It's Japanese not Japanese...

  • Thread starter VIPFREAK
Originally posted by Mike Rotch
Poms, Frogs and Aussies seem to be less sensitive about being labelled with those names then I sense Americans would be.
Americans aren't sensitive at all about being called Yanks, Joes, yanquis, whatever.

"Fat lazy greedy moronic imperialist bullies" is starting to wear a little thin, though.
how come people mix up the asian ecthnics because the other day some group just ask me if i was japanese,korean,chinese,mong,etc and i just said that last thing that they couldn't come up with; and that was filipino
Because you all look the same.

Just kidding.

I used to not be able to tell different Asian nationalities but I am better at it now. I can still mistake a Korean for a Chinese or a Laotian for a Cambodian. But the difference between Japanese and Chinese is easy. It's like knowing what tribe or nation an African is from. How many people can do that? They are all just "African", and you are all just "Asian". I have never considered myself "European", though.
Originally posted by milefile
It's like knowing what tribe or nation an African is from. How many people can do that?

I mix up Koreans, Japanese and Chinese quite often. I really do. You can't always be right, because people move around even in the most isolated of societies. Europeans have a wide distribution of racial features just like Asians and Africans do.

There are freckled, rosey cheeked and red haired Russians I'd swear are Irish. Olive skinned, dark eyed Germans and blond and blue eyed Brazilians. There are people in China and Mongolia who are descendant from celts. Ever met a full blooded Cherokee you thought was South Pacific Islander? You can't always know for sure where someone is from.

You take a lot of shtick from other countries about sheep and stuff, but generally take it in your stride.

Oh okay, just because New Zealand and Australia are bigger they get credit for putting up with sheep jokes? WE (welsh) have to aswell!

I asked my friend who was born in the Philipines, lived there for a few years and has a Philipino mum, if he saw the name flip as insulting and he said he didn't. But I won't push it because he'll probably hit me.....again :irked:
I'm about as white as Pat Morita.

Who is Eric?
Some white prick.
I can readily tell most Japanese, Chinese, Phillipinos, and Koreans apart, but the rest of the Asian nationalities are quite a bit harder to tell apart, since there aren't very many of them (most Thai people look like a cross between Chinese and Korean, for example).

Yep. He looks just like me....
Originally posted by ExigeExcel
Oh okay, just because New Zealand and Australia are bigger they get credit for putting up with sheep jokes? WE (welsh) have to aswell!

I thought Wales was an English town. Jokes

To be honest, I can't tell between a Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese person. Usually I juust ask which part of Japan they are from. That usually illicits the correct answer. But seriously though, one can sorta tell from the persons name where they are from.

Americans aren't sensitive at all about being called Yanks, Joes, yanquis, whatever.

👍 Good to know.
I often say I'm a yank. But, since I'm a southerner, I'm not the epitome of yankee. Them fellas up north are doubly yankee.
Originally posted by VipFREAK
Just wanted to let you all know that the use of "Japanese" is actually offensive to Japanese ethnicity, so is saying "oriental". I'm sure people aren't doing it on purpose but I've been seeing it more and more so I thought I'd point it out. I doesn't really bother me but it's more out of respect.


i can't believe you made a post about this.......
Originally posted by neon_duke
I was always taught that things like rugs or food were Oriental, but people from that part of the world were Asian.

Yeah, that's the impression I was under.

But in the culinary world, food is very often refered to as Asian food. Go figure.