Kazunori Yamauchi Responds to Gran Turismo 7 Fan Outrage

  • Thread starter Famine
It was clearly stated in the statement from kaz, couldn't have been more obvious if he'd have tried.
Is this the same Kaz who before release of GTS claimed that things had only been added to the game, nothing had been taken away? How did you find the single player career at launch of that game? How did you find the course creator that they definitely didn't take out from GT6, because nothing was taken away?

Or speaking of course creator, maybe it's the same Kaz who promoted that feature for GT6 before launch, then quietly noted it would actually come in a post release update, before delivering it a whopping 18 months later, far smaller than originally promoted and missing one feature entirely?

Also, did you manage to gain a real world racing license throught GTS like Kaz promised you'd be able to?

Maybe it's the same Kaz who said Gran Turismo 7 is the most complete Gran Turismo to date in the state of play?

You cannot take his statements at face value. I'm not going to accuse him of lying about these things because I've no evidence he did knowingly make these false statements but at best he states things as he hopes and desires them to be, not what they actually are/what is actually possible.

So no, I don't just take an empty promise of future updates making everything better and accept it.
For posterity's sake, I'm just going to repost @Tornado correct take down of Kaz's habits in trying to ultimate lie and obfuscate when Polyphony screws up. It seems like it would help some people see why a good chunk of people in this thread don't believe in his comments that new content that should have been in the game to begin with, is coming, and should explain to those people why these same people also don't trust Kaz as far as they can throw him (which strange, always gets construed as 'hate', I wonder why)
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If you do that every now and then, eventually you'll get the scratch for your unicorn.
By "every now and then" you mean like twice a day? It is still 2 full monthes without skipping one day ! Thanks but I prefer other ways to play.
If you really don't like how things the way they are then stop playing
Oh it's been a while since I saw that argument :D
All the shouting will get people nowhere without being constructive with feedback to Devs/publishers.
Sure, dev/publisher love when gaming media and mainstream media speaks about issues in their newest game, it boosts sales apparently.
Is this the same Kaz who before release of GTS claimed that things had only been added to the game, nothing had been taken away? How did you find the single player career at launch of that game? How did you find the course creator that they definitely didn't take out from GT6, because nothing was taken away?

Or speaking of course creator, maybe it's the same Kaz who promoted that feature for GT6 before launch, then quietly noted it would actually come in a post release update, before delivering it a whopping 18 months later, far smaller than originally promoted and missing one feature entirely?

Also, did you manage to gain a real world racing license throught GTS like Kaz promised you'd be able to?

Maybe it's the same Kaz who said Gran Turismo 7 is the most complete Gran Turismo to date in the state of play?

You cannot take his statements at face value. I'm not going to accuse him of lying about these things because I've no evidence he did knowingly make these false statements but at best he states things as he hopes and desires them to be, not what they actually are/what is actually possible.

So no, I don't just take an empty promise of future updates making everything better and accept it.
If you really dislike PD as much as you seek to claim why on earth did you buy GT7 in the first place? PD is also in no obligation to care what you or anyone here thinks, they could easily leave the game as it is and leave it like that forever. As for the course creator can you not see issues in players creating off brand versions of real world tracks like what happened in GT6. A lot of people seem to expect the world on a plate and will get very angry when something isn't exactly how they want it to be and are that short sited to completely write a game off afters it's been out less than 3 weeks. Sure GT7 isn't perfect but what is?
The difference is that Warframe is free to play, GT7 costs upwards of SEVENTY DOLLARS. Look at other games being bogged down with monetisation; Chocobo Racing GP, GTA Online, FIFA, NBA 2K series. Look at those and tell me the predatory grind and exploitative MTX is still a "conspiracy".
100%, It's worth point out that there are non-predatory ways of implementing MTX without crippling game progression and still offering a level playing field.

Just look at Warframe, Tekken 7 and Destiny 2 (let's just pretend GjallarHONK isn't a thing). - In those games MTX is for the most part strictly confined to cosmetic upgrades.

Tekken 7 I haven't played since it's launch phase, but every DLC that's had an impact on gameplay (e.g. a new character) has been free and when I was playing it, MTX was only for dumb things like soundtracks from previous games (which is stupid considering it's also on Spotify) and extra costumes.

Also, I tried to google this but the outrage from "Gran Turismo 7 microtransactions" is so big that it's swallowed up the search results for "Tekken 7 microtransactions".
If you really don't like how things the way they are then stop playing, that'll get your point across much more than any 1 start review filled with venom and hatred ever will. As for me I know that PD will add more events as they've not only stated this but they've been seem on Jimmy Fallon. All the shouting will get people nowhere without being constructive with feedback to Devs/publishers.
When people have paid £70+ for the game with devs having a surplus of time to develop the game, with the current state of how it is now... you won't think people will just batter an eyelid now? As mentioned there is no rapport between the consumers and the actual devs of the game so people will obviously people are having to resort to sharing their critiquing of the game on Metacritic. You need to remember the game is still very new so even though people will choose to not play but there will be more new users to the game and it still tops the charts for sells so obviously this wont do much.

Yes, the game is in still in its infancy stage but the way PD and Sony have gone about this is seemingly like they are brushing most of criticism under the rug for example, additionally the timing of the 917K and McLaren F1 at the same time which was impossible for basically for majority of the player base to get without microtransactions seemed like a slap in the face to some after the credits stripping.

Yes, I am entrusted for PD to implement new events but within what time scale these will be added and of course the dreaded problem with the economy... will it be something that will be resolved? How will you know that? There is many questions to be asked about this game but there is literally no one whom we can go directly go and get a swift response. Being an Always-on DRM makes this another problem in itself... so sometimes shouting can seemingly be the only option
If you really dislike PD as much as you seek to claim why on earth did you buy GT7 in the first place?
Because I thought that as much as I believe Kaz to be a habitual liar, that GT7 could still be a fun game.

It is - but only barely, because it is murdered either by incompetent design choices that actively stunt the ability to have fun in the game, or more importantly, is a game rife with predatory monetization mostly instituted by the man at the top. Why wouldn't I be mad? Hell, if I am someone who waited 9 years for a classic formula of GT game and got this game, why wouldn't I also be mad?

PD is also in no obligation to care what you or anyone here thinks, they could easily leave the game as it is and leave it like that forever.
Well, then they'll lose a whole hell of a lot of customers when they turn around and announce GT8 in a few years time, because something like this will never be able to be scrubbed off the walls as much as PD believes it can be by ignoring it and telling fans to go **** themselves.
And this is the ultimate issue imo. The price of collecting cars is insane but I don't believe that is the primary reason why the game feels so unfun for many. The game forces you to grind, and then rewards that grind with a choice. Do you buy a stock car? Or do you tune up/paint/mod a car in your garage so you can actually race it?

It's a fundamentally broken system that never allows the player any room to breathe within the game. Enjoying the game in the moment (tuning a car, applying a livery and racing it) means that you cannot progress your collection, and progressing your collection leads to less opportunities to tune and enjoy the cars you already own.
Boom. exactly.

Will I own more than a couple of GR3 cars? Probably not. Will I own more than a couple of GR4 cars? Probably not. The ROI isn't there.

And really, that's the issue with all the high dollar cars. Why own them? IRL, these cars have true value because they can be resold for profit. There is an ROI attached to them, and this is their value driver, more so than their outright desirability.

Where is the ROI on any GR1 car? What about the hero cars like the 917? Or the McLaren F1? I buy it, and then what? If, for instance, there were races where only these cars were allowed to compete, like a cup race, or a classic LeMans event, and that event paid millions back in credits, well then OK. Then it makes sense. It might even make sense (to some) to buy the credits in order to purchase the cars. At the moment, that money is lost on a car you'll likely never use.

As it stands, this is just a grind fest. It's a shame because they finally got so many things right. The PP system (despite bugs) is very much improved. The car balance is much improved. The widebody feature, the physics, etc. ... there is a lot of improvement. However, it's all for nothing because the #1 most important thing is to grind Fisherman's Ranch before doing anything else.

It's an easy fix if they are willing to admit their mistake.
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Because I thought that as much as I believe Kaz to be a habitual liar, that GT7 could still be a fun game.

It is - but only barely, because it is murdered either by incompetent design choices that actively stunt the ability to have fun in the game, or more importantly, is a game rife with predatory monetization mostly instituted by the man at the top. Why wouldn't I be mad? Hell, if I am someone who waited 9 years for a classic formula of GT game and got this game, why wouldn't I also be mad?

Well, then they'll lose a whole hell of a lot of customers when they turn around and announce GT8 in a few years time, because something like this will never be able to be scrubbed off the walls as much as PD believes it can be by ignoring it and telling fans to go **** themselves.
They'll lose the "hardcore" playerbase which ultimately doesn't matter for how successful a game will be. And if you don't trust kaz then at least wait until the game has been our before jumping the gun and buying it as soon as you can
If you really dislike PD as much as you seek to claim why on earth did you buy GT7 in the first place? PD is also in no obligation to care what you or anyone here thinks, they could easily leave the game as it is and leave it like that forever. As for the course creator can you not see issues in players creating off brand versions of real world tracks like what happened in GT6. A lot of people seem to expect the world on a plate and will get very angry when something isn't exactly how they want it to be and are that short sited to completely write a game off afters it's been out less than 3 weeks. Sure GT7 isn't perfect but what is?
Come on mate, it's been 3 weeks since release. How have you still not understood what the arguments and criticisms are for?
At least you've admitted GT7 isn't a 'perfect game', it's just that some people are choosing to voice what the issues are with the game that they don't like, but you aren't happy about them doing it?

Be consistent, please.
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Just look at Warframe... In those games MTX is for the most part strictly confined to cosmetic upgrades.
Except for slots, player trading (which is close to vital for progress), boosters, the fact you can straight up buy most weapons and frames, endo (ayatan), prime access, prime vault, and the fact the entire game rests on absurdly long build times that can be skipped with microtransaction currency that literally tantalisingly ticks down along with the build timer, to the point you can accidentally spend 5pl to rush 3 seconds build time...

...not the best example :P
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They'll lose the "hardcore" playerbase which ultimately doesn't matter for how successful a game will be. And if you don't trust kaz then at least wait until the game has been our before jumping the gun and buying it as soon as you can
Let me give you an example of how "hardcore" players can determine a games success: Project CARS 3. Slightly Mad perpetually lied to its core fanbase about the premise of the game despite clear red flags from footage that it was a major downgrade from pCARS 2. The fanbase caught on to this and dutifully punished SMS for it.

The smallest group of voices intend to be the loudest and most heard compared to those who just stand back and stay silent.
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Let me give you an example of how "hardcore" players can determine a games success: Project CARS 3. Slightly Mad perpetually lied to its core fanbase about the premise of the game despite clear red flags from footage that it was a major downgrade from pCARS 2. The fanbase caught on to this and dutifully punished SMS for it.
Not helped that Ian Bell was the opposite side of the coin to Kaz, but built from the same mold - telling people that PCARS 3 was 'all the sim you'd ever need' before getting pissed at people who kept bringing it up, as he's want to do.
For posterity's sake, I'm just going to repost @Tornado correct take down of Kaz's habits in trying to ultimate lie and obfuscate when Polyphony screws up. It seems like it would help some people see why a good chunk of people in this thread don't believe in his comments that new content that should have been in the game to begin with, is coming, and should explain to those people why these same people also don't trust Kaz as far as they can throw him (which strange, always gets construed as 'hate', I wonder why)
I find it completely hilarious how Kaz thinks cars sounding like vacuum cleaners are too real to him. 🤣

Let’s not forget we were also promised GT7 would be more like classic Gran Turismo entries, yet the game has always online drm and micro transactions and any race that people find to be the best way to farm money in GT7 gets nerfed. It’s like we were sold a lie.

I still can’t believe before launch, based on what we saw at the state of play exclusively dedicated to Gran Turismo 7, I thought this game would be the one Gran Turismo game that would be the Forza killer with some of the stuff we were promised like dynamic weather, wide body kits in Gran Turismo for the first time, custom parts making a return combined with the game’s livery editor introduced in GT Sport and Engine Swaps, which could of been one of the best new features introduced…. HAD THEY NOT BEEN LOCKED BEHIND ROULETTE SPINS! 😡

People have told me to expect this kind of stuff in a video game because it’s 2022 but honestly I don’t freaking care because microtransactions, loot boxes and always online drm in a full priced game, regardless if it’s 2022, 2013, 2015, or 2003 is not acceptable and both Sony and PD should feel ashamed of themselves for adding this crap in GT7. And the fact that this is happening to Gran Turismo out of all franchises, a franchise that got me into playing racing / driving games is one of the most depressing moments I have ever seen happen in gaming since Cyberpunk 2077.
They'll lose the "hardcore" playerbase which ultimately doesn't matter for how successful a game will be. And if you don't trust kaz then at least wait until the game has been our before jumping the gun and buying it as soon as you can
That is a really, really poor defence of the game and shows complete disrespect towards consumers.

You're pretty much digging a hole here for not letting the matter go that there are a lot of very disappointed fans of GT with GT7 and they've been annoyed for a while and this game was the straw that broke the camels back. If you don't care about what fans who hate the game say, why continue to comment on it?
... my point stepping into this thread has only ever been to express a hearty disdain for reviewbombing as a practice and try to point out some reasons I don't think it's an apportioned response to the game in its current state.
Review bombing has been around for a long time, games have been on a level playing field in that aspect for many years.

Take Fallout 76, which was an unmitigated disaster in 2018 for Bethesda. The User score on MC for the PS4 version is 2.8.

Fallout 76 was criticized for lack of content, bugs which caused loss of hard-won rewards and a requirement to be online (no offline single-player option). This was exacerbated by terrible server unreliability, with frequent interruptions. A difference was that the reviews were not stellar at 53. Also, at least some players got discounts or refunds in quite short order. (I know this, because I got about 50% refunded from Amazon.)

GT7's extraordinarily high reviewer score of 87 caused very high expectations. Combine that with the realization that the reviewers had been duped, and had failed at their jobs (by not testing "offline"), and the players got pretty annoyed.

You mightn't like the practice of review bombing, but it does provide a yardstick.
This is conspiratorial speculation that shouldn't be entertained by anyone. People who already despise microtransactions with a fervent hatred (why? Just don't look in the store) will find a reason to hate them wherever they're present.

But there is a difference between microtransactions being present and ruining a game, or a game being cooked to sell them. I implore you to try a f2p grind model game like Warframe and then come back to me and complain that gran turismo throws it in your face; there is barely a screen in that game without a "skip this for 30pl" button - most of which you can readily accidentally press.

Context is everything, and there's no reasonable context in which GT7 is a 1/10 game, therefore reviewbombing is dumb and says far more about the reviewer than the game. In my opinion.

(Much of this addresses you too @Imari , your post was while I was typing.)
You're comparing a $70 game with an explicitly microtransaction supported F2P. This isn't as strong an argument as you think it is. Being better than an actual F2P game shouldn't even be in question. The point at which you're comparing it to F2P games and saying "see, it's not so bad" is the point at which you have to accept that the game has a massive problem. That's a discussion that should never even start about a game like Gran Turismo.

And so if instead of comparing it to actual F2P games, you try and find a full price game with similar mechanics? It starts to get compared to some pretty nasty stuff.
Ultimately I think articles from GTPlanet and other outlets, YouTube content with a lot of traction and engagement, and a meaningful discourse on social media is likely to be far more visible, and importantly far more useful, to PD and Sony going forward, when compared to the Nietzschian abyss of metacritic user scores.
And the way the average person without a big Youtube channel or other platform encourages content makers to start covering matters like this is to start a groundswell on sites like Metacritic or Reddit. And that's basically how this has happened, there has been outcry on the places that are a dumping ground for this sort of stuff but it's a mess of a thousand people screaming at once. People who have a bigger audience look into it and start publishing more thoughtful and structured takes on the matter, and hopefully at some point it becomes big enough that Sony or Polyphony have to start addressing it.

We're starting to see videos on Youtube, retractions from reviewers, and so on. There's not much happening in gaming in the next wee while, so unless something drops out of the blue it's probably going to get picked up more as people look for news to cover.

Metacritic/Twitter/Reddit aren't supposed to be a place for detailed articles on the specific faults of media. They're places where people go to vent, and so content creators can get a decent feel for the vibe around a game from them. Then they can go looking for more on the actual story, because quotes of "Kaz stole my lunchmoney and made me sell my kids for MTX" aren't that useful.

Metacritic is doing it's job. You don't like that it looks like a disaster while it does it, but it's working as intended. The numerical value is meaningless. The fact that thousands of people are going out of their way to dunk on GT7 isn't. A Metacritic review-bomb creates headlines and gets people covering the matter. That's just how it works, and it's why it's a perfectly good way to communicate with a studio that doesn't have an official forum or any public facing communication outside of a couple of Twitter accounts.
Review bombing has been around for a long time, games have been on a level playing field in that aspect for many years.

Take Fallout 76, which was an unmitigated disaster in 2018 for Bethesda. The User score on MC for the PS4 version is 2.8.

Fallout 76 was criticized for lack of content, bugs which caused loss of hard-won rewards and a requirement to be online (no offline single-player option). This was exacerbated by terrible server unreliability, with frequent interruptions. A difference was that the reviews were not stellar at 53. Also, at least some players got discounts or refunds in quite short order. (I know this, because I got about 50% refunded from Amazon.)

GT7's extraordinarily high reviewer score of 87 caused very high expectations. Combine that with the realization that the reviewers had been duped, and had failed at their jobs (by not testing "offline"), and the players got pretty annoyed.

You mightn't like the practice of review bombing, but it does provide a yardstick.
Reminded me this. Man, now I wish he does one for PD and GT7.
If you really dislike PD as much as you seek to claim why on earth did you buy GT7 in the first place? PD is also in no obligation to care what you or anyone here thinks, they could easily leave the game as it is and leave it like that forever. As for the course creator can you not see issues in players creating off brand versions of real world tracks like what happened in GT6. A lot of people seem to expect the world on a plate and will get very angry when something isn't exactly how they want it to be and are that short sited to completely write a game off afters it's been out less than 3 weeks. Sure GT7 isn't perfect but what is?
Nor are you really obliged to jump to the conclusion that everyone wants the world on a plate - admittedly yes some people might be moaning cause their favourite car or track isn’t there but otherwise the majority of “moaning” is due to the broken economy which before the first update was somewhat reasonable but mainly the emphasis on MTX. Again peop,e don’t want everything handed to them on a plate, but rather the transition towards collecting cars and tracks etc needs to have some form of reasonability which did exist before they nerfed payouts. You’re entitled to your opinion but don’t shoot people down for having a different point of view.
Well 20 days in and Ive 110 cars already a dozen or so fully upgraded, the game is paying out quite nicely especially if you keep cleaning out the used car garage. The optimum grind route will land with an update in the future rest assured, so dont grind too hard now you will be kicking yourself for the needless torture of rallying...
Let me give you an example of how "hardcore" players can determine a games success: Project CARS 3. Slightly Mad perpetually lied to its core fanbase about the premise of the game despite clear red flags from footage that it was a major downgrade from pCARS 2. The fanbase caught on to this and dutifully punished SMS for it.

The smallest group of voices intend to be the loudest and most heard compared to those who just stand back and stay silent.
That franchise and developers had zero faith left in them after the first game let alone the second, PC3 was never going to be a success
Take Fallout 76, which was an unmitigated disaster in 2018 for Bethesda. The User score on MC for the PS4 version is 2.8.
GT7, a game with decent meat and bones, a fumbled launch, some "grind"y gameplay (it's what you make of it imo), and dreadfully stripped back multiplayer (still the biggest and least discussed issue in this game), is at 1.6.

There's just no world in which it's that much worse of a game than F76, which just doesn't even work from every account I've heard. You can draw whatever hand-wavey comparisons about deceitful marketing or bad reviewers (and the integrity of reviewers is something that's already been put to bed in this thread) but ultimately you end up with Fallout 76 at 2.8 and GT7 at 1.6. Entirely unrepresentative of the actual comparison between those games as products - this is merely the result of GT7 having sold a buttload of copies which I'm guessing dwarfed Fallout 76 (which for many was a stinker we saw coming miles off and didn't touch with a 9ft bargepole).

So if you're happy to throw away the entire function of metacritic user score - which is to allow anyone to leave a review of a game and amalgamate a number based on people's scores - to use it as a form of protest, I find that very regrettable, and while the notion it's all you have to complain has some merit, it's definitely not what the site was intended for, and it's intended use would actually be quite helpful to some shoppers, but it's now pointless as you can't tell true drek from a game that just had a troubled first few weeks.

The shortsightedness abounds - funnily enough an accusation enough people have levelled at Kaz. All of this is about instant gratification and Kaz has been quite plain that instant gratification regarding collecting cars was never ever going to be the point of GT7.
The shortsightedness abounds - funnily enough an accusation enough people have levelled at Kaz. All of this is about instant gratification and Kaz has been quite plain that instant gratification regarding collecting cars was never ever going to be the point of GT7.
Not exactly. A lot of people (like myself) hold the view that you should have these "legendary cars" gifted to you through winning incredibly difficult events, such as long endurance races and the like. I wouldn't say that's "instant gratification".

I just want my skills to be tested, not my patience through running the same races over and over again. :banghead:
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That is a really, really poor defence of the game and shows complete disrespect towards consumers.

You're pretty much digging a hole here for not letting the matter go that there are a lot of very disappointed fans of GT with GT7 and they've been annoyed for a while and this game was the straw that broke the camels back. If you don't care about what fans who hate the game say, why continue to comment on it?
At no point did I say that fans weren't disappointed, that you putting words in my mouth. What I did say is that players have unrealistically high expectations from games/Devs to the point where they'll complain about anything if it's not what they wanted. Is the economy in GT7 perfect, no. But it does mean that you have to think about what cars you want which in my book is better than GTSport where cars were thrown at you. Well informed articles/videos will be thousands times more effective at getting Devs to do something than review bombing something. If Devs also did everything that players wanted them to these games would be nowhere near as good as they are.
Everyday someone new comes in here to say "some of you sound entitled".

Then everyday the same people complain "how many times do we have to answer this?"

Weird right.
Because the arguments about 'entitlement' being absolutely played out arguments with no real basis in the current reality of the situation is definitely weird, sure buddy.

instant gratification
Prove that this is what people want out of the game. Put up or shut up. Because from where I'm sitting? It's pretty clear that people have a lot of misgivings on how the rewards are divvied out and the fact that actually 'racing' (for however good that is considering how garbage the AI is) often times gives out the worst rewards credits wise compared to grinding Fisherman's like there is no tomorrow, and that the credits re-adjustment more or less made the latter the only way to reasonably get money.

What I did say is that players have unrealistically high expectations from games/Devs to the point where they'll complain about anything if it's not what they wanted.
Almost like that unrealistically high expectation comes from the figurehead at the top hyping up the game as 'the most complete GT to date' and spending an inordinate amount of time playing up to series nostalgia. Huh...
As for the course creator can you not see issues in players creating off brand versions of real world tracks like what happened in GT6.

Particularly as PD were doing exactly the same, after all Cote D'Azur is categorically not Monaco.

It might sort of look like Monaco, it might have almost exactly the same layout as Monaco, but it's clearly not Monaco because it's not called Monaco and it's in France, not Monaco.

The GT6 track creator didn't allow anything close enough to the required level of fidelity for this to get into legal territory, even with full blow PC mod tracks using Lidar data and almost 1:1 trackside furniture, I only aware of one cease and desist that (sort of) got issued.

Well informed articles/videos will be thousands times more effective at getting Devs to do something than review bombing something.
The review bombing is what's driven the creation of the majority of those, I mean it's not like I've already said that, in this thread, in the last hour!
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