Kanye West Crashes VMA Stage During Taylor Swift's Award Speech

  • Thread starter buickgnx88
I never left that though is what I'm trying to say. You disagree he's done hip hop, and if he did very little, when many others would dispute that and even say he continues to contribute musically to hip hop. Either way it's still on point with Kanye, it talks about what made him famous, and may even give insight to why he's got the ego he does especially when it comes to other genres that he's willing to publicly deface at award shows.
Yes but some of the hip hop artists that i'd discuss, have absolutely nothing to do with Kanye. As in my opinion, Kanye has very little to do with hip hop.
I think he missed his true goal of being a dictator a la Kim Yung Il, Idi Amin or Bokassa:


And ended up in the music industry instead.
Aaawww. Mr West is thinking about a lawsuit against The Pirate Bay, because of his latest album being available there.
Hang on a minute. Kim Kardashian 'earnt' $53million in 2015. Kanye West is $53million in debt........ Does he pay her to be his wife?
Then he's even dumber. No, most likely she earned the money on her own through...... something.
There really is no end to Kanye's stupidity :lol:

The 38-year-old rapper Kanye West is at the centre of controversy once again.

West is himself a Pirate Lover, and he proved it today by sharing a photo of his laptop screen on Twitter.

The rapper tweeted an ill-judged picture on Tuesday night to show what he was listening to on YouTube (Sufjan Stevens’ 'Death With Dignity' song), but his fans discovered something he would have hide if realized before sharing that snap.

Taking a closer look at the address bar was quite revealing, showing two very interesting tabs:
  • The notorious file-sharing website The Pirate Bay
  • MediaDownloader

West’s recent album The Life of Pablo was involved in a piracy concern. He was so outraged when he saw his recent album was being pirated by 500,000 downloads in just two days that he considered taking legal action against The Pirate Bay.

However, in a recent tweet West accidentally revealed his own pirate habits.

It looks like the controversial rapper was torrenting a pirated copy of Xfer Records synthesizer software Serum on The Pirate Bay. The serum is a popular WaveTable editor that costs just $189 for a license.

However, despite having harsh feelings, the Pirate Bay team said it was happy to provide West with tech support.

DJ Deadmau5, co-founder of Xfer Records, called out West as a dick and later he showed some sympathy for West, calling for a Kickstarter campaign to raise fund to help West afford a copy of Serum.
Good things to do with your money:
Save it
Invest it
Give it to charity.

So-so things to do with your money:
Gamble it
Purchase adult services with it.

Bad things to do with your money:
Let yourself get mugged
Throw it off an overpass
Donate it to ISIS.

Bad AND Dumb things to do with your money:
Give it to a man who has made idiotic decisions with his money, has tons of publicity and will NEVER acknowledge your existence or even consider giving you money in your time of need.
So there we are ladies and gentlemen. Kanye is worse than ISIS.

Kanye West: There Will Be 'No More CDs From Me'
"The 'Yeezus' album packaging was an open casket to CDs," rapper says. "R.I.P." "I was thinking about not making CDs ever again ... only streaming," he wrote.

Less landfill :sly:
So not content with annoying Taylor Swift and the rest of the world he has now made a nude waxwork of her in bed with him and a dozen other people in the public eye.

Google it...

I'm sure it's going to go down very well with all concerned! :rolleyes:

Taylor is just upset because that's what she's being told to be, there's several videos and interviews out there stating she was OK with the song and I have no doubt Kanye told her what was up. Also I doubt anyone could actually sue him since I believe it's all under artistic expression. But really who cares? I don't mind the song, thought the video was decent enough, and don't understand why people get so bothered by it...especially with Taylor Swift, who is nothing more then a terrible girlfriend who happens to sing well.
Taylor is just upset because that's what she's being told to be, there's several videos and interviews out there stating she was OK with the song and I have no doubt Kanye told her what was up. Also I doubt anyone could actually sue him since I believe it's all under artistic expression. But really who cares? I don't mind the song, thought the video was decent enough, and don't understand why people get so bothered by it...especially with Taylor Swift, who is nothing more then a terrible girlfriend who happens to sing well.

Ahh but using someone's image without consent is something that you can be sued for and being nude adds a whole extra level. However I don't think he has expressly said that's 'Taylor Swift' so it's a grey area. I don't know how the other people will react.

I think it's possible that this has all been engineered between Taylor and Kayne's camps from the start, it wouldn't be surprising considering what goes on in the industry. It might just be a now 8 year running PR stunt! Taylor is turning out to be quite a love rat! her manufactured squeaky clean image it starting to crack as she gets older.
Ahh but using someone's image without consent is something that you can be sued for and being nude adds a whole extra level. However I don't think he has expressly said that's 'Taylor Swift' so it's a grey area. I don't know how the other people will react.

I think it's possible that this has all been engineered between Taylor and Kayne's camps from the start, it wouldn't be surprising considering what goes on in the industry. It might just be a now 8 year running PR stunt! Taylor is turning out to be quite a love rat! her manufactured squeaky clean image it starting to crack as she gets older.

I think it would be a hard fight to sue over that since it's still deemed freedom of expression. That artist that painted Donald Trump and his small member can't be sued because there isn't a copyright claim involved as far as I'm aware, I believe the same thing would apply here too. Also they're all public figures who are of legal age which makes it a bit different too, if they weren't public figures I think someone might have a case but the likelihood of any lawsuit winning as it is now is super low.

And I don't doubt this wasn't engineered as a publicity stunt, Kanye knows how to do that better than anyone which is why I can appreciate him even though I think his music since 808's has been lacking the same charm his early stuff did.
Y'all don't forget how Lindsay Lohan sued Rockstar, she didn't get what she wanted, but they gave her $200k too, "go away".
To be fair, the fees for litigation would have been near that amount if they had won, so it's better to pay the unhinged individual to go away.
Why are these people in the news all the time? Nobody cares.
Nobody threatened you with injury or death to post in this thread, why does it matter?
Why are these people in the news all the time? Nobody cares.

Because in this day and age the people who shout the loudest on social media become news.

This whole saga is becoming massively blown out of proportion with many other celebrities making their positions about it felt on Twitter etc... it's cute that they think it matters! Probably the worlds two richest artists having a strop.... first world problems.
Mind as well name this the Kanye West discussion thread. Anyway im about to give my thoughts on kanyes music and him as a person.

Music- His music is incredible. It seems like each album (expect his most recent album TLOP) he pushes the boundaries when it comes to the sound of the music. Each album sounds completely different and i love it. I'll say the two albums that sound alike is his first two which was college dropout and late registration. You could hear a small difference but they pretty alike. As for lyrics he's not the best but he can be really good at times. He ain't as lyrically as he was back then but overall he's a good rapper overall. He's not a tupac or dre or Eminem or Kendrick but he can flow really good at times. Now i know yeezus wasn't liked at all by the general public but it's a great album. I didn't like it either at first but i gave it multiple more listens so i can try to understand it and i started to love it. I just love the in your face aggressive approach he took with that album. The screaming and frustration was something different. But anyway i love his music. He's not the best right now but he still my overall favorite artist.
My favorite album from him is My beautiful dark twisted fantasy. That album is a damn masterpiece:bowdown:

Him as a person- The dude has lost his mind and i hate to say that. Ever since he got with kim he hasn't been right. The Kardashians is changing this dude for the worst. Obviously he doesn't know it either. I hate when he goes to these awards shows now because he makes himself look like an idiot. It's hard being a fan of his when he's going around doing and saying stupid ****. Then i hate that he's focusing more on fashion now then music, not to mention his clothes look like something you'll find in the trash. Stick to music man. But yea i miss the 2004-2012 kanye west. As sad as it sounds, i don't think he he's gonna return to him old self unless gets a divorce. But yea i wish he can go back to his old self. Hate seeing him like this.