JGTC S2 Racing Class Qualification Thread + Results

This is not an optional race, I must receive a time from each and everyone. This is the only time part-time drivers won't have the choice but to submit. You may decide which class you want to qualify for but I'll be the one with the final word. If you're too slow for GT500 you'll move down to GT300, and the same at the opposite if you're too fast for GT300 you'll upgrade to GT500. You can submit a time for both if you desire to. Basically this is the way to obtain your racing license for the JGTC series, and no license equals to no racing for you.



Competition Type : Arcade Mode, Single Race
Deadline : Sunday Sept 18th @ 11:59PM EST
Track : Grand Valley Speedway 4.94km
Car : Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car '01
Power : 501hp Weight : 1080kg


Competition Type : Arcade Mode, Single Race
Deadline : Sunday Sept 18th @ 11:59PM EST
Track : Grand Valley Speedway 4.94km
Car : Toyota Altezza Touring Car '01
Power : 301hp Weight : 1000kg​

RULES : Standard Online Racing rules for clean racing apply at all times.

2 wheels on track at all times
Rumble Strips are part of the track
No wall riding
No wall touching
No short cutting
No Cheating of any kind


I will ask you to follow me step by step for the settings so that everything is clear and understood by everyone.

GT4 Main Menu ---> Options ---> Arcade

No. Of Laps : 3
Tire Wear : None
Driving Aids : None
Penalty : None
Time Limit : None

GT4 Main Menu ---> Arcade Mode ---> Single Race ---> Select Track ---> Choose Your Car

Driving Options

Transmission : Automatic or Manual
Driving Aids : None
Difficulty : Your Choice

Quick Tune-Up

Power : 0% (Bone Stock)
Weight : 0% (Bone Stock)
Top Speed : Your choice
Driving Aids : None
Transmission : Automatic or Manual
Tyre Type : Racing
Front Tires : RSH-RH-RM-RS-RSS
Rear Tires : RSH-RH-RM-RS-RSS



Driver Name :
Racing Class :

Car :
Power :
Weight :

Total Time :

I'm asking to the drivers who can provide a replay to do so and use THIS SITE to send the replay file to guygn@hotmail.com. Please specify if it's NTSC or PAL in the message.

FULL-TIME DRIVERS : * * = Time submitted

1- *eatsviper4lunch*
2- Mulsanne
3- *VTRacing*
5- *Andge08*
6- yourlocalgod
7- *Casio*
8- *Soyfu*
9- *Lewie*
10- *Teledriel*
11- *fasj6418*
12- *Saleen Man*
13- InsaneRacer
15- *MisterWeary*
16- *Red Cloud*
17- lewis27656

PART-TIME DRIVERS : * * = Time submitted

1- *kennythebomb*
2- Sanjko
3- Drifting 4 Ever
4- *Doombreed*
5- ranhammerR34
6- *SilverStang*
7- *ZeratulSG*
8- *hOt6o4bOi*
9- HondaRacer
10- Barbol
11- *villainpl*
12- *Zyend*
13- *jase86*
14- *ejr_1*
15- *nasanu*
16- Marc
If you're wondering where to get those two cars here it is.

Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car '01 : Endurance Hall ---> Roadster 4 Hours Endurance
Toyota Altezza Touring Car '01 : Manufacturers Race Event ---> Altezza Race
So I gather. This season will have 8 teams?

I don't know what to qualify for now! I love that Mazda RX-7 LM (I have the cracking gray one), but I don't know if I'm fast enough for GT500!

Maybe if I could get that car for the season.... (hint,hint)

Also, are we submitting our fastest lap of the 3, or the final time?
Just wondering when you need these qualification times by? Also...the site you want us to use to upload our replays "yousendit.com" wasn't working when I tried, if I attach it in an email to you is that alright?
For the NORM, we don't discuss times at all.

Are we going to get to pick from the "LM's" in this series or just the ones from last series :scared:
Just wondering when you need these qualification times by? Also...the site you want us to use to upload our replays "yousendit.com" wasn't working when I tried, if I attach it in an email to you is that alright?

I'll give it a good week (until next weekend) to complete this, and yeah it's also perfect if you use your personnal email to send the replay. :)

Are we only discussing "T" times? or can we discuss our final time?

Me in the JGTC series I never allow to discuss sector times or any other times. :)

For the NORM, we don't discuss times at all.

Are we going to get to pick from the "LM's" in this series or just the ones from last series :scared:

We have some new Japanese LM and Touring Cars in the mix this season. :drool: :drool:
Can you give us a bracket to where the times should be. I know the GT500 should be around 5 min but i have no clue how much slower the GT300 class should be. That would help, especially because I have never done any online racing before. If not, thats cool.
I suggest you take the Altezza into time trial mode and just do some laps without race condition until you're satisfied you couldn't get your lap any lower 👍
^ Thanks. I never ever even thought of that. I'll do that tommorow, I've goatta go to bed soon, got school tommorow morning.
Yeah for sure you can practice in time trials like it would for a qualification run and once you mastered it all you start the actual 3 lap race. 👍
would love to see RSS banned this season for the races, but allowed as the qualifying tire, like the RSH's were last season
Yay! I have the fastest submitted time so far! I'm actually winning something!

But seriously, I didn't spend to much time on it, maybe of been able to drop 1-2 seconds but that's it, you find the limit of this car quite quickly.

The Altezza isn't that much slower actually to my suprise. Quite fun too!
The important thing right here is really to push to the max, submitting something that you know isn't your fastest possible time could penalize you in the end if it's too slow for the racing class you're trying to qualify.

Just a general message to all the drivers out there. :)
Hoping I can get the Car in time to Qual, sigh what a busy week RL (For any that know Navy Events around the 16th of Sept) to have to try to do this also.
3 clean and relatively quick laps complete and submitted 👍 Let's hope it's competitive
I can review PAL replays eatsviper.

But who do I submit mine to? :)

EDIT: Time submitted for GT500. It's a little bit scrappy in spots with probably 1 second to improve, but it's clean. 👍