jgda9rs gt4 gallery -PMC Week 190 entry

  • Thread starter jgda9rs
good shots!! The Vegas shot is quite nice mate, love the quality of the shot. Well done!!
I'm sorry but, after I saw the 2nd Evo snow rally shot, I couldn't look away. That shot is BEAUTIFUL!!!! The sky is amazing and the trail of snow really adds to the shot. Suave!!!! :drool:👍👍
thanks guys! that Vegas shot is a vision that popped in to my head driving home, as i was thinking of doing something for the photo tournament.

I like the SLR shot jgda9rs, because that shot has a furry feel to it

thanks TVR, but what do you mean it has a 'furry' feel to it? i dont understand :D

This here is my new banner for my Tsukuba Wet Circuit One Make Challenge, which i think you guys should try out and participate :D

And this is how it started. the sun got screwed up after i applied a solid noise to the sky, a sort of plug in from gimp that makes the clouds look like a really smogged and night-ish feeling. i dont really know what to call it, i just thought it suited the photo, so i just thought i'd give it a try. i have another experiment with it with my nurburgring scenery shot, but i'm not gonna post it here rightaway since it looks a bit similar to my entry for the tournament. anyways, i wanna know what you guys think of it. thanks.

WOW, that banner is awesome, I can't believe you did all that in GIMP, I gotta start messing around with it some more.
thanks LOON! GIMP's actually not as limited as some people might say. you just have to use your imagination. here's a photo of another comp entry for the GT4photomode 2.0 party theme. I think this is one of the shiniest shots i've ever done so far. i might be wrong, but so far as i know..I love this car too. this was one of the computer cars from when i did the NY family cup (totally gay btw :D).anyways here it is. enjoy!

PS: This is also my first cropped 'widescreen' effect shot attempt.

PS LOON: that's my first ever banner too! im so proud of it. i dont care :D
Honestly I preffer your previous updates, but it's nice to see more work here. I always say how much dislike the lens flare effect of PS and Gimp.

Btw I forgot you're a gimper. I tried it some weeks ago and I didn't know how to use it hahaha. Wow, the menus are a maze. Btw the quality of your images made me think you was using PS :D

Honestly I preffer your previous updates, but it's nice to see more work here. I always say how much dislike the lens flare effect of PS and Gimp.

Btw I forgot you're a gimper. I tried it some weeks ago and I didn't know how to use it hahaha. Wow, the menus are a maze. Btw the quality of your images made me think you was using PS :D


i think lense flare sux all together :D or maybe i just dont know how to use it. whatever. cant beat the real thing i guess. and yeah, GIMP can be a real pain sometimes, but once you get used to it, it's quite easy to use. but then again it's nice coz the panel's not flooded with tools and what not (based on what i saw on friend's cs2), but i still wanna try it when i get one. going back to the philippines on may, so i might just buy one there, chances are they'll have the latest one.

oh before i forget, thanks for forgetting i'm a gimper :D i'll take that as a compliment :)
I have to say out of your updates the wide screen shot is the best. These are very good though for only using GIMP. Great shots. Check out my gallery and leave a comment if you have time.
Ouch!!!!!!! those pics are amazing!!!!👍 10/10
I love the accura pic It looks soo real!!!!

It's always good to go outside of the box and try different things. That said, I like your other photos better. The widescreen effect isn't bad though. A few tweaks and it should be awesome.
it's ok man. you dont always have to be in time. dont wanna be the one to blame if u fail school hehehehhe. i'm experimenting right now, and i thought it would have been cool to have a night time version of the two italian rallye tracks. too bad PD's a kill joy and didnt think of it, so i made one myself.

Cruising in my Buick Special

btw, this is just a preview and it wont come out until after i bring out the Ford Model T update. stay tuned.
thanks jose. hope u dont mind me calling u that. glad u liked the banner :D
it's just one of the visions that i had.it's my first banner too. btw, i saw you posted on the tsukuba one make thread, you should post your times. i sitll have yet to post mine.
yup. and the buick was meant to be more of an art work, sort of like an airbrush painting. but i'm glad u liked my work. and yes, they're all from Gimpitty-gimp. :D thanks for dropping by. click on my sig next time :D
Here's my photomode tournament 2.0 bracket entry pic. first of all, i would like to say thank you so much for everyone that voted for it. i appreciate it a lot. took so much time and pressure and thinking preparing it. I'm glad all that hard work paid off. right below it are the other shots that i did for the tournament, apart from the ones i've already posted here. Thanks again and enjoy the photos :)

photomode tournament 2.0 competition entry is the first pic it is also the 64th and last shot that i took

my 52nd candidate for the comp. i turned it into an artwork after i submitted my entry.

Italy scenery shot (also one that i was deciding on, this one's shot # 56)

2nd candidate out of 64

3rd candidate out of the 64 pics that i took
Interesting shots!!! The 2.0 entry is incredible, love to see all that wide area with great looking colors, really nice.
The other shots are also very good, it must have been hard for U to decide. I specially like the New York shot, its really beautiful, looks like a postcard!!
U know how to do great shots, so keep them coming:)
Last shot is spectacular! I also like the first one. It's a shame the extra-poor resolution of Amalfi's far background, it'd be a cool area to focus.

The first two Nurb shots are awesome, especially the second one, did you know you could get a view it like that or was it sort of accidental?
i didnt know, but i was expecting it to come, since i was aiming for something like the ending movie of GT4. i just let the video flow, and as the camera got higher, i just paused it and toggled with the camera, and it eventually got up to that point. i wasnt expecting it to get that high and look like that. i looked at it again after i saved it to the usb, and i was just amazed. it felt like i was on a plane when i took the photo. thanks for the great comment. glad u liked it.
thanks sierra! but you should have seen LGForce's gallery lately. he has two other shots that he would have entered on the photomode tournament, and they were pretty close to mine, both in perspective and the exact location was like, as if he was just 500-1000 metres away from where i took the photos (i mean, if you would translate in real life. it probably would have meant it would have been pretty close for us in the polls. i dont know why he submitted the wrong one with the skyline. oh wells. ..

here's some quick updates. next one i'll be trying some presentation panels.

*wolf whistles* that buick special shot is beautiful and the 2nd nurburg shot is amazing +rep for it. 👍
I really like those minimalistic shots. The Nurb shot with the edited sky is nice. The latest update is alright. The Mclaren is extremely rough and the M5 is also alittle rough.