Kaido Battle 2

Damn.. super choppy with that NSX.. that's Akagi right?
Work on your entry more.. you guys approach on the inside on the corner, should be the middle or the outside.. Also, don't brake too much.. if you do, you loose momentum, when that happens, no more drift.

BTW, you have the NSX on like day 40 something.. how did you do that?.. I am on day 51, and don't have it yet..
Yeah, I'm a better editor than I am a drifter that's for sure. Yup Akagi. Thanks for the tips.

I used the codebreaker to get all the cars, parts, and money.
ok i got the game and seem to be stuck on level 2 in day time and i keep racing the same cars at night time over and over

i dont get how to progress i have beatn everyone that i can except the 350z my little toyota starlet cant even come close
any tips?
the only orange cars i have raced is the 3 cars taht are a team im guessing
i cant even get into lvl 3 in the daytime wtf is with that i have beaten every challenge in my fwd car im sick of this BS
Originally posted by dirty85
ok i got the game and seem to be stuck on level 2 in day time and i keep racing the same cars at night time over and over

i dont get how to progress i have beatn everyone that i can except the 350z my little toyota starlet cant even come close
any tips?

I 'read' all my messages and emails in the 'connection net' section and then I was able to race a car that enabled me to access the next two stages. The cars I used were AE85>>AE86>>Mini>>S13 Silvia and now Legacy B4 RSK
What do you people see in the MINI anyway?
I used ae85, ae86, s13 silvia, s15 silvia, evo 3, wrx (got this wrx to 501HP).. now im rolling with the FD3S..
i used the ae85, then sold that and got a mazda roadster rs, and then i bought an fc3s rx7. i probably wont buy another car until the fd becomes available. well i might buy a jza80... i dont know.
Originally posted by TRi
I know, we're not the best... maybe could use some pointers...

you've got the same problem as i do when drifting. i either slow down too much then dont have enough momentum to continue a smooth drift, or dont slow enough and slide into the wall.
your drifts at around the 3 and 4 min marks in the nsx were nice tho :D. some nice drifts in the s15 too :D . gj

EDIT: im liking that song in the s15 video. and no offence to all of us kaido battlers, but i dont think we're gonna get to seito's lvl. :(
he's all pro!!! :D :D :D
Originally posted by ph4t3
you've got the same problem as i do when drifting. i either slow down too much then dont have enough momentum to continue a smooth drift, or dont slow enough and slide into the wall.

hey I'm new to this forum, I'm glad I found it tho, I didn't know such kaido battle 2 fans existed:) I found this by looking for battle gear 3 info...

I just got kb2 last week and I'm having the same drifting problem, always crashing into the wall, or not going fast enough to make it through the whole hairpin. :banghead:
You are all making me wish I had a mod chip, so bad..... I would love to play this game, it looks like a lot of fun, and i would love to drift on some of those classic courses........... Oh well, I guess I'll just wait till they decide to bring it to the states................

Originally posted by Seito4Counter
:eek: You don't own a Japanese PS2?

How does one come across a Japanese PS2? Do you have any sites with good prices? I would love to have a Japanese PS2, but I didn't know how to get one. When I do get a Japanese PS2, do I need anything else before I can start playing games?

Well, there ARE sites.. whether the prices are good or not is up to you. I think the cheapest is 279. (Pricey in my opinion)
You don't need anything but the PS2 to start playing.

BTW Everyone, I finally got that pesky NSX! (its so hard to drive!)
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Well, there ARE sites.. whether the prices are good or not is up to you. I think the cheapest is 279. (Pricey in my opinion)
You don't need anything but the PS2 to start playing.

BTW Everyone, I finally got that pesky NSX! (its so hard to drive!)

Well screw that. I'm not paying that much just to be able to play a few Japanese games..... I might just get a swap disc or something........... or a mod chip (with sleep mode)

Originally posted by ph4t3
i hope u dont think any less of me, but i love my mod-chip :embarrassed: :embarrassed: :embarrassed:

What chip do you have? Do you have a link? How much did you pay for it? I'm thinking of getting one, and i want to make sure it has a sleep mode, so I can still play online games, like GT4....

I just noticed that my name is in your sig........ I'm flattered, but why?

this game is too frustrating, too much time spent earning small money in the same races, all the people worth racing at night are impossible to beat, by the time i've spent a few hours on it it should be fun after getting enough exp+money but now its just the same.:banghead:
Originally posted by Vicx
this game is too frustrating, too much time spent earning small money in the same races, all the people worth racing at night are impossible to beat, by the time i've spent a few hours on it it should be fun after getting enough exp+money but now its just the same.:banghead:
hence my reason for cheating once i unlocked aso. i don't have the time or patience to go through it all, especially since i just beat the first one not too long ago. just got too repetitive.
Originally posted by silviadrifter
What chip do you have? Do you have a link? How much did you pay for it? I'm thinking of getting one, and i want to make sure it has a sleep mode, so I can still play online games, like GT4....

I just noticed that my name is in your sig........ I'm flattered, but why?


ok, i got mine done from a store, not online. it cost me $120 canadian (b/c im canadian :D :D), so im not sure how much american that is. im not sure which chip it is, but i know that it has sleep mode b/c u need to turn off the chip to play dvds. i havent tried any online games yet, but im pretty sure official games will work if u do the same thing.

as for my sig, i love silvia's :D :D, and didnt know that is was your name, so if u want me to change it i will kindly do it seeing as tho u came up with it first :embarrassed: :embarrassed:
Originally posted by ph4t3
ok, i got mine done from a store, not online. it cost me $120 canadian (b/c im canadian :D :D), so im not sure how much american that is. im not sure which chip it is, but i know that it has sleep mode b/c u need to turn off the chip to play dvds. i havent tried any online games yet, but im pretty sure official games will work if u do the same thing.

as for my sig, i love silvia's :D :D, and didnt know that is was your name, so if u want me to change it i will kindly do it seeing as tho u came up with it first :embarrassed: :embarrassed:

Thanks for the info........... Check out my vids, in my sig. They are old (between 6 months to 1 year and a half), but they are quite entertaining. I think you will especially like the "All Stock Silvias" vid (a year and a half old)..... Furthermore, I don't care if my name is in your sig, it just makes me look good anyway... :D :lol:

O...M...G... :bowdown:
:cheers: those were some crazy drifts :drool: :drool:
i like the song in the first vid

Originally posted by silviadrifter
Furthermore, I don't care if my name is in your sig, it just makes me look good anyway... :D :lol:

lol, after seeing those vids it deserves to stay there :D :D
Originally posted by ph4t3
O...M...G... :bowdown:
:cheers: those were some crazy drifts :drool: :drool:
i like the song in the first vid

lol, after seeing those vids it deserves to stay there :D :D

lol, thnx man. Just wait till I release some new vids. I have become a much better drifter, in the last year or so............

hey sieto4counter, thanks for the advice on changing the gear ratios. im now able to drive the courses and drift them much smoother and faster, although im still having a hell of a time actually racing people on 1st irohazaka. and Tri id like to contribute some clips im trying to find a video capture device for my computer tonight. does anybody know where to get a good usb video capture device, ive got a laptop so i cant just get a capture card.
Originally posted by TougeRunnerFD
hey sieto4counter, thanks for the advice on changing the gear ratios. im now able to drive the courses and drift them much smoother and faster, although im still having a hell of a time actually racing people on 1st irohazaka. and Tri id like to contribute some clips im trying to find a video capture device for my computer tonight. does anybody know where to get a good usb video capture device, ive got a laptop so i cant just get a capture card.

Here ya go:


Your best be would be the Dazzle DVC150. The DVC80 is much cheaper, but it has less features...............

Originally posted by TougeRunnerFD
hey sieto4counter, thanks for the advice on changing the gear ratios. im now able to drive the courses and drift them much smoother and faster, although im still having a hell of a time actually racing people on 1st irohazaka. and Tri id like to contribute some clips im trying to find a video capture device for my computer tonight. does anybody know where to get a good usb video capture device, ive got a laptop so i cant just get a capture card.

Yeah, the key is not so much a close gear ratio, but as you may notice, you keep your engine on redline through the drift. This speeds up your acceleration out of the drift, and makes it much easier to control..
cool thanks! i checked best buys website and they have the dazzle dvc150 on there so im gonna check at the local store tonight and if they dont have it ill just order it off of the website. As for the gear ratio tuning what i did was adjust the final gear a couple notches towards acceleration to about 5.2** on my fc and then make 1st gear taller because it with the adjustments to the final gear it made first almost usless.
hey seito can you help me... i have an ae85 levin put all lvl 2 and lvl 3 parts on...messed w/ the ratios and suspension but i still can't get 2:24:00 sec on hakone...what should i do....also for v-engines can they be installed on the levin? or are only s engines able to work?
i dont think you can change the engine type. mabey its something that will be able to be unlocked later in the game but unlike txr3 where there is different engines to put in, you can only choose S(inline engines), V( v engines, b(boxer engines), and RE(rotary engines) but there is no choosing a a 4 cyl vs 6cyl and so on so there is really no point to engine swaps in this game.