Jaguar Reveals Rebrand for its EV Future (šŸ˜¬)

  • Thread starter Famine
The new brand advert video. Take a look, its quite dramatic. There has been lots of talk about why Jaguar would do such a horrendous thing as that. Its this Jaguar director.
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I'm pretty certain they are trolling with new their advert - not the most original idea, but I presume they just wanted it to go 'viral'. Meanwhile, they've posted a teaser of the new car...

You say that like the ā€œtrollingā€ has stopped with that teaser image. No, they are still committed to alienating everyone.
so it's not bad because it's jumping on the generic Apple clone design ethos a decade after companies started getting made fun of for doing it (again, it's been so long that companies have already started switching back)
it's not bad because it's stupidly formatted in a way that draws direct attention to the fact that it is just the current Google logo
it's not bad because the accompanying ad is art student wankery that does nothing for the brand

it's bad because of WOKE.
Other than people with varying skin colours prancing around in tacky, retro-neon outfits, Iā€™m not sure what exactly was woke about a bad fashion show.

Been seeing a lot of that vocabulary in the Jaguar discussion lately. But hey being overtly racist on social media is cool now, so not surprising.
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Forbes has an article on the advert and has quoted some experts about it.

ā€œFrom a branding perspective, the rebrand feels like a misstep. The video, featuring androgynous models in gender-neutral or gender-bending attire, risks alienating traditional customers in a climate where numerous brands have recently faced backlash for their perceived political stances,ā€ Bruno Benedini, founder of Taillight Branding, observed via email.

ā€œMore importantly, the campaign appears disconnected from the very traits Jaguar spent decades building. Gone are the understated elegance, performance nods, and any clear connection to British heritageā€¦For a car company to launch a rebrand video without a single reference to its carsā€”its core productā€”is simply mind-boggling,ā€ he pointed out.

Rebranding efforts should not stray from what people believe or are comfortable with.

ā€œThe ad was bold and seems to be, at first glance, parallel to what failed Anheuser Busch and the marketing of its Bud Light line, in that the ad is far removed from what the majority of its consumer base likely believes. Culturally, [it is] dangerous to operate on the fringes of socially accepted norms,ā€ Michael Toebe, a trust, risk management, communications and reputation specialist at Reputation Intelligence - Reputation Quality, warned via email.

Forbes article
The new brand advert video. Take a look, its quite dramatic. There has been lots of talk about why Jaguar would do such a horrendous thing as that. Its this Jaguar director.
You... do know that's a (hilariously vulgar) musical created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park/Team America, right?
The new brand advert video. Take a look, its quite dramatic. There has been lots of talk about why Jaguar would do such a horrendous thing as that. Its this Jaguar director.
Buddyā€¦ people are trying to point out to you that this guy being queer has nothing to do with your distaste for the company's new design direction. It is an embarrassing opinion to voice, hence why people are laughing at you.
Buddyā€¦ people are trying to point out to you that this guy being queer has nothing to do with your distaste for the company's new design direction. It is an embarrassing opinion to voice, hence why people are laughing at you.
I think you have only shone a light into your own feelings.
You realise the Q word is defined as offensive in English language and should only be used to describe oneself.
My view is to do with him being visually camp style not homosexual. This is why I think the taste is ridiculous, just look at him.
Off the top of my head I can name three homosexual celebrities Sir Ian McKellen, Stephen Fry and Graham Norton. I appreciate two the other is horribly camp.

You... do know that's a (hilariously vulgar) musical created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park/Team America, right?
I thought it looked a bit much. No, I had no idea. Just adding the Daily Mail's extra "image". Good old Daily Mail.
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You realise the Q word is defined as offensive in English language and should only be used to describe oneself.
You might want to check into the meaning of LGBTQIA+...
Weird segue from a car company rebrand, but there we go I guess.
Can we get back to the topic now, and off this weird vibe of "obviously it was bad, a gay did it"?

Edit: No, that's not one of those optional requests.

Edit: No, that's not one of those optional requests.
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I drove a Jaguar E-Type around Deep Forest in GT7 last night to remember what made Jaguar soo special. This analogy might be strange but when you see one of your loved ones die from natural causes, it's tragic but when they kill themselves, it's soo much worse. This is what Jaguar has done and it makes me angry, not sad because the brand means soo much to soo many people. It's one of my favourite car manufacturers, and I'm not just saying that as part of my shtick - I genuinely mean it. My first dream car was an XJ220 and I still love the car despite being a whole lot older nowadays. Dad always spoke about it and being able to buy one in GT4 was one of my most special moments. Dad also remembers seeing the TWR XJS's conquer Bathurst in the mid '80s and I've been able to see them both on track and off at historic race meetings. Larry Perkins drove an XJR-9 in 1988 during that incredible race where Jaguar won outright again after more than 30 years. Their road cars weren't always the greatest but they had charm, and the newer models like the XK, F-Type and XF were all distinct in their character. You can't just wipe that all away to promote some stupid agenda that people are not interested in discussing. I'm not against gay or trans people and I don't think many of us are, but taking an established brand that's well loved and turning it into something completely different is wrong. Perhaps our views don't align but business is all about giving the customers what they want. That's it. When I studied graphic design at uni, I learnt that the client is the priority, not you so park any outstanding agendas you might have and do the job. Work together to create the desired product. Seeing this new rebrand goes against everything I've been told, so there's no way that it's going to succeed. The brand is better off dying with dignity than living a lie that people won't buy into. As we sometimes say, "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain". This is not Jaguar. This is a sick joke that insults car enthusiasts all over and makes William Lyons turn in his grave. We are not the enemy, we just want cars that reflect the brand and it's history in an exciting way.
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Iā€™m honestly shocked they didnā€™t change the name from Jaguar to Kitty. It would fit the overall tone so much better. But nope, they have to rub it in like those fugly MG EV SUVs.
This really is a shame. Can't say I'm that surprised, though. The whole world seems to have gone bonkers in recent times. This entire 'green' agenda that's continuously being promoted all over the place is bound to attract a particular type of customer (or they're hoping it will)
Most likely Stop the Oil protesters, people against fracking, younger people who think we're all going to die in the next 5 years unless we all stop using fossil fuels, Greta Thunbergs, etc.

As time passes, I have no doubt that more and more people will latch on to these views because they're constantly being propagated in the media, at least in Europe (not sure about elsewhere) An insidious form of propaganda and brainwashing. All designed for someone behind the scenes to make a lotta šŸ¤‘ šŸ’°
This really is a shame. Can't say I'm that surprised, though. The whole world seems to have gone bonkers in recent times. This entire 'green' agenda that's continuously being promoted all over the place is bound to attract a particular type of customer (or they're hoping it will)
That particular type of customer is someone who thrives on being politically correct. So they are easily persuaded by the media and capitalize on the approval of others who also subscribe to the consensus of the so-called masses. Oftentimes they only pretend to care for the climate etc. because itā€™s uncool not to. šŸ’©

JaGUarā€™s campaign is like the epitome of such thinking, because it goes very far to signal political correctness in everything from environmental sustainability to gender, sexuality and race. However, like I said earlier, the people behind this rebranding move are tone-deaf. The ideals behind wokeness are currently getting challenged by multiple things. The European EV industry is struggling, Trump won the US election and Western civilization is preoccupied defending itself. Jaguar is biting off more than they can chew in this political climate.
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Been seeing a lot of that vocabulary in the Jaguar discussion lately. But hey being overtly racist on social media is cool now, so not surprising.
Yes I've witnessed a lot of that too, when it comes to the online news article comments about the new Jaguar branding.
Bare in mind this isn't a verbatim quote, but one comment I read went along the lines of: 'They need to get rid of all the (Cockney rhyming slang for the 'N' word)'s from the advert, as those type of people will always ruin your brand'.

So yeah, if that comment is anything to go by, I'd say it's actually those kind of people that leave those types of comments, that you wouldn't want as your customers or associated with your brand, (unless your name's Musk, that is).

I take my hat off to Jaguar for doing something different within the space of car advertising. I don't even mind the font they've used for their new logo. I think it looks better than just using a 'Carhartt' style type font, that other graphic designers have suggested as a "fix" for the new Jaguar logo.

I'm really looking forward to see what this 2-seater concept car's going to look like, and the new 4-door too.
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The Jaguar director who lives in UK.
Anyway, Now I understand. The advert, the branding.
I think you should be looking more towards whoever it was at Coley Porter Bell, the advertising/marketing agency behind the new Jaguar campaign, to who came up with the concept.

Car manufacturers don't produce branding campaigns inhouse.
What is "wokeness",
Woke mentality. Nearly everything that appears to inform this rebranding move.
what are the ideals behind it, and how are they being challenged?
Political correctness. Itā€™s a set of ideals pertaining to doing ā€œthe right thingā€, but the right thing is influenced by a consensus. The challenges are the things I already mentioned, but I can elaborate:

What is politically correct when German car manufacturers struggle financially because lots of car buyers reject EVs? Legislation and consumer habits appear somewhat incompatible.

How will US hegemony impact Western value systems with a soon-to-be president who conspires against Western institutions? European countries may soon begin to disassociate in some areas.

How influential will Western culture be in years to come? Its future in the Eastern hemisphere doesnā€™t look as bright as it did in 1989.

JaGUar doesnā€™t seem to grasp all this. Theyā€™re acting overconfident by reaching for a woke audience that could soon get marginalized by radical shifts in the world.
Woke mentality.
What is "woke mentality"? You just tried to define a word by using the same word.
Political correctness.
What is "political correctness"? Why is it the same thing as "wokeness" and "woke mentality" when it's a different phrase?
Itā€™s a set of ideals pertaining to doing ā€œthe right thingā€, but the right thing is influenced by a consensus.
Okay. Can you name some of these ideals?
What is politically correct when German car manufacturers struggle financially because lots of car buyers reject EVs? Legislation and consumer habits appear somewhat incompatible.
Which part is the "woke" part here? I'm not following how specifically German car manufacturers making EVs that "lots of car buyers reject" - battery-electric cars were the second biggest group of powertrains in the UK in October, and outsold diesel by 3.3:1; plug-ins outsold diesel by almost 1.5:1; combined, they outsold diesel by about 4.9:1; petrol still has the largest share at 50% but this fell by 14% compared to September and the only type to increase its share was BEV at +24% - and legislation is "woke".

Are EVs "woke"? Why? What makes them "woke"?

If it's your contention that EVs are "the right thing" "influenced by a consensus" and "lots of car buyers reject EVs", how can they be "woke" if the consensus is against them?

How will US hegemony impact Western value systems with a soon-to-be president who conspires against Western institutions? European countries may soon begin to disassociate in some areas.
Hmmmm... is Trump "woke" now? The US certainly came to the consensus that he's the right guy and he'll do the right things...
How influential will Western culture be in years to come? Its future in the Eastern hemisphere doesnā€™t look as bright as it did in 1989.
Which is the "woke" part here?
JaGUar doesnā€™t seem to grasp all this. Theyā€™re acting overconfident by reaching for a woke audience that could soon get marginalized by radical shifts in the world.
What is a "woke audience"? An audience that does "the right thing" "influenced by a consensus" of... itself?

Just to help out in the confusion, I'm vaguely aware that "woke" means "alert to social and institutional injustices" and was coined in relation to endemic racism in segregation-era America as an AAVE variant of "awake". Not wholly sure how that applies to EVs though.
What is "woke mentality"? You just tried to define a word by using the same word.

What is "political correctness"? Why is it the same thing as "wokeness" and "woke mentality" when it's a different phrase?
Woke mentality revolves around some peopleā€™s urge to ā€œdo the right thingā€ because they want to associate with ideas of what has been deemed politically correct by consensus. As the author of the article you should already know this. Itā€™s the elephant in the room surrounding this story.

Which part is the "woke" part here? I'm not following how German car manufacturers making EVs that "lots of car buyers reject" - battery-electric cars were the second biggest group of powertrains in the UK in October, and outsold diesel by 3.3:1; plug-ins outsold diesel by almost 1.5:1; combined, they outsold diesel by about 4.9:1; petrol still has the largest share at 50% but this fell by 14% compared to September and the only type to increase its share was BEV at +24% - and legislation is "woke".
Well, German EVs sell relatively well in UK and Scandinavia. Rest of Europe is a different story, including Germany. The EU has this 2035 plan for ICE bans, but consumers arenā€™t catching up with sufficient EV demand.
Are EVs "woke"? Why? What makes them "woke"?
No. Driving an EV is woke if you do it to come across politically correct.
If it's your contention that EVs are "the right thing" "influenced by a consensus" and "lots of car buyers reject EVs", how can they be "woke" if the consensus is against them?
Thatā€™s why I pointed it out as a challenge. Not too long ago it was considered politically correct to own an EV, and it still is. Meanwhile, EU legislators are now promoting EVs to the point where some manufactures have overestimated actual demand. JaGUar should have taken note before doing this.
Hmmmm... is Trump "woke" now? The US certainly came to the consensus that he's the right guy and he'll do the right things...
Trump is anything but woke, hence representing another challenge JaGUar may have failed to notice. Iā€™m repeating myself.
Which is the "woke" part here?
None, thatā€™s the point.
What is a "woke audience"? An audience that does "the right thing" "influenced by a consensus" of... itself?
Iā€™d say so, except consensus is primarily reinforced by the media.
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Woke mentality revolves around some peopleā€™s urge to ā€œdo the right thingā€ because they want to associate with ideas of what has been deemed politically correct by consensus.
What is "political correctness"? Why is it the same thing as "wokeness" and "woke mentality" when it's a different phrase?
As the author of the article you should already know this.
What article?

As the person using the phrases "woke" and "political correctness", I'd expect that you would already know what they mean - but you're self-referentially defining them. "Woke" is "political correctness" which decides "wokeness"..?

Well, German EVs sell relatively well in UK and Scandinavia. Rest of Europe is a different story, including Germany. The EU has this 2035 plan for ICE bans, but consumers arenā€™t catching up with sufficient demand.
Okay... so the UK and Scandinavia are woke for their consensus in buying EVs, but the rest of Europe isn't woke for its consensus in not buying EVs?

Didn't you just say that the "right thing" as "influenced by a consensus" is "woke"?

No. Driving an EV is woke if you do it to come across politically correct.
What does this actually mean?
Thatā€™s why I pointed it out as a challenge. Not too long ago it was considered politically correct to own an EV, and it still is. Meanwhile, EU legislators are now promoting EVs to the point where some manufactures have overestimated actual demand. JaGUar should have taken note before doing this.
Why was it considered "politically correct" to own an EV when it was - and still is - a small part of the car parc and contrary to the consensus of "the right thing" you say defines woke/politically correct?

If legislation and manufacturers are overestimating demand (they're not; the legislation is designed to enforce demand) then they're also contrary to the consensus of the right thing, and not "woke" by your vague definition of it.

Where is the "challenge" to "wokeness" in this?

Trump is anything but woke, hence representing another challenge JaGUar may have failed to notice. Iā€™m repeating myself.
A plurality of Americans and a majority of both states and state electors came down on the consensus that Trump is the right person to do the right things for the office of Presidency.

If "the right thing" as "influenced as a consensus" is "woke", Trump is "woke".

I suspect your difficulty in defining "woke" is the issue here.

None, thatā€™s the point.
There's no "woke" part of a statement you made in response to a question about what's challenging "wokeness"? What was the point of posting it then?
I think some EVs can be very cool - like the Ioniq 5 N or the Taycan - but I'm more offended by how Jaguar feels some sort of need to rebuild from zero. For some companies, I think that'd be a solid strategy, but not a company that's built up this massive history like Jaguar. Could you imagine if an even more recognizable company, like Nintendo or Ferrari, did something like this?

EDIT: There's even this one high-end car dealership in my state, Miller Motor Cars, and they've been liking certain Jaguar-related posts insofar that I get the impression they're not fans of this new campaign, either.

EDIT2: On a similar note, I think Lotus has this perfect opportunity to go into EVs while still paying tribute to what makes them special. Consider that many EVs are heavy. Lotus is known for having very lightweight cars like the Elan, the Seven, and the Elise, right? So I think it'd make sense for Lotus to focus their R&D into making lighter EVs. Including EV SUVs/crossovers that could still be notably lighter than similar vehicles, like the Porsche Macan EV. Basically, my ideal Lotus EV SUV would be the exact opposite of the GMC Hummer EV.
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What article?
Thread then. I forgot there was no GTP article.
As the person using the phrases "woke" and "political correctness", I'd expect that you would already know what they mean - but you're self-referentially defining them. "Woke" is "political correctness" which decides "wokeness"..?

Okay... so the UK and Scandinavia are woke for their consensus in buying EVs, but the rest of Europe isn't woke for its consensus in not buying EVs?

Didn't you just say that the "right thing" as "influenced by a consensus" is "woke"?

What does this actually mean?

Why was it considered "politically correct" to own an EV when it was - and still is - a small part of the car parc and contrary to the consensus of "the right thing" you say defines woke/politically correct?

If legislation and manufacturers are overestimating demand (they're not; the legislation is designed to enforce demand) then they're also contrary to the consensus of the right thing, and not "woke" by your vague definition of it.

Where is the "challenge" to "wokeness" in this?

A plurality of Americans and a majority of both states and state electors came down on the consensus that Trump is the right person to do the right things for the office of Presidency.

If "the right thing" as "influenced as a consensus" is "woke", Trump is "woke".

I suspect your difficulty in defining "woke" is the issue here.

There's no "woke" part of a statement you made in response to a question about what's challenging "wokeness"? What was the point of posting it then?
Iā€™m getting fed up with all the questions here. Iā€™ve already elaborated on my points, and I have nothing more to add to them.
Thread then. I forgot there was no GTP article.
I posted the video, the press release (with images), and an opinion that "Copy Nothing" was a bit optimistic as the new logo font/wordmark copied the Marvel's Hawkeye one.

Nothing about "woke" or "politically correct", or EVs, so I'm not sure what I "should already know" about these things on the basis of that post.

Iā€™m getting fed up with all the questions here.
It's only really the one question, and you've not really come close to hitting an answer.
EDIT2: On a similar note, I think Lotus has this perfect opportunity to go into EVs while still paying tribute to what makes them special. Consider that many EVs are heavy. Lotus is known for having very lightweight cars like the Elan, the Seven, and the Elise, right? So I think it'd make sense for Lotus to focus their R&D into making lighter EVs. Including EV SUVs/crossovers that could still be notably lighter than similar vehicles, like the Porsche Macan EV. Basically, my ideal Lotus EV SUV would be the exact opposite of the GMC Hummer EV.
Lotus are already deep into electrification of their current and future range. Don't forget, they engineered and made the original Tesla Roadster for Tesla. However the Eletre, their SUV, is 2600kgs, the upcoming saloon, the Emeya, a touch less at 2550kgs and their hypercar, the Evija, is 1900kgs - so hardly lightweights in the mould of the 750kg Elise.
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