.

Yes Japanese can be offensive, but so can a whole bunch of other words a few of the WW2 generation men and women could come up with... so if this is about racism in an open and diliberate sense, you're not gonna make it with anyone anyhow. :D
If people were trying to be racist, there would be other more offensive terms to use.

But if this is a notice that at times Japanese is used and it doesn't need to be, well then cool, I like people with manners who are polite and considerate of other people.
That is a good thing.

Then again, who are you man?
The heat? :odd:

btw, miata... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Killin me over here. ;)

Can I be offended since all the whops at my local bar call me a drunken arse mick?
Originally posted by GoKents
btw, miata... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Killin me over here. ;)

Can I be offended since all the whops at my local bar call me a drunken arse mick?
Have no Fear Kent, have a beer and we'll discuss our Drunken Arse Mick and Kykeness together : ). That was basically my point in posting that is that we are all a bunch of uptight sissies when it comes over to being "PC". . . Glad my point was taken with humor instead of bashing : )
Here's how I see it; calling a japanese person"Oriental" is like calling me a "New Englander." It's not racial in any way, nor derogatory; it simply tells where I'm from. Calling them a Japanese on the other hand, that's just wrong (it's like calling African Americans "Niggers," not only will they beat you up, but alot of white people will as well).
Well, in America anyway, it has distinct negative connotations left over from WWII. It's much more akin to calling a German person a Heinie or a French person a Frog than it is to calling someone a Brit.
Just thought I'd throw this in but I honestly think it's funny how mexicans get away driving those "lowrider" cars with what 10 inch rims but the tires are 10 inch wide and they stick out 10 inches from the side of the car. No one laughs at them yet if any other race especially an asian did it peoples sides would be splitting in laughter.
Just thought I'd throw this in but I honestly think it's funny how mexicans get away driving those "lowrider" cars with what 10 inch rims but the tires are 10 inch wide and they stick out 10 inches from the side of the car. No one laughs at them yet if any other race especially an asian did it peoples sides would be splitting in laughter.

I laugh at them.
I was always taught that things like rugs or food were Oriental, but people from that part of the world were Asian.

And, milefile, I used to know why it was "The Orient", but it's lost in the fog of my memory.
So next time the Simpsons show the English wearing top hats and speaking with lisps and talking all posh I can sue them? And the next WW2 game where the Americans 'Saved our backsides' and get all the credit for winning the war I can sue the makers?
I'm sorry, I just feel like being politically correct.

On the Japanese, Brit (am one), yank, flip (I have a Philipino friend, I'll ask if he finds it offensive) topic. They are all just abbreviations. I know some might find them offensive, but its just like any name, people are too lazy to say/type a few extra syllables.
My understanding is that Europeans called it the orient because the sun rose in the east, over Asia, so they called it orient, relative to sunrise for Europeans. Of course this is inhernetly flawed because the Earth is a sphere and to Japan, North America would be "the Orient", following the same logic. So bigotry and political correctness aside, "oriental" is just inaccurate and ignorant, unless you're a rug.
Milefile is right. The term 'orient' does have its European roots in the portion of the sky place where the sun rises. Incidently, the corresponding term for the Western Hemisphere is occident. Which is funny if you consider that anyone in Europe, Africas and Americas is 'Occidental' using the same naming convention.

I am Asian. Chinese to be exact. I don't find the term "Oriental" offensive at all. A silly anachronism perhaps, but not offensive. In my opinion, you really have to be going out of your way to be delicate if you wanna get huffy about that.

I am also 1/8th Japanese. I generally don't find the term Japanese offensive, unless its is followed by the word "crap". It has been at least two generations since the term was used as an insult; it just doesn't have as much bite anymore. I have a good friend who is German. If I called him a 'kraut' he'd find it pretty funny.

But as with many terms, context is more imporant than the word itself. "I ordered some of these Japanese parts from a website" is a pretty neutral sentance, while "I'd never buy a Japanese car" is clearly bigoted.

Originally posted by ///M-Spec
I am Asian. Chinese to be exact.
Funny... even though I'm half Asian myself (I look full Asian though), I've always thought that you were white, like Duke or Eric (no clue why).

Carry on, carry on. :)
Hmmm... This is an interesting topic. On an interesting note some American GIs used the word 'oriental' to describe the 'slanty' eyes of those in Asian countries, although we know for a fact those eyes are NOT slanted! To me calling someone Japanese is like saying the 'N' word to those of African heritage. A few years ago I found a second meaning to that word which is also considered offensive in another culture:


Pronunciation: ( Japanese), [key]
—n. Slang (disparaging and offensive).
a pampered young Jewish woman, esp. one who takes material advantages for granted.
its was used in WW2, and serval thousands japanese where sent to camps,while everything they had was sold to the highest bidder, and a few filipinos where also sent to the camps
I am, you are, we are Australian.

Not Aussie. I find that term offensive. :|

I understand about that Japanese name now, but you know people aren't using it in that context. It probably just shows the laziness of us all when we can't be bothered saying Japanese so we just say Japanese ( I know I do, and Japanese people don't find it too offensive as they know the context it's in).
Oh please I know plenty of oriental people who don't care if they are called Japanese, chinese or orients cause it wouldn't be seen as a offense to their race. Now call them something rude for example chink or skwint eyes or skwinty and thats will be taking offense. why do people get caught up in being so politically correct that they end up making stupid statements about race.
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
I am, you are, we are Australian.

Not Aussie. I find that term offensive. :|

i dont really like the term "aussie" much, but i dont care if people call me an aussie though
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
I am, you are, we are Australian.

Not Aussie. I find that term offensive. :|

Haha, the add with that song is funny cause the guy at the start does this funny hand movment!:lol:

I don't like the term "aussie either, sounds funny. But I don't find it offensive one bit!
Originally posted by VIPERGTSR01
i dont really like the term "aussie" much, but i dont care if people call me an aussie though

To you guys credit (Australians), you have a good sense of humour. You take a lot of shtick from other countries about sheep and stuff, but generally take it in your stride. 👍 For example, the other day an Australian member said that he was stereotyped cos he was a skater dude. I then said "being Australian didnt help", to which he replied "sure doesnt :P ". I suspect that if I had said the same thing about an American member, I would have been stomped on. Hard. *

I didnt know the term "Aussie" was not liked by some. I used to call Australians, "Ozzies", but nobody knew what I was on about, so I use the term "Aussies" now. Most Australians call themselves "Aussies" so I dont know what the fuss is.

Poms, Frogs and Aussies seem to be less sensitive about being labelled with those names then I sense Americans would be. :confused:

*(kudos to the Aussie member in question, incidentally)
Originally posted by Mike Rotch
To you guys credit (Australians), you have a good sense of humour. You take a lot of shtick from other countries about sheep and stuff, but generally take it in your stride. 👍 For example, the other day an Australian member said that he was stereotyped cos he was a skater dude. I then said "being Australian didnt help", to which he replied "sure doesnt :P ". I suspect that if I had said the same thing about an American member, I would have been stomped on. Hard. *
Sheep? :odd: I think you're getting mixed up with New Zealand there. Australia's mascot is the kangaroo and/or wallaby.

*(kudos to the Aussie member in question, incidentally) [/B]