- 162
- GTP_David (race)/KopparbergDave (casual)
- KopparbergDave
"Yes. RT @dalesimps: @Kaz_Yamauchi GT5 Spec 2.0 tomorrow?"
So tomorrow then for Spec 2 fun!
So tomorrow then for Spec 2 fun!
"Yes. RT @dalesimps: @Kaz_Yamauchi GT5 Spec 2.0 tomorrow?"
So tomorrow then for Spec 2 fun!
The previous Japanese tweet seems to hint that it'll go live after the Maintenance tonight.
Kaz_Yamauchi: はい、その予定です。RT @bluray1123: @Kaz_Yamauchi 午前11時~午後12時に明日メンテナンスがあるってことは午後12時からSpec2.0アップデート開始ですか?
Kaz_Yamauchi: yes, that's what is planned. RT @bluray1123: @Kaz_Yamauchi Does the fact that tomorrow at 11 AM - 12 PM there's [server] maintenance mean that starting from 12 PM the Spec 2.0 update will begin?
New tweet from kaz.
To enter the pit lane at high speed around the pit lane out there creating and saving there is a way out of this course would leave the pit lane after 戻Rezu automatic operation resumes. RT @ yozan1106: @ automatic operation of additional information after the resumption of saving four-hour endurance → Tsukuba Kaz_Yamauchi Aspec ...
From google translate.
Seems like its just about the endurance saving bug.
Just seen this too. Is he stating the problem or the solution?
By entering the pitlane at a speed that won't make you able to [keep the line and go ahead] and saving there, it looks like after after restarting you won't get back in the pitlane [but] you'll return to the track in automatic driving mode [instead].
SHIRAKAWA AkiraThis is what Yamauchi meant in answer to a guy who had problem during a Tsukuba 4hr endurance and endurance saves:
Can someone ask Kaz why the improved AI aren't in A-Spec mode?
I can't wait til I finish a few years of Japanese class so I can ask him myself.
Has anyone asked Kaz if we are able to race at SPA during the midnight hours? As far as I know SPA does have 24HR races so it would make sense for it to be in.
Oh, really? RT @r210395: @Kaz_Yamauchi GT 5 for ever! MORE MORE MORE DLC'S!
He probably thought: "Do people really want to actually pay more instead of receiving new content for free in patches?"