Kanye West Crashes VMA Stage During Taylor Swift's Award Speech

  • Thread starter buickgnx88
His back stage air time and the morons nodding in agreement with him on live tv could have done without...even if Beck was kind enough to let him try and make his speech on why Beck shouldn't win. Considering what Beck has done with the last two albums is far more artistic and meaningful than what Kanye and Beyonce have done on a majority of their discography put together. But that's just me.
I'm waiting for someone to deck him for being a self-entitled egomaniac so he finally learns his place. A guy could dream right?
His back stage air time and the morons nodding in agreement with him on live tv could have done without...even if Beck was kind enough to let him try and make his speech on why Beck shouldn't win. Considering what Beck has done with the last two albums is far more artistic and meaningful than what Kanye and Beyonce have done on a majority of their discography put together. But that's just me.
Kanye has singlehandedly not only changed the hip hop industry but turned hip hop culture into a mainstream white-suburban-kid culture. Beck makes good music. Kanye is a force within society.
2015. .. and Kanye has gone and done it again! :lol:

This time with Beck, but atleast he stopped short of making a scene!
Only this time its on purpose and played for laughs. Hell even the audience laughs instead of cringing.
Only this time its on purpose and played for laughs. Hell even the audience laughs instead of cringing.
Unfortunately he ruined the joke by getting drunk and rambling after the show. He could have left it but he's Kanye and he must say what's on his mind.
Unfortunately he ruined the joke by getting drunk and rambling after the show. He could have left it but he's Kanye and he must say what's on his mind.

Indeed. It could have been a cute joke but he just needed to confirm to the world that he is indeed an :censored:hole.

He's the Gordon Ramsey of the music scene, amazing but an enormous 🤬 at the same time.
Only this time its on purpose and played for laughs. Hell even the audience laughs instead of cringing.

Everyone thought it was a joke and that he was making fun of himself until it turned out he was being DEAD SERIOUS.

Afterwards he gave a rambling interview about how the industry is not treating artists (who he thinks are the best) in the right way by not rewarding them for their work.

So basically he blew a chance to redeem 2009.

The best part of this was the look of absolute horror on Jay Z's face when he initially saw Kanye take the stage.

And the bit where they showed Kim Kardashian saying "who!?" when Beck won made me chuckle :lol:

Seriously me thinks he has a mega crush on Beyonce... if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it ;)
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Everyone thought it was a joke and that he was making fun of himself until it turned out he was being DEAD SERIOUS.

Afterwards he gave a rambling interview about how the industry is not treating artists (who he thinks are the best) in the right way by not rewarding them for their work.

So basically he blew a chance to redeem 2009.
What the hell? ONE chance to parodying his past actions and he blew it. GODDAMN.
I do think it's ironic that he's claiming that Beck's victory is a "disgrace to artistry" when his grammy awards are a disgrace to humanity.
"Why does Kanye have such a huge ego?"

*spends weeks talking about him after an awards show*

Kanye has singlehandedly not only changed the hip hop industry but turned hip hop culture into a mainstream white-suburban-kid culture. Beck makes good music. Kanye is a force within society.
Yeah, I understand some people don't like his music and I'm not a huge fan but to deny his significance artistically is crazy.

Because people believes crap like this is the reason why Kanye acts the way he does. He believes his own hype (and it really is hype). He did not bring hip-hop to the mainstream. And he has not singlehandedly changed hip-hop. He has capitalized on it, nothing more.

He is the MC Hammer of his generation and a piss poor one at that.👎
Kanye has singlehandedly not only changed the hip hop industry but turned hip hop culture into a mainstream white-suburban-kid culture. Beck makes good music. Kanye is a force within society.

And yet only one of them (to him makes art) which is the main issue with his ideas. Second problem is that people closely associated to him are only on that level as well. Considering the records Swift has broke, and not even she several years ago was good enough to win, and not Beck who has been making music far longer than West. I don't care what culture icon you see him as, he isn't the single handed reason why white suburban kids started listening to that genre of music. No more than the fast breaking records Kendrick Lamar is creating by bringing back the true meaning of hip hop which has been done before.

That music has been there, what gets him known further and further to permeate the minds is stunts like this.

That is the issue, hell I listen to Kanye and have since Jesus Walks but that doesn't mean I have to buy his bs just cause I listen to his music.
And yet only one of them (to him makes art) which is the main issue with his ideas. Second problem is that people closely associated to him are only on that level as well. Considering the records Swift has broke, and not even she several years ago was good enough to win, and not Beck who has been making music far longer than West. I don't care what culture icon you see him as, he isn't the single handed reason why white suburban kids started listening to that genre of music. No more than the fast breaking records Kendrick Lamar is creating by bringing back the true meaning of hip hop which has been done before.

That music has been there, what gets him known further and further to permeate the minds is stunts like this.

That is the issue, hell I listen to Kanye and have since Jesus Walks but that doesn't mean I have to buy his bs just cause I listen to his music.
Considering that Spotify's a free service, maybe, just maybe, people legitimately have no idea who Beck is & had to search for his music. Likely the same people didn't honestly know who Paul McCartney was.

As mentioned earlier, Beck is the big winner here. Kanye West helps Beck boost sales by 1000% It's show business folks, that's how it works, nobody got hurt, everyone wins. If I was a talented but not wildly successful commercial artist, I'd probably pay Kanye to crash my award presentation and become his next "victim".
Except Beck's not one of those artists? He has about 20 years of industry work before Kanye dropped that included multiple Platinum & Gold records. I highly doubt there was any deliberate intention of Kanye's antics to get Beck's name out there. The current generation simply has a poor recognition of artists that performed before they were born.

Kanye has singlehandedly not only changed the hip hop industry but turned hip hop culture into a mainstream white-suburban-kid culture. Beck makes good music. Kanye is a force within society.
Back in the mid-2000's, maybe. He's been on the decline since 808's & his dependance on auto-tune nearly killed any musical talent he may have had left.

Kim is quite possibly the only reason he still remains relevant; both of them rely on "shock factor" to stay in the news & nothing more.
He's been on the decline since 808's & his dependance on auto-tune nearly killed any musical talent he may have had left.
Not sure if you're joking or you actually haven't heard of MBDTF and Yeezus, both generally regarded as his best work yet, or Watch the Throne which lost a Grammy because MBDTF came out the same year.
Considering that Spotify's a free service, maybe, just maybe, people legitimately have no idea who Beck is & had to search for his music. Likely the same people didn't honestly know who Paul McCartney was.

Except Beck's not one of those artists? He has about 20 years of industry work before Kanye dropped that included multiple Platinum & Gold records. I highly doubt there was any deliberate intention of Kanye's antics to get Beck's name out there. The current generation simply has a poor recognition of artists that performed before they were born.

Back in the mid-2000's, maybe. He's been on the decline since 808's & his dependance on auto-tune nearly killed any musical talent he may have had left.

Kim is quite possibly the only reason he still remains relevant; both of them rely on "shock factor" to stay in the news & nothing more.
Point is, it's show business. Kanye crashes Beck's receiving his Grammy because Kanye has a new line of shoes coming out. Beck's recognition/downloads/hits however you want to measure it go up, Kanye get some press and sells some shoes, lots of media buzz and "experts" waging in with their opinions...it's a carnival. It's not meant to be taken seriously.
Point is, it's show business. Kanye crashes Beck's receiving his Grammy because Kanye has a new line of shoes coming out. Beck's recognition/downloads/hits however you want to measure it go up, Kanye get some press and sells some shoes, lots of media buzz and "experts" waging in with their opinions...it's a carnival. It's not meant to be taken seriously.

There's a difference as to whether Kanye does it intentionally or not though.

If he knowingly does it for the effects that he will provoke, then he's an incredibly clever man who's willing to look like an :censored:hole to make stuff happen.

If he just does it because what he said in those interviews is actually what he thinks, he's just an :censored:hole.

The reality is probably a bit of both, although you'll notice that few other artists seem to feel that it's appropriate to create publicity by being douchenozzels. Probably because at best it's a two-edged sword, and at worst everyone hates you.
An interesting view on the whole situation:

Does he have a point, comparing the Grammy's R&B/Hip-Hop voting to the Oscar's typical "safe" black-issue votes? It's worth considering. He certainly presents the issue in a much less divisive way than Kanye.

For all his antics, I still listen to Kanye (though mostly his first album, and MBDTF). Is he an 🤬 most of the time in public? Yep. But I remember an interview where he commented that he's being much more honest than those celebrities who go through interviews on an endless wave of false-modesty. I do appreciate that. I also recognize he's had an impact on the genre - a genre which has largely influenced pop music the past two decades. To ignore that is sort of proving his point.

Although, I'm also a big fan of Beck's, and don't think he deserved this at all, simply because he fits the description of what Kanye doesn't seem to like about the Grammy's.
There's a difference as to whether Kanye does it intentionally or not though.

If he knowingly does it for the effects that he will provoke, then he's an incredibly clever man who's willing to look like an :censored:hole to make stuff happen.

If he just does it because what he said in those interviews is actually what he thinks, he's just an :censored:hole.

The reality is probably a bit of both, although you'll notice that few other artists seem to feel that it's appropriate to create publicity by being douchenozzels. Probably because at best it's a two-edged sword, and at worst everyone hates you.
I figured the fact that he had a new shoe line coming out in a week pretty much sealed the deal on whether it was intentional or not. :lol: Get some face time, make some waves, "Oh look, I got some new shoes to sell, line up everyone":lol:
Not sure if you're joking or you actually haven't heard of MBDTF and Yeezus, both generally regarded as his best work yet, or Watch the Throne which lost a Grammy because MBDTF came out the same year.
It isn't even close. He hasn't been on top of his game since Graduation. Watch the Throne? You mean the album that's also credited to Jay-Z? MBDTF has a few hits but the sales don't lie; every album has been dropping less and less. Then again, coming across as he does cant certainly be helping.

Guy literally acts like the very men who helped lay the foundation for rap/hip hop in the 90s are not artists and not on his level of talent. Said Tupac can't be compared to him because Tupac wasn't a real musician. :lol:

He's a shock jock. He no longer relies on his music to remain relevant.
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It isn't even close. He hasn't been on top of his game since Graduation. Then again, acting like a dumb*** doesn't do much to help his career either.

Here's the critical reception for his last two solo albums (both post 808s, which greatly influenced Drake who's one of the biggest names in popular music today too):


Definitely the reception of a man slipping out of relevance.
Kanye is still my favorite artist and I continue to love how he makes a mockery out of award shows since they are just one big industry circle jerk.

When Beck won, I had no idea he still made records and the only two things I know about his is that he was in an episode of Futurama and he had that song Where It's At on Gran Turismo 2.

@Keef, I do agree that Kanye really did help kick off the hip-hop/rap genre with the suburban white kids. I didn't really care about rap until I listened to The College Dropout in 2004, after that I was hooked and I've been into hip-hop and rap ever since. Sure I've discovered many new artist along the way and really branched out, but I can still go back and listen to anyone of Kanye's albums in it's entirety and love it. Also maybe it was because I'm from the Detroit area, but I think Eminem had just as much, if not more, influence bringing rap and hip-hop to white, suburban kids when The Slim Shady LP dropped in 99. I can still remember seeing Guilty Conscience on TRL back in the day.
Definitely the reception of a man slipping out of relevance.
All those positive reviews & yet, sales keep declining; he's either falling out of popularity with people, or his antics are affecting him.

The man remains in the news solely because of the things he says & does, as evident by this thread. Can't recall the last article written about him that actually concerned his music & not his antics.
All those positive reviews & yet, sales keep declining; he's either falling out of popularity with people, or his antics are affecting him.

The man remains in the news solely because of the things he says & does, as evident by this thread. Can't recall the last article written about him that actually concerned his music & not his antics.
He remains in the news because he's entertaining, a freak show, a clown, an idiot and lots more. It's show business and when your act isn't working as in record sales, you find something else to do to keep your name in the news, even if it's being a clown. It's all about promotion, name recognition etc. And he makes $10's of millions as a result. He's learning from the best, it's the Kardashian way. Talent be damned, just be famous and they'll throw money at you!