Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

  • Thread starter alba
Ever drafted irl? I doubt it (since many of you don't have any clue about slipstreaming).
GT5:P had unrealistic drafting, GT5 has realistic.

Try and disapprove this.

I limit the speed of a car to go 400kmh the car doesnt go past 350 until I reach another car 100 meters away(or more) and by the time I pass him Im going 400kmh... you call that realistic? maybe with nitro...
When it comes to drafting, the only person I believe can offer professional advice on this subject outside of Kaz, is any the GT Academy winners who have raced professionally.

Why? They have not only played GT5, Kaz (for example) has track experience and has a good idea to where it should be.

Everyone else, unless they meet that criteria, is nothing but a random forum poster.

Yes, this.
Ever drafted irl? I doubt it (since many of you don't have any clue about slipstreaming).
GT5:P had unrealistic drafting, GT5 has realistic.

Try and disapprove this.

Easy, I'm an Engineer, I do Aerodynamics, and not only have I slipstreamed in real life (Albiet at a much slower speed), I have done the theory of it too. GT5 doesn't have realistic drafting, it's approximately double what it should be.

You should have been more nicer with that post, then others, including myself, would be nicer. That last line is not smart.
Easy, I'm an Engineer, I do Aerodynamics, and not only have I slipstreamed in real life (Albiet at a much slower speed), I have done the theory of it too. GT5 doesn't have realistic drafting, it's approximately double what it should be.

You should have been more nicer with that post, then others, including myself, would be nicer. That last line is not smart.

Just saying, if you say it is double and you are a Engineer people are going to want you to prove it.
...GT5 doesn't have realistic drafting, it's approximately double what it should be.

Double? For sure you are far from truth my friend. I haven't seen any significant draft when driving below 150kph. But drafting at 350kph, that means 100m/s. Why is it unrealistic to get into that empty area before it closes when you are closer than 100m behind?

And if you don't remember, I am going to remind you who corrected X2010's top speed which was 450kph at first and after his suggestion went to the realistically correct 500 kph...

... Adrian Newey himself :sly:

And don't put that one event aside, because we don't know where else he gave advice into (aerodynamics of course).
Just saying, if you say it is double and you are a Engineer people are going to want you to prove it.

Yeah! We don't want to complain with you, but just let us know how it works.

To me more speed you have, more drafting becomes effective. Just like in GT5. (like with aerodynamics, because drafting is part of the aerodynamics right?)
I'm sure you people complaining about drafting also want to eliminate "player advantage". You know, the ability to start in 12th or 16th position and win a 2 lap race in a competitive car. This NEVER happens in Reality Land.

This IS a video game, not a professional simulation tool.

I get excited when i see there are new posts in this thread. That excitement turns to extreme anger when I discover it is inane prattling from over a year ago. Back on topic please.
It doesn't need to be. It's always at the top anyway.


And just a reminder for everyone to cut out the chat and stay on topic please.

When i posted my reply/comment it wasnt on the top , it was in page 2 .

please put sticky thread , would you kindly :P :) .
Just saying, if you say it is double and you are a Engineer people are going to want you to prove it.

Understood, proof I am unsure as to what I can give, but tmrw when I am more awake, and if I hopefully remember, I'll give you what I know about this... And of course, I'm not saying I'm correct, just that I am more likely to have a better estimate :)
Did Kaz ever mention anything about SPA in all of his tweets? Looking at some of the old posts inside the blog is getting me excited about the upcoming DLC :drool: ...also got a whiff of a quote from Kaz
about the HSV-10 "We're making it right now, but it may not be in time for release" :scared:

Anyway, just to comment about the draft/slipstream:

Ever drafted irl? I doubt it (since many of you don't have any clue about slipstreaming).
GT5:P had unrealistic drafting, GT5 has realistic.

Try and disapprove this.

How about you try to prove this?

I'm not an Engineer but based on my collective knowledge throughout the years of being motorsport fan, the slipstream in GT5 is way off compared to real life.

Just to make an example (NASCAR Indianapolis) - This clip shows how hard it is to pass at Indy with 2 pretty even cars. Slip stream had little to no factor. Starting at 2:30 - Mark Martin was about
2-4 car lengths behind Jimmie Johnson. That went on til' the last lap. Martin never made the pass.

About the speed: IRL, these cars reach Turn 1 in qualifying trim at around 200-205 mph. This would be a tad slower in Race Trim and about the same with the draft.

Now in GT5: I've had my share of racing at Indy online with NASCARS and it is just pure mayhem when it comes to the speed we reach before commencing braking. If you exit off a turn coming into a long
straight at around 160-170, expect to see your speed reach 230+ with a car infront of you towing you along into the next turn. I find this ridiculously absurd (and laughable playing demolition derby online). By the
way, regardless of the tires you use, you will still have the same effect. In regards to the realism of the tires, here's an independent test i made prior to the release of GT5 (click here).

Furthermore, being an online series admin, i personally have a lot of experience pertaining to the draft. It's always been a complaint from all of the participants, especially when we go to draft happy tracks
such as Monza and Le Mans. It affects the dynamics of the race as a whole. If you lose the tow of the draft, then goodbye to you. Likewise, if you are leading and you are alone and turning the fastest and most
consistent laps all day, 2 drivers in tandem from 10 seconds back can tag along and catch you within a few laps.

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Real slip stream.

Fake slip stream.

If I drafted someone in GT5 from the distance being illustrated in the first video, I would be four or five car-lengths ahead before the braking point.
Guys.... please...
Take this discussion of the draft to an appropriate thread...!
It does not relate, at all, to Kaz's twittering...!
It's hard no to (talking about the draft) when everyone else is off-topic.

I did ask about Kaz tweeting though - even it is just a small snippet.

But anyway, on to the next tweet Kaz!
That means its ready for the DLC and Ill have to spend money on it... :D that one I cant pass... and with some luck all the liveries will be in.

I hope he'd announce something about GT300 too, only 4 premiums so far :( I wouldn't mind paying for them :D ...$1... no more, no less.
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FYI I tweeted Kaz to ask if he could make all standards available so we could buy whatever we want whenever we want. The whole car rotation is not needed.
A new tweet from Kaz suggests there is quite a lot of demand for the free X2010.

"There's a huge amount of access to GT5 online right now and its slowing down the server response time. Sorry about this."
FYI I tweeted Kaz to ask if he could make all standards available so we could buy whatever we want whenever we want. The whole car rotation is not needed.

What have you done...if this happens, the forum will be filled with people complaining that they no longer feel special because their cars are no longer rare, as if they were rare to begin with... :nervous:
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The way it is now I may never see some cars because I miss the rotation. I wouldn't even want to know the total time it takes to enter the ucd and back out to check after every rotation. That is to much time wasted going back and forth through menus.

Like I said earlier. There is no reason why there should be a rotation. There are cars that are premium that are the same as standards that are older cars and just because they are premium they should be accessible anytime and have zero miles? That doesn't make sense.
From his live Twitter interview with Honda - (Click Here)

"We’re making Honda HSV now but may not be in time for GT5." - Kaz

That was before the release of GT5 (June 2010).


That means its ready for the DLC and Ill have to spend money on it... :D that one I cant pass... and with some luck all the liveries will be in.

Thanks Masi, yeah they surely had time to finish it [LOL] so it's really possible that we're going to have it in dlc. I love that thing.
Funny story, that tweet about the HSV10 was in reply to me, had asked during a Honda America tweet session during E3 before GT was released.
Does anyone know why my tweet is not showing up on Kaz's twitter anymore? I can still see tweets from other people but mine is absent. I guess he deleted it?