Kanye West Crashes VMA Stage During Taylor Swift's Award Speech

  • Thread starter buickgnx88
All those positive reviews & yet, sales keep declining; he's either falling out of popularity with people, or his antics are affecting him.

Album sales aren't the best indicator of the quality of the music. Even less so when you consider that sales across the industry have dropped due to streaming. Both debuted at No1 in the UK, and Yeezus had zero marketing (no lead singles and no album art).

These antics of his are nothing new, he's always been outspoken, sometimes he has a point, sometimes he's way off the mark, but to deny his relevance to popular music is ignorance. He may have dropped off the radar for you, but loads of people still play his stuff. The last two songs he was on (Only One and 45seconds) have had steady play on R1, which is probably the biggest radio station in the UK (and it attracts a ton of foreign listeners too).

The man remains in the news solely because of the things he says & does, as evident by this thread. Can't recall the last article written about him that actually concerned his music & not his antics.

Yesterday actually, he premiered a new song during his show at NYFW. It's got Vic Mensa and Sia on it. And I can't remember seeing any articles on any artist that was in news and not the arts section. Maybe you're looking in the wrong place and visiting the wrong sites?
Back in the mid-2000's, maybe. He's been on the decline since 808's & his dependance on auto-tune nearly killed any musical talent he may have had left.
All those positive reviews
I don't think you can blow off the crux of the first post and continue charging with the sales argument like you never said it.

Particularly not when:
MBDTF has a few hits but the sales don't lie; every album has been dropping less and less.
From 2005 to his latest album, Kanye has gone from 3.1 million to 2.7 million to 1.7 to 1.3 to 1.4 to 1, despite the critical acclaim heaped on a man who nearly killed any musical talent he had left.

Over that same time, Beck has gone from 2 million to 550 thousand to 350 thousand to 300 thousand. Sounds pretty well in line with "talented but not wildly successful" to me. I've even seen mention that this Grammy win was a pity win a la Scorcese with The Departed, similar to when Bob Dylan won a few years ago and the same thing was said; though obviously that's just conjecture

So... Which argument are you even trying to argue? Is it possible that the increasingly fragmented music industry just doesn't sell what it did even a decade ago; and that mentioning that a bigger name in it directly drew attention to a smaller name to the latter's benefit isn't an insult to the latter?
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Although, I'm also a big fan of Beck's, and don't think he deserved this at all, simply because he fits the description of what Kanye doesn't seem to like about the Grammy's.
I don't even think that Beck fits the description of what's wrong with 'music awards', he's not exactly a member of the mainstream music business in the traditional mold, nor has he ever been.

Kanye is still my favorite artist and I continue to love how he makes a mockery out of award shows since they are just one big industry circle jerk.
A big circle jerk that has continually heaped praise on Kanye, with 21 grammy's alone. Strikes me as more of an odd love-hate relationship he has with them (that and a rather odd obsession with another man's wife).

Further odd that he does so by championing an artist who (talent aside) is very much a stereotypical product of said industry at the expense of one who is not.

When Beck won, I had no idea he still made records and the only two things I know about his is that he was in an episode of Futurama and he had that song Where It's At on Gran Turismo 2.
And that would make him a valid target of his ire for what reason? Or to put it another way, why would that make him any less deserving of the win?

@Keef, I do agree that Kanye really did help kick off the hip-hop/rap genre with the suburban white kids. I didn't really care about rap until I listened to The College Dropout in 2004, after that I was hooked and I've been into hip-hop and rap ever since. Sure I've discovered many new artist along the way and really branched out, but I can still go back and listen to anyone of Kanye's albums in it's entirety and love it. Also maybe it was because I'm from the Detroit area, but I think Eminem had just as much, if not more, influence bringing rap and hip-hop to white, suburban kids when The Slim Shady LP dropped in 99. I can still remember seeing Guilty Conscience on TRL back in the day.
Kanye helped in this regard, but I totally agree that he is simply one of many, if you can go back past '99 in your memory (and I certainly can) th elist will continue to grow. Hell you can go back as far as Public Enemy and NWA in 88, and this white kid from the UK bought both of their albums from that year.
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Kanye West is as relevant to music as I am to sport fishing.

Famine Bass Pro.jpg
I never thought the legacy of this incident would run and run forever but it's all kicked off again today. Kanye rapping about making her famous by doing what he did and now saying he wants to sleep with her... :rolleyes: Total Nutter!
I never thought the legacy of this incident would run and run forever but it's all kicked off again today. Kanye rapping about making her famous by doing what he did and now saying he wants to sleep with her... :rolleyes: Total Nutter!

Plonker. Absolute plonker he is. I thought the two of them had finally made up and put that incident to rest. Obviously Kanye doesn't understand what that means. Mind you, then again this is the guy who thinks he is the greatest person ever. Yes I know Taylor is grown up, somewhat more mature now etc and will handle it better but it doesn't negate the fact that Kanye is, and now will most likely be seen forever more, a major loser. I feel sorry for his little airline, NorthWest.
Plonker. Absolute plonker he is. I thought the two of them had finally made up and put that incident to rest. Obviously Kanye doesn't understand what that means. Mind you, then again this is the guy who thinks he is the greatest person ever. Yes I know Taylor is grown up, somewhat more mature now etc and will handle it better but it doesn't negate the fact that Kanye is, and now will most likely be seen forever more, a major loser. I feel sorry for his little airline, NorthWest.
Agreed. I feel bad for the children. Father is insane and the mother is still out there with her own stuff.
People still pay attention to this poser and his ramblings?

Good grief, why?

Reminds me of this, I just had to.

might need a nsfw warning or whatever, but the smart arse who posted that needs an award of some sort :lol:
So ... because he's a troll?

I suppose, but just like a troll if you don't get mad at them then they won't continue to do it. I'm sure Kanye just likes to get a rise out of people and people give it to him in droves.
It seems a shame that somebody went to the effort of shooting John Lennon which shocked the whole world when they could have just waited 35 years and shot Kanye to do the whole world a favour.
It seems a shame that somebody went to the effort of shooting John Lennon which shocked the whole world when they could have just waited 35 years and shot Kanye to do the whole world a favour.

I think at times Chapman believed he was John Lennon. So far nobody has admitted to thinking they're Kanye West, as far as I know.
Kanye is, he tells us, $53m in debt. What would really help right now is $1billion from Zuckerberg.

Just read that entire article. The is the first time I have wished a celebrity to fall flat on his face. He thinks that tech companies should give him money instead of to build African schools and help the homeless? And he thinks he is the saviour of sorts. $53m in debt? Good. Maybe he'll think about those who won't ever make even a tenth of that, or those who don't have a penny. What a class A git. Never come across a celebrity more dislikable.
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