Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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The "planned to be done Sept or Oct" part worries me...
Yeah, but PD is in kind of a bad position. They've been getting back up to speed from a devastating disaster, as well as a huge move of a hunk (at least) of their studio to Fukuoka, a more stable part of Japan. I'm really surprised that PD is functioning as much as it is right now.

We'll just have to hope that those coders, modelers and artists have been working their fingers off for us ungrateful barbarians (referring to the 50 or so malcontents around here).
What's not concrete about:

- "DLC will come after patches fixing bugs and adding new features"
- "The inclusion of new features and content is planned to be done with updates on September or October"

What's not concrete about:

- "DLC will come after patches fixing bugs and adding new features"
- "The inclusion of new features and content is planned to be done with updates on September or October"


Oh right, never noticed the first one. When it says new features though, what will they be? I have a feeling that 1.12 could have some good stuff in, but I'm just not raising my hopes too high, just in case.
Fingers crossed for permanent time trial leaderboards as one of the features he refers to in september/october. That's when GT5 Prologue goes offline. I also believe that B-Spec Seasonal Events will be added during that period. The new patch is probably the bug fixes which Kaz previously said would come before any new features.

New content could be what everyone likes to pronounce as DLC. Long ago Yamauchi said that they plan to update some standard cars to premium. New premium cars were simply patched into GT5 Prologue and I believe that the generous spirit still lives at Polyphony Digital. I'm not so sure about new tracks but we did see El Capitan in the leaked trailer from Red Bull. Time will tell but this is just my attempt to put some pieces together.
I don't know why they can't just port all of GT4's tracks over.

If it was some sort of track pack thing, like where there would be a handful of tracks from past GT's for like 10 or 12$ US that would be really popular.

I'd love to see new tracks more than cars. But I'd also put the priority of bug fixes and optimization (especially the draft) ahead of that though.

I'm not expecting too much come fall. It does sound like, how people were saying, they are sort of waiting for Forza 4 to release for them to drop bombs. I'm speculative about that timing but if it's true then it really does go to show what competition can do for us.

In the back of my mind though... I am picturing GT5 Spec II.
Another cryptic rambling/tweet by Yamauchi, not really GT5-related (I think). I'm posting my human translation here just because I'm still trying to figure out what he really meant. Be warned that Google Translate is of no use here:

Kaz_Yamauchi: 「愚痴る人」と「愚痴らない人」・・人間は2つの傾向に分類できるかもしれない。人数比で言ったら後者は前者より圧倒的に少数だが確実にいる。両者の構造的な違いは「自身の切実な意見を表明する対象が、当の本人か、そうでない人か」だけだが、これらはどんな契機で分岐していくんだろう。

Kaz_Yamauchi: "People who complain" and "people who don't complain" ... humans can probably be classified in two trends. To put it in percentages, the latter compared to the former are overwhelmingly in minority, but they do certainly exist. The two's structural difference is just in [the question] "the subjects who express their personal compelling opinion are those persons themselves or those who are not?", but I wonder on what odds would these branch out.
Another cryptic rambling/tweet by Yamauchi, not really GT5-related (I think). I'm posting my human translation here just because I'm still trying to figure out what he really meant. Be warned that Google Translate is of no use here:

Hmmm, First part reads has non complainers are far fewer than complainers to me. The rest just seems to be wondering about what drives each group, and possibly how it effects the game. Just my impression though.:sly:

[edit] Taken out of a GT context, probably just daydreams and speculation on human nature.
Has Kaz said if the upgrade standard car to premium car will be a update or a DLC?

Could be bug juice and triple edge blades for our windshield wipers for all anybody knows. :nervous:
But seriously, he hasn't said much, but given the timing, there's a decent chance it'll be something good.:)

Oh, wait. I missread you....thought you were asking about the comming update.....He's never really been clear on anything other than there are ones he'd like to up to premium, but I don't think he's ever really commited all the way, much less said how we would get them.
I say just before 5th October for the DLC/update stuff. I am basing this entirely on the fact that's when the platinum version of the game launches and it would make sense to have the update available prior to that release but, also, to get it out before Forza 4.
I say just before 5th October for the DLC/update stuff. I am basing this entirely on the fact that's when the platinum version of the game launches and it would make sense to have the update available prior to that release but, also, to get it out before Forza 4.

It could be plausible, 5th October is a Wednesday and PS Store updates content at Wednesdays