Jaguar XJ13 Chrome Line and Home Racing Suit for FREE! works EU account only

  • Thread starter Sania
Doesn't work - Crashed on Firefox before I could even start - but using Chrome it wouldn't crash/freeze at the point it was supposed too.

Anyone have any spare codes?
could some one please do it for me too? I don't have facebook and I've already asked a couple times on here :nervous:

pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
with a cherry on top?
Ok guys, I'm willing to create a facebook account and get a code for any of you, but I want something back.
A car in the 1M-2M range would be nice.
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Thanks to original poster. Got my Jag and I love it.

For the life of me i cannot get this to work. facebook just wont load the grudges despite my best efforts.

i would be most gratefull if someone could get a code for me please. unfortunatly due to long work hours i'm not really far enough into the game to own a fair trade for it but feel free to add me to your friends list and if future you ever wants a car future me happens to have i will gladly return the favour
I have a spare code that I'll trade for a nice car, doesn't have to be a race car or Lamborghini, but I'd like something that theres not 50 of in the used car dealer if possible.

PM me and the first that has a trade that isnt complete nonsense like Yaris/Vitz/Daihatsu/Kart/70s crap 25 bhp japanese car will get my code.

EDIT: GT-Queen-1984 got it
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It worked, it seems confusing initially but if you do the minigame and then press Settle a grudge with a mate, select 5 or whatever from My Locale and go back to GT5 Profile, the codes are there.
For all the guys having issues... I HAVE 2 X Codes available and accepting trade offers.

PM me and I will send code for a worthwhile trade, took a huge effort to get the 2 codes.

willing to trade some of my better 500,000 credit cars (which includes performance parts) for a jaguar!!!
please pm me to work out a deal!
im only level 18, but i can assure you the cars i am offering are SWEET as for as speed, handling, and fun to drive goes - the sounds on them too are AMAZING!!!!!
I got both the suit and the car codes and am completely willing to trade for a normal Jaguar XJ-13 Race Car or Ferrari P330. PM me if interested. (If you send me a message via PSN, I will be unable to answer until tommorow.)

Edit: As a last option, I will also trade for a Ferrari 458 Italia or Miura Bertone Prototype.
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willing to trade some of my better 500,000 credit cars (which includes performance parts) for a jaguar!!!
please pm me to work out a deal!
im only level 18, but i can assure you the cars i am offering are SWEET as for as speed, handling, and fun to drive goes - the sounds on them too are AMAZING!!!!!

Watain will be receiving a code from me....


First to PM me with a good offer will get it :)
Hi-I've been lurking a while and just signed up to give away the codes I got for doing this game. I thought there would be some way to get them to US users, but since there's not I might as well share.

A donation car in trade would be cool, but not required.

PM me for the codes and I'll send them.---Edit: code sent out.
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I got 2 codes as well. If anyone is interested I will give them away, just PM me.

I will not ask for any car but if you are kind enough, I'd be more than willing to accept any car as a thank you.
I got 2 codes as well. If anyone is interested I will give them away, just PM me.

I will not ask for any car but if you are kind enough, I'd be more than willing to accept any car as a thank you.
Hi Erizo,
Very generous of you-would love one of those codes!

P.S. don't seem to be able to PM you?
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I got my codes and procede to redem codes" and download and install the 100kb car...
So..where does the car shows up ?? can't find it.
I have a Spain account ( europe )..
I also went for the 3 free cars on my Japanesse account and download them but dont see them anywere on the game neither !!!!!
Any help ????
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I got 2 codes as well. If anyone is interested I will give them away, just PM me.

I will not ask for any car but if you are kind enough, I'd be more than willing to accept any car as a thank you.

I'm interested too and I left my request on your public profile, since it seems like you did not enable an option in your control panel to allow members to directly send you private messages.
I've heard of people getting these onto their US account. Anyone done it? I have a JPN and HK account, no EU... so if I make an EU account on my PS3 and activate it there, will I be able to get the Jag in my US game?
There are 27 pages to try to read through. So hopefully, if I ask nicely, someone that knows can answer a few questions that I have to be faster and easier. (I've read the first post, and some of the most recent page.)

1) Is this still available? (the chromline cars)
2) Does the paint "cloning" process work for these chromeline cars? (do you get paintchip with car)
3) Just as reconfirmation, aren't we able to make as many PSN accounts as we want(including the option to make a US & EU psn accounts)? All on one console?