Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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Thursdays for USA.

I say just before 5th October for the DLC/update stuff. I am basing this entirely on the fact that's when the platinum version of the game launches and it would make sense to have the update available prior to that release but, also, to get it out before Forza 4.

If anything I see it when you are saying. When Platinum or Greatest Hits version is released that way if you don't have it, everything they fixed should be on the disk. But who knows.
Kaz_Yamauchi: 「愚痴る人」と「愚痴らない人」・・人間は2つの傾向に分類できるかもしれない。人数 比で言ったら後者は前者より圧倒的に少数だが確実にいる。両者の構造的な違いは「自身 の切実な意見を表明する対象が、当の本人か、そうでない人か」だけだが、これらはどん な契機で分岐していくんだろう。
Another cryptic rambling/tweet by Yamauchi, not really GT5-related (I think). I'm posting my human translation here just because I'm still trying to figure out what he really meant. Be warned that Google Translate is of no use here:

Not a word for word translation by any means but I believe Yamauchi-san is saying something along the lines of...

Most people are complainers and it seems by definition they must be "one and the same" as those who are naturally expressive, but I wonder what the ratios are.

Seems like an interesting statement to me... Should Yamauchi-san pay attention to GT5 "fans"? "Fans" are supposed to be vocal but what percentage of those "fans" are just moaning and whining? "GT5 is missing this"... "GT5 needs that"... Fair points maybe, complaints - definitely... Understanding whether "fans" are worth listening to at all, or whether their views should prioritize a change - it's not so simple is it?
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Not a word for word translation by any means but I believe Yamauchi-san is saying something along the lines of...

Most people are complainers and it seems by definition they must be "one and the same" as those who are naturally expressive, but I wonder what the ratios are.

Seems like an interesting statement to me... Should Yamauchi-san pay attention to GT5 "fans"? "Fans" are supposed to be vocal but what percentage of those "fans" are just moaning and whining? "GT5 is missing this"... "GT5 needs that"... Fair points maybe, complaints - definitely... Understanding whether "fans" are worth listening to at all, or whether their views should prioritize a change - it's not so simple is it?

I don't think he wold say that MOST people are complainers. That don't seem like something he would say. If that is the case he must be talking about his fans and surely he wouldn't call most of his fans complainers.
I don't think he wold say that MOST people are complainers. That don't seem like something he would say. If that is the case he must be talking about his fans and surely he wouldn't call most of his fans complainers.

Yamauchi-san doesn't have to tweet about GT with every tweet...

He said there are 2 kinds of people...
1.) People who complain.
2.) People who don't complain.

If people who don't complain are in the minority then most people must complain. Seems like simple enough logic to me.

I'd go so far as to say everyone on the planet complains or has complained about something. Even a baby's cries could be considered a complaint of a sort - if not vocally then by primitive gesture. All people have complained. All people are expressive. 1:1 relationship.

Now if Yamauchi-san did mean GT fans... I'd personally struggle to believe that there's a single GT fan out there who hasn't complained at all about something with GT5. If you want to take it to extremes and consider those who complain all the time about GT5 and whether they make up the majority of vocal and expressive kinds of people? Well.....

I won't be losing any [EDIT + more] sleep over this.
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I don't know why they can't just port all of GT4's tracks over.
I want more than that, I want PD to port over ALL the classic GT tracks, though bringing them all up to "Standard track" standards would be some work. But that's what I want. The Premium tracks like Rome take a couple of years or so to produce.

Along with that, I want A-Spec Mode expanded to resemble the GT Mode in GT5. I also want an Event Generator which offers rewards, like is in GT2. I also want the XP system scrapped, but it's such an integral part of GT5, I'm not sure how to re-balance it.

In regard the "complainers" tweet, Kaz-sensei seems to be mulling over the validity of a number of people ranting about something. Every business selling a product values their customers' opinions. People throwing fits though is another matter. Usually they have nothing to contribute to improving a product. However, if enough of them are mad over a change, you have to rethink your product one step back, when they were happy with it, before you progress one step forward again in a new direction.

On this board, there are around 25 or so who are consistently mad at GT5. There are also 50 or so who bother to argue with them about it. Most of the hundreds who visit though the week are just happy to have the game and come here to gush about it or get advice.
Kaz actually said some fans are complainers?

That's really out of left field for a guy like him.

It sounds like he didn't say fans are complainers. From translations it sounds like he is just talking about psychology of people. But yes, people are complainers, read these forums.
Yeah, if he thinks the millions of GT supporters are 100% perfectly happy with the state of the GT franchise, he's delusional. Complainers are not "bashers". Complainers are willing to admit the game has flaws and publicly state what the flaws are. I seriously hope Kaz and the rest of Sony/PlayStation don't expect us to be mindless zombies? We are all, in essence 'beta testers'.
He must have stopped by in the last few days or months. :), instead of when the game was in development then he wouldn't be complaining about the complainers. J/K he probably was here who knows.
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Kaz is right. Some GT fans are just complainers.

say what you will, complaining works. and why is it called complaining? I'd call it constructive criticism. Most of the "complaining" posts don't just say GT5 sux omfg!!! they actually specify which areas of the game they'd like to be improved and which features they'd like added
I think this site has shown, in quite a respectful manner, exactly what aspects of GT5 need to be improved on. Obviously, the rest of the internet may not have been just as constructive, but if there's room for improvement, now more than ever, we have the ability to both voice it as well as have it adjusted without waiting for a whole new game with, potentially, a whole other set of issues.
That it says in Gran Turismo official site

"Beginning 4.00 BST/5.00 CET on August 30"

"Beginning 8pm PST on August 29"
Yamauchi specified that what he last said wasn't related to GT5 or his participation on twitter:

Kaz_Yamauchi: あ、いえ、私のTwitterへのメンションとは全く無関係なつぶやきです。一般論として素朴に尋ねてみたわけです。RT @sekinei: @youyayoshi @Kaz_Yamauchi 意見が伝わるのは良い事と自分も思いますが、それがデベロッパーの宿命なのかもしれません。

Kaz_Yamauchi: Ah, no, it's a murmuring that is completely unrelated with my mentioning on Twitter. I tried to simply ask [a general opinion on that]. RT @sekinei: @youyayoshi @Kaz_Yamauchi I personally think too that it's a good thing that opinions get transmitted, but that is probably the fate of developers.
just thing if you're kaz and PD.

You put hours and hours into building GT5. You put in features that you knew would strain the playstation 3 hardware to it's limits and yet you do so tos satisfy your fans. You have programmers and artists sleeping on your desks trying to get this game out as quick as they can.

And what do they get in retur? Endless mindless complains. Not the sort of constructive criticisms but the ones that nit pick everything, the ones that are blatantly false and ones that are completely irrelevant like rewind.

Your immediate reaction to it as kaz would be '**** this'

There's a vocal minority here that complains about everysingle aspect of the game. No wonder PD has no community managers. They would be tearing their hair out if they tried to engage with the GT community
I definitely look forward to 'English' tweets. Kazunori said there's a chance, I really hope he will do that.
From the interviews I saw I indeed feel he's a great man, a very respectful one; I would exclude he wanted to hurt anyone.

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