Kanye West Crashes VMA Stage During Taylor Swift's Award Speech

  • Thread starter buickgnx88


That Guy Over There
United States
Anoka, MN
MTV Article

The title sort of explains itself, but basically Kanye took the mic from Taylor (won award for best female video and was giving her acceptance speech) and said that Beyonce's video was the best. Taylor of course didn't get to finish her speech.

Of course, I think that was extremely uncalled for and makes Kanye look like a 🤬. Opinions?
I thought it was fake until I saw Taylor's reaction. Then I switched to Family Guy because I didn't want to see him look even worse. I feel bad for Beyonce though because I doubt she had anything to do with that. But congrats to Taylor :D
My mom and I were flipping through the channels and saw teh tail end of that. Kanye was on stage and people were booing. We were trying to figure out what the heck it was until I turned back on DA BEARS game.
I thought it was fake until I saw Taylor's reaction. Then I switched to Family Guy because I didn't want to see him look even worse. I feel bad for Beyonce though because I doubt she had anything to do with that. But congrats to Taylor :D

Family Guy will laugh the pain away!:indiff::lol:
Of course, I think that was extremely uncalled for and makes Kanye look like a 🤬. Opinions?
You're dead right. I think what he did is utterly appalling, how would he like it if someone crashed one of his award speeches and said xxx was better?

Very poor Kanye, very poor. 👎 Poor Taylor, she must be seriously pissed off... she didn't even get to finish her speech! Everyone's reaction to the stagecrash sums it up, really.
If it's even possible, I think I hate Kanye West even more than before.... so disrespectful.
My mom and I were flipping through the channels and saw teh tail end of that. Kanye was on stage and people were booing. We were trying to figure out what the heck it was until I turned back on DA BEARS game.


I'm pretty sure I can conjure a colorful stereotype that applies to this situation.

Petition to ban West from future award shows... who's with me? :D

Well count me in :lol:. Yea McLaren that was funny. I don't think he knew he'd get that big of a reaction. His laugh was great.

EDIT: I respect Beyonce for doing that. She knew what would happen if she let it all go. Good for her can congrats to her for winning too.
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Tweet from an NZ radio DJ:
Taylor swift is a new world record holder!! NOBODY has ever gone from stunned to bummed in 2 seconds before.
Also not cool, tbh... yes, it's a joke, but it's damn harsh.
Why does Kanye West wear sunglasses everywhere he goes?

To keep from being maced.
Can't believe no-one's mentioned his love for fish-sticks in his mouth yet ;)

Having a huge ego goes with the territory of being such a big star, but that's just a completely douche move. I think someone needs to bring him down a peg or two, or three by crashing one of his speeches in the future.

He's like school in August...no class. ;)
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This isn't that big of a deal, though. ODB did it once (& his was kind of funny), & Kanye is already on the record for saying stupid things (like his comment on the Bible and himself).

The only thing I could actually stand watching the VMAs for were the Michael tributes. Everything else was the same videos being nominated. :rolleyes:
EDIT: I respect Beyonce for doing that. She knew what would happen if she let it all go. Good for her can congrats to her for winning too.

I don't like Beyonce's music, but as a person, I've gotta give her credit 👍
Yes. Also, I just heard that Kanye plans on going to the Nobel Prize ceremony, I wonder who Kanye thinks should win.

I don't like Beyonce's music, but as a person, I've gotta give her credit 👍

I totally flipped out when Beyonce did that...i was yelling for my roomie to come watch it 👍 Much respect to her.

Also dealing with this subject...it hurts me to put this up honestly but i got a good laugh from it :ouch:
