Sorry this might come over harsh but what you describe above is completely wrong. You show a complete lack of understanding of physics and because of that your entire conclusion on the perception of it is a very uninformed mess of words that holds zero logic.
Now I understand where it comes from there is a lot of misinformation out there lately so please let me explain why your idea's are factually wrong.
Physics is physics, only one kind of physical engine will represent the real world perfectly (and we can't build models as complex, we don't even posses every model of our universe). You seem to think that we all perceive this diffrent and thus it is diffrent. Which would be very weird. In your example it means tireslippage induced in exactly the same circumstances would be diffrent because both feel diffrent. This is textbook insanity according to Einstein "insanity is doing the same experiment over and over and expecting different results.". You see the physics are the same it's the perception that changes.
Now diffrent setups come from diffrent drivingstyles. And yes no one drives the same. To live up to that reality they tweak their cars to take more advantage of their personal strengths and hide a but of their weaknesses.
So if one would make a physics model that represents real life perfectly both people would still get the same feeling/perception in game as they would in real life.
So yes there is only one physics model to rule them all and that's real life.
To all people out there stop believing all this is some kind of illusion stop believing there are diffrent realities. There is only one reality and that is reality. Now what you do have is diffrent perceptions of reality, yet this still means there is only one true reality.
An example (overly simplified as better examples would reach to far for most to grasp): if you have a door and you measure it's width you'll measure the shortest span you can. This is ho, we defined width a'd how most people perceive it. Now take someone who measures in a wrong way. He'll perceive to measure a wider door. But when push comes to shove his perception is wrong! Reality didn't suddenly change his perception of it changed due to a measuring mistake. In the same way our senses are imperfect and we make 'measuring mistakes' when perceiving how a car drives.
If I follow your logic for some people the earth is really flat. This untrue wheter they beleive it and it is based on a wrong perception. A peeception you can have with our current round earth.
Well I think you're wrong and I disagree. See? Personal perception really is all that matters.
10 different car magazine writers who test drive the exact same car will
not have the exact same review of it. 10 different race car drivers who drive the exact same car will
not have the exact same review of it. How can this be if, as you say, reality is the same for everyone ??
Never mind, it's a rhetorical question. The answer is because even though the car is exactly the same, each and every one of us perceives it's handling characteristics, and the sensations of motion in general in our own personal way.
And I said there is no "one perception to rule them all" so what feels a certain way to one will not feel the same to another.
It appears to me it is
you who has a complete lack of understanding.
I am not talking about width of doors or physical attributes, I am talking about
feel and
perception, things for which there is NOT a fixed reality.
A simulator is a device which is governed by particular parameters and programmes which are an
approximation of
someone else's perception of reality. And as driving/racing cars is ALL about feel then it goes without saying that it is impossible to simulate everyone's unique, personal and therefore totally correct perceptions of their reality.
You can think there is only one reality for everyone, and good for you. All that means is it's right
for you. Lots of people think there is only one life too. Good for them. Within themselves
they are right.
I happen to disagree. But that's ok cause there is no universal right or wrong with these things.
Same applies to physics, they may be fixed in the real world but us humans being receivers & transmitters, with our own unique set of filters & sensors, we will simply not perceive them in the same way. There's no way around it.
So my question stands. WHOSE perception of motion, g-forces,car behavior ( you know,
reality ) is used as the base for a simulator to match ??
Again, its a rhetorical question.
There is. It's called objective reality.
Really. And whose objective viewpoint is considered the one true reality, hmm ?