jgda9rs gt4 gallery -PMC Week 190 entry

  • Thread starter jgda9rs
thanks alex! 👍

thanks dude.


thanks streetz! 👍

I'm glad you really liked it since that update is for You since you requested it. cheers!

thanks appie! 👍

thanks freddy! 👍

thanks whitson! appreciate it 👍

thanks! 👍👍

thanks Beerzgood! that 'you're good!' comment is a lot for me. it means a lot. thanks so much!

thanks TVR! glad u liked the second shot too. by the way, sorry about the 'leakage' on your thread. i totally forgot about it. terribly sorry.

thanks everyone! i'm glad you all liked the 'T' update that took me so long to finish. thanks for the kind and great comments! and Beerzgood, thanks for the +rep! i really appreciate it.
It's alright, anyway I love the first shot the most, because of the action.
ok. thanks for the comments chris. i'll try and do one if i have time. to be honest guys, i really dont feel like doing anymore updates with gimp. i'm starting to find it really frustrating. i just feel like it's very limited in its abilities and i just wanna try somethingelse. i'm downloading photoshop right now, and hope to god that it works out. so, until then, i Might not post any updates. maybe. just maybe. i'm glad u guys liked my work so far. and i think, to keep up with ultrashot at the photomode tournament round 2 is a really big achievement. i think i missed a lot of things with my entry still, but oh wells..what can i do. i'm hoping this update and the one after it will be my last gimp update :D i really hate it now considering it keeps on crashing on me now everytime i use it. it's insane. anyways, on with the pictures...

Buick Special at Costa di Amalfi

i have one more last gimp update after this..but this is all for the moment.
jgda9rs welcome to the Photoshop club. Really nice update it has that classic feeling especially the second but my favourite is the 1st. Good luck with future updates using Adobe. Look forward to seeing your photoshops.
Why didn't you go with the Viper/Elise shot for the tournament? :ouch:
It would've got my vote, no BS.

Btw, is it supposed to be enlarged? 'cause it's not working for me, I just get imageshack's homepage.

The one with the Speed12 is also very good, as in "the bad guy is coming for you". Very nice. :)

The 2nd Buick shot is also sweet, how do you get that tone? Is it gradient usage?

I'm still using PS 6.0, and can't use the CS2 (which I already have) because it's not supported by my current OS (Win Millennium).

Hope you get the hang of PS quickly, want to see some really jaw-dropping work from you from now on. 👍
Well they are nice Jda9rs! must welcome you to the Photoshop Clan.....lol
i began with Gimp me too. Gimp show me the basics of editing, and that make working with Ps not difficult for me, but i must still improve my skilzz.
I guess it will be easy for you too. 👍
Always with stylish updates. Lovely shots. Your comp. entry looks very cool. The Buick is also very beautiful in both shots.
Style and quality is always welcome, keep up:)
Wow the 2nd buick special shot is beautiful!!!!:drool:
And welcome also to the world of photoshop! :D
As you know, last Buick definitively MOLA. The Cuban feeling remembers me the best moments with Driver 2 haha. The first one seems as it were really burnt :D

thanks everyone. sorry about the burnt tone in the first one. now i finally have my photoshop cs2! i'm just gonna do 2 updates with gimp, and i have to say it's gonna be a big surprise. unfortunately, it's gonna take a little while before it's done, since my computer just contracted a virus again. so i'll have to take it in for repairs. i may or may not update for a while, depending on how soon i get my computer fixed. annother thing, i like to thank everyone of you for voting for me on the 2nd round of the photomode tournament round 2. i never would have thought that i could close the gap to Ultrashot as close as 2 votes. just within arm's reach! another thing is, i would like to thank you guys for welcoming me to the photoshop clan! just so you guys know, i did a joint update with alexwrc. it's a photo of the spoon integra type R. i did the shot and alex did the clean up and a bit of lighting effect on the photo, while i did the color and toning in gimp. i cant post it here right now since my pc is having a big problem with the stupid virus and is slowing down, however that photo can be found on my deviant art account. i'll just post it here later on when i get my pc fixed. the URL for my gallery is :
------->http://jgda9rs.deviantart.com. anyways, hope to be back updating soon..wish me luck on my repairs :( :grumpy:
Finally killed all the bugs. here's that joint effort with alexwrc that i was talking about...

1999 Spoon Integra R Tsukuba Wet Circuit Time Attack Car

thank you guys. guess i forgot to clean up most of it, which i should of done. i still like the picture no matter what.

And for my new update, this also starts my new photoshop learning adventure, and the start of my photoshop updates. i still have a lot to learn. so any advice or suggestions with this photo would help. thanks in advance.

I am Glad to see you have moved on well, since are joint update jgda9rs, anyway you and Alex did really well on the lighting, but I can see jagged edges.
Nice shot! I always tried that building in vertical image format, but I can see it works in horizontal. You got fun with channel mixer again huh? lol.

The hard lighting of the right side if the building makes me think how to add effects without ruin the image. Of course using the blending options of a duplicated layer accoding to the original behind.

What a shot!!! Very nice capture of the background!!! And the Mercedes is also in great shape. The lightning is fantastic, looks like a summer sunny day!! Try using some blur next time. But take your time, try things your way and see if U like the results. I see U will become a pro in a short period of time.
thanks guys. that update was just a short experiment. hopefully i get to do more stuff and find out more. until i get better that is...i think i'm coming down with a flu...ah well. i'll get over it..thanks for the kind comments though :)
Jgda9rs I hope you have got rid of that problem you had with your PC, but I remember when you first were talking over MSN about getting PhotoShop.
Now thats nice, seems like you're learning fast, can't wait to see what else comes out of this gallery now.👍
Jgda9rs I hope you have got rid of that problem you had with your PC, but I remember when you first were talking over MSN about getting PhotoShop.

yes TVR I did fix the problem, and it was quite an interesting problem as well.
that was the first time i fixed viruses myself. saved myself $45 doing it as well. thanks to you and alexwrc and LGForce for giving me links where to get antiviruses. as for photoshop, yes! it's quite a joy to have it. i'm hoping i get to do more experiments with it soon..maybe tomorrow when i get much better.

SUAVE! I love the two shots you photoshopped. The colors are great and the camera angle on the first one is BOMB DIGGITY!!!

thanks Fallenangel! the first shot, the spoon integra was actually photoshopped by alexwrc, and i did the toning with gimp..glad u liked it!

Now thats nice, seems like you're learning fast, can't wait to see what else comes out of this gallery now.👍

i'm trying my best. i hope the same thing too. thanks by the way!
There's a curve on the lower right of the Monaco shot.

Did you add it?

Looks like it is there to cover some details of the background
that curve you see there is the Illusion Fractal from GIMP. i didnt expect it to turn out that way after playing with the channelmixer and stuff, but what it is is just to give the whole image a sort of mask, so things dont get overexposed, and give it that dreamy look, but with that photo i raised the exposure levels so it turns out to what you see right now. the channel mixer and the balancing just made the curves more obviuos..thanks for noticing!
Wow that is a great shot the angle you have used gives perspective on the building of how big it is.
Great shot:tup: 👍