Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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You can say that again. If people tweet him often about more dlc, he'll get the hint. He already has IMO. Their site says "first" DLC, I think we can expect a "second".
He's retweeted more than just a couple tweets about dlc. One or a few without even saying anything back. That's an obvious hint to me that there will be DLC.

I found it really strange reading that too. There was no way I could say it without it sounding sarcastic, but that's the thing with the difference in languages. There are some tweets he makes in English, of course, that sound too polite and sarcastic at times. It's just different.

I wish there would be one more add-on to GT5 and the Nürburgring. It's simply a full circuit with the old Südschleife reconstructed. That would be bliss! I would just love to drive it in its old glory.


The same goes for a classic but destroyed English track. Brooklands Circuit!


That would be awesome.

Setting sheet bugs and G27, be fixed in the next update. I'm sorry.

I didnt get any bug in setting sheet and g27
New tweet:
Kaz_Yamauchi: G27とセッティングシートの不具合、次のアップデートで直ります。ごめん。
Kaz_Yamauchi: Bugs with the G27 and the setting sheets will be fixed in next update. Sorry.

What happens in 2 weeks and/or at the end of October?
Some more tweets?

迷惑などありません。わかりました。用意していた記念品をお送りします。RT @subaru_gt5: @Kaz_Yamauchi ありがとうございます。しかし、今回は諦めます。決勝戦不参加になってしまい迷惑をかけた事が非常に心残りです。明日のイベントの成功を心から祈っています。

なんですと・・・! 13時までに六本木につけば間に合います。RT @subaru_gt5: @Kaz_Yamauchi 明日メルセデス決勝大会へ参加予定していた者です。岡山から高速バスで向かう予定だったのですが、乗り遅れてしまい参加出来なくなりました。
Some more tweets?

迷惑などありません。わかりました。用意していた記念品をお送りします。RT @subaru_gt5: @Kaz_Yamauchi ありがとうございます。しかし、今回は諦めます。決勝戦不参加になってしまい迷惑をかけた事が非常に心残りです。明日のイベントの成功を心から祈っています。

なんですと・・・! 13時までに六本木につけば間に合います。RT @subaru_gt5: @Kaz_Yamauchi 明日メルセデス決勝大会へ参加予定していた者です。岡山から高速バスで向かう予定だったのですが、乗り遅れてしまい参加出来なくなりました。

There's no junk. All right. Will receive a souvenir was prepared. RT @ subaru_gt5: @ Thanks Kaz_Yamauchi. However, we will give up. Regret it is very annoying sister digit is absent or the finals. We sincerely hope the success of the event tomorrow. And I are! Too late by the time you put in Roppongi 13.

RT @ subaru_gt5: @ was scheduled to participate is a Mercedes-finals tomorrow Kaz_Yamauchi. I was going by bus from Okayama plan, participants can no longer missed sister.
Some more tweets?

迷惑などありません。わかりました。用意していた記念品をお送りします。RT @subaru_gt5: @Kaz_Yamauchi ありがとうございます。しかし、今回は諦めます。決勝戦不参加になってしまい迷惑をかけた事が非常に心残りです。明日のイベントの成功を心から祈っています。

なんですと・・・! 13時までに六本木につけば間に合います。RT @subaru_gt5: @Kaz_Yamauchi 明日メルセデス決勝大会へ参加予定していた者です。岡山から高速バスで向かう予定だったのですが、乗り遅れてしまい参加出来なくなりました。

Yes it seems not strictly relevant to GT5. In any event we need the precious help of Akira.
In short: the tweets are about about a guy who was supposed to go tomorrow at Roppongi for the japanese Mercedes event finals, but he found out he can't anymore and he is sorry if this will cause problems. Yamauchi said it won't and that he will send him the souvenir the guy was supposed to get there.

Nothing related directly to GT5 or international GT fans.
メルセデス・ドライビング・イベント決勝。まもなくスタートです。USTREAMの実験放送も始まります。13:00スタート予定です。 http://ow.ly/6Y7Bw

and it heres the link http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mercedes-benz-driving-event
I thought that was over with already? I had no idea.

I have no idea what this Merc Event is about.

That picture was cool 👍
Saved it in my GTPlanet folder of +200 pictures and multiple galleries. It fits right in with the others. I want to leave the car GTA style in a mode so we can take pictures like that. Would be pretty cool to have. I would not even give two 🤬's if the door doesn't open. Just have a button to push to have him appear on the track after you set the car.
Mercedes Event at Spa has just finished. I have to say, Spa looks absolutely fantastic on GT5 and very accurate. It looks almost like it was laser scanned. Like always, PD has done an amazing job on modeling the track. After the Nurburgring, Im sure Spa will be the most popular track on GT5.
It's always good to say thanks for the good work from PD :)

Looks like Kaz is happy about our feedback and twitted about it:

Kaz_Yamauchi 山内 一典
Many thanks to everyone in the world for all your support. Your words and comments provide strength and motivation for the team at PD.
Mercedes Event at Spa has just finished. I have to say, Spa looks absolutely fantastic on GT5 and very accurate. It looks almost like it was laser scanned. Like always, PD has done an amazing job on modeling the track. After the Nurburgring, Im sure Spa will be the most popular track on GT5.
That's because they do laser scan the tracks, but the details are from replicating what they see in the pictures, of course.

It's always good to say thanks for the good work from PD :)

Looks like Kaz is happy about our feedback and twitted about it:

Kaz_Yamauchi 山内 一典
Many thanks to everyone in the world for all your support. Your words and comments provide strength and motivation for the team at PD.
I'm glad I'm one of those that did lol. I feel special, just kidding.
It's the least we can do, before buying DLC lol.

By the way, I don't mean to be an ass, but the the word is "tweeted" or "tweeting". It's a silly mistake, so I felt like helping you out.
DLC、日本とアジアは18日(明日)の正午ごろに公開します。2〜3時間の誤差はありえます。RT @hien_tk: @Kaz_Yamauchi DLCって深夜0時からDL可能になるんですか?

Translator san?