jgda9rs gt4 gallery -PMC Week 190 entry

  • Thread starter jgda9rs
*jaw hits the ground drool everywhere*

The Bentley shot is STUNNING!! Those of you who are reading this and haven't enlarged the thumbnail, stop reading and enlarge it, be sure to grab kleenyx. The attention to detail and how well it shows up in the shot is UNBELIEVABLE!! The color, contrast, lighting, sharpness is perfect! SUAVE shot!!!!

^^^^ Woooh, what more to say! That camera in not very populat btw, so it also looks better. Notice the composition as well, the complex reflections Vs the textures and white stripes of the tarmac! This shot should win a Brutal adjetive for sure.

PS. Are the DC2 rims from a Vette? I want one of that Integra so cool like yours.


thanks so much guys! that photo took me so long to finish. might be the best nightshot i've done so far. hope it's not the last. alex, yes the rims are from a corvette grandsport. you know, the one with the blue paint and white stripes on it. just dont do any close up shots of the center of the rim, coz it has a vette logo on it (or was it a chevy logo). many thanks again!!!! i wish there were a compo where i could enter this photo. oh wells...i've won the battle against myself!! i'm planning on doing a photoshoot for my deviant art account. i'll let you guys know when it's done. i'm just waiting for the snow storm we're supposed to get soon. hearing alex give it a brutale adjective just makes me really happy knowing it's actually turned out great!!

PS: These are the best comments i've gotten here so far!!! Hope it doesn't stop. I can't wait till me and TVR&FF are done with our first joint venture photos. it's gonna be great!!
I agree, that is a extremely suberb shot. I love how the reflections show all the curves and lines of the car. Great angle, framing, lighting, contrast and colours. What more is there to say, good work. 👍👍
thanks drift. the good news is, that's not the last one. i have more photos of that car coming up. among a few others. when they're done that is. :D
Jgda9rs people will soon find out the process, which you used in that Mercedes-Benz 190E a couple pages ago. Anyway I like the two Integra shots.
is that good or bad ? i dont think it's too early, as someone has posted it here a long time ago, which is how i heard about it in the first place. anyways, thanks
Stunning. I really congratulate you on improving so much since I saw your first photos. The Acura Integra is very balanced. The angle of the photo is very unique, I'm not sure I've ever seen a similiar angle. I do prefer the first shot because the color of the car matches the venue perfectly. The Bentley shot is one of your best in my opinion. I think it had some jagged edges towards the rear of the car because of the blurred edges. Even so it is made up in the area of color, contrast, framing, brightness, road blurr, sharpness of the paint on the cockpit and surrounding areas, and the overall composition of the photo. Well done bud 👍
thanks so much dude! glad u liked them. here's another one of the bentley that i just finished. more to come too. . .

I really like the second one, great sense of corner speed. The red and white barrier works perfectly for the photo as well. Well done.
The ITR and 2nd Bentley are fantastic
Speed12s are nice too, but the last one is kinda funky :D
The second Bentley shot is awesome 👍

thanks dude.

Ooh, that first bentley shot of your last update rocks! 👍

thanks ray!

Great complex reflections. That track seems working perfectly to do this, rather racing with that car type :D


thanks alex. I actually don't have the Bentley in my garage, it was a demo replay file that came with the game. i just took the pics. but, it looked like a pretty intense race. but i see it's perfect for reflections and colors, as it shows in the photos. i personally don't like the track. i always crash there. but i wouldn't mind having the car in the game. just don't know where i can win it, friend said it was from the nurburgring 24 hour race, but i can't be bothered right now to do it. i still haven't done the 2nd one yet.

I really like the second one, great sense of corner speed. The red and white barrier works perfectly for the photo as well. Well done.


The ITR and 2nd Bentley are fantastic
Speed12s are nice too, but the last one is kinda funky :D

thanks franz. i'm not really fond of my Speed 12 update too much, i mean looking at the bentley's and the teg, the TVR update looks a bit average now. it's weird. the bentley update though did take a lot of cleaning up, and getting the right colors and getting the lighting right took an awful lot of time, but i'm glad they turned out really well. the integra still has to be my favorite of all. it's a bit sentimental since i owned and had the pleasure of modding an older teg, and was a member of clubintegra.net. that is until someone decided to nick my car. now i want a dc2. :D

PS: I love your deviantart gallery. very nice! thanks for visiting mine.
Another great update on the Bentley. Love the angles, framing, colours and contrast. They all add together to make two suburb pictures. 👍

Keep it up.
thanks dude.

I have a lot of new stuff to show everyone on my next coming updates, and here's a little preview of one of them...

Wow, jgda9rs, that Model T shot is awesome!!! Keep it up, great work. If you have time, visit my gallery maybe? Shameless advertising... :lol:
Looks real good that Ford T, that shot has a classic feeling, which I like a lot. Simply BEAUTIFUL!!!!
The Audi is also quite good, good work with the lights.
Hope to see more from U soon...bring that Model T update fast. Cheers:)
Wow, jgda9rs, that Model T shot is awesome!!! Keep it up, great work. If you have time, visit my gallery maybe? Shameless advertising... :lol:

thanks man. yeah maybe i'll do that one day.

Nice shot. Any chance for it in a bigger size?

thanks cod, and yes, i can have it in a bigger size. just depends how big u want it ? just let me know.

That Model T shot is great. I like the angle you have going on there. Definately looking foward to this update.

thanks dude. I'm surprised you guys liked the Model T shot. that one was more of a point and shoot picture! i love it though. i drove it around the nurburgring and it took me 20 minutes hahahaha

Looks real good that Ford T, that shot has a classic feeling, which I like a lot. Simply BEAUTIFUL!!!!
The Audi is also quite good, good work with the lights.
Hope to see more from U soon...bring that Model T update fast. Cheers:)

thanks! unfortunately, the Model T update is going to be a one off for now. but since u asked, i guess i'll have to cancel my Audi update for the time being. or maybe i'll just post them both at once. i was aiming for the vintage feel with that ford, which is basically what it is. that audi preview you see there is the unedited version. i have quite a few pics of them, but i wont be posting them here anytime soon. atleast not today. i'm still nit picking them for other stuff.

As for now people, i have yet another Mercedes Benz udpate. I had these pics since last week, just finished working on the rest of them. on this update, i only focused on certain areas of the car. so, the whole pic would not be lit up like most of the other pics i have done here. i dont know how you guys will take it, but i hope you guys like them. here they are.

Very nice work again mate!! The last shot is great, U catch the car real well!!!
Another thing that I like is the red tone, goes really well with the car. When U have more shots, please update, I´m looking foward. Cheers:)
The preview updates are cool but I preffer the whole batch to can give a better opinion :)

The E55 looks pretty wild with those rims. I personally like the side view of the car.

Wow, you are getting better with every update. The Modle T looks sweet, love the colours and framing.

The Merc update is suburb, the colours look amazing. The red tone gives an evil mood to the pictures. Love the last one, very nice.
Awesome update, look forward to more. 👍
Very nice. I like the 1st and 3rd shots. The first one is great, I love how you can see the depth of the rims. The third shot is a great scenery shot. Very nice update 👍
WOW, 3rd and last are really good, the last looks very real! 👍

thanks !

Very nice work again mate!! The last shot is great, U catch the car real well!!!
Another thing that I like is the red tone, goes really well with the car. When U have more shots, please update, I´m looking foward. Cheers:)

will do, it's just that i lied about the ford update. i havent even taken any more shots of it yet, but i'll be working on it :D
thanks for the great comments though!

The preview updates are cool but I preffer the whole batch to can give a better opinion :)

The E55 looks pretty wild with those rims. I personally like the side view of the car.


thanks alex! u mean the CLK55 :lol: yeah they look insane with those rims. i'm surprised you liked the side view. my sister said it looked a little too dark. i was trying to make it look like an ad for Volk Racing (Rays Engineering) Wheels, mainly focusing on the rims. glad u liked it! about the preview update, well it is a preview update :D dont tend to show much.

Wow, you are getting better with every update. The Modle T looks sweet, love the colours and framing.

The Merc update is suburb, the colours look amazing. The red tone gives an evil mood to the pictures. Love the last one, very nice.
Awesome update, look forward to more. 👍

thanks drift. i do have more. and i hope people like them.

here's my Audi Nuvolari update that i've been working on for a while now. a lot of trial and error with this update. i'm still not so sure about the looks of it.
some shots might look a bit the same, but i hope you guys notice the slight variations. i was aiming to showcase the lines of the car. i hope other people see what i was trying to get to. here they are. .. .enjoy!

The first six photos aren't the best. Good but not spectacular. However the last shot is exquisite. The tone, detail, and headlight highlights are pure perfection. Well done my friend 👍 Stay tuned for the update you've been waiting for too :D.