Okay, so my TV or RGB cable started to **** with me and displays any J/NTSC game in b/w. And since not being able to see colors in a game sucks majorly, I'll have to get a new RGB cable. Damn!
Anyways, Kaido Battle 2 rocks. It rocks so bad, I don't know if I ill be able to play another game in the next months. And oh yeah, is there any way to get the song from when you go to nighttime as a mp3 or something?
If any of you guys can hook me up with some songs from the soundtrack, tell me via PM/iCQ/in this thread/whatsoever! =)
And oh yeah, I've got another question: When I race SP battles against some of the cars from the parking lot, I happen to lose my 'energy' even if I'm in the lead and don't make any crashes, nor get bumped in the rear from my opponent. What the hell is up with that?