Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

  • Thread starter alba
say what you will, complaining works. and why is it called complaining? I'd call it constructive criticism. Most of the "complaining" posts don't just say GT5 sux omfg!!! they actually specify which areas of the game they'd like to be improved and which features they'd like added

GTPlanet doesn't have your average run of the mill complainers.

This place has the serial versions.

The ones who continually post complaints, one right after the other.

They can also be identified by the fact that nearly every one of their posts is negative.
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just thing if you're kaz and PD.

You put hours and hours into building GT5. You put in features that you knew would strain the playstation 3 hardware to it's limits and yet you do so tos satisfy your fans. You have programmers and artists sleeping on your desks trying to get this game out as quick as they can.

And what do they get in retur? Endless mindless complains. Not the sort of constructive criticisms but the ones that nit pick everything, the ones that are blatantly false and ones that are completely irrelevant like rewind.

Your immediate reaction to it as kaz would be '**** this'

There's a vocal minority here that complains about everysingle aspect of the game. No wonder PD has no community managers. They would be tearing their hair out if they tried to engage with the GT community
Since 1992, Kaz has been working on the GT series. That factoid does very well in showing the kind of person Kaz is. Kaz has been creating a game that has strove to replicate reality that goes back to the time before the launch of PS1, and it's comparable with Metal Gear in terms of scope and the way it revolutionized gaming. People don't understand that Kaz's end game isn't about the money, but about the passion he has for what he's doing. He could have moved on already if it weren't a passion. 20 years next year. That's dedication.

And just saying this for those who don't know, 15 people maximum worked on GT1, which took 4-5 years to make. If you seriously think Kaz is some con man/jerk because he released a half-finished game to make us pay for the full version of GT5 with GT6 in a couple years, then you're wacko.

Some nitpickers wonder why some of us idolize Kaz, or speak highly of him, but it's so obvious to us why we have cherished this man's creations. He's even a true world-class racer. He's collaborated with legends, and it's only right (my point of view) to consider him one as well.

This needed to be said because we all need to give credit where it's been due for the past 20 years. GT5 is the best because this GT has never boasted being "The Real Driving Simulator Game". May sound stupid, but it's really that simple for most of us. We're glad that Kaz made GT5 nothing like Forza (a bunch of pizzazz wrapped in a bodykit). That's why we prefer to play GT5 for it's intended use over Danny-boy's roided car games (those of us who own both Consoles).

Jeff Gordon suit TONIGHT. The start of a new path of unique rewards. Nearing 3 full months since update 1.10, and it has since been a significant boost of enjoyment out of GT5 from many of the "Un/documented" tweaks in 1.10.

Not many people can say what you have said as well as you said it. If only I could agree more.

I think this site has shown, in quite a respectful manner, exactly what aspects of GT5 need to be improved on.
Saying that Kaz should be fired or that he's "incompetent" isn't respectful. When I first joined GTPlanet, half of my 400 posts at the time were arguments with people. I never start an argument that's uncalled for. I'm realistic and know when to admit defeat, but many of those opposed to my ideas were just harsh and wouldn't admit any wrong.

They also would get personal by making it some sort of offence that I was speaking highly of Kaz, referencing him when needed as proof of what's to come for GT5 or "what went wrong", then being told his words shouldn't be trusted because he "lied" to us. It was all very convoluted thinking as Japan was then under a crisis. Comments like, "PD headquarters is fine? Get back to work", or "Kaz shouldn't be trusted, just get back to work." You know, childish stuff like that. And the, "Why can't you just add workers to make things go faster?", question. By that I mean, people asking questions that are impossible to answer unless you work for PD.
But I must say, there are some people who do make rational arguments that aren't underlined with offensive tones. Those are the people who just enjoy their games for what they are. Not everything has customization like Forza, not everything is as broad as GT5 in terms of cars and features.

GTPlanet doesn't have your average run of the mill complainers.

This place has the serial versions.

The ones who continually post complaints, one right after the other.

They can also be identified by the fact that nearly every one of their posts is negative.
Sums it up.
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Since 1992, Kaz has been working on the GT series. That factoid does very well in showing the kind of person Kaz is. Kaz has been creating a game that has strove to replicate reality that goes back to the time before the launch of PS1, and it's comparable with Metal Gear in terms of scope and the way it revolutionized gaming. People don't understand that Kaz's end game isn't about the money, but about the passion he has for what he's doing. He could have moved on already if it weren't a passion. 20 years next year. That's dedication.

And just saying this for those who don't know, 15 people maximum worked on GT1, which took 4-5 years to make. If you seriously think Kaz is some con man/jerk because he released a half-finished game to make us pay for the full version of GT5 with GT6 in a couple years, then you're wacko.

Some nitpickers wonder why some of us idolize Kaz, or speak highly of him, but it's so obvious to us why we have cherished this man's creations. He's even a true world-class racer. He's collaborated with legends, and it's only right (my point of view) to consider him one as well.

This needed to be said because we all need to give credit where it's been due for the past 20 years. GT5 is the best because this GT has never boasted being "The Real Driving Simulator Game". May sound stupid, but it's really that simple for most of us. We're glad that Kaz made GT5 nothing like Forza (a bunch of pizzazz wrapped in a bodykit). That's why we prefer to play GT5 for it's intended use over Danny-boy's roided car games (those of us who own both Consoles).

Jeff Gordon suit TONIGHT. The start of a new path of unique rewards. Nearing 3 full months since update 1.10, and it has since been a significant boost of enjoyment out of GT5 from many of the "Un/documented" tweaks in 1.10.

Not many people can say what you have said as well as you said it. If only I could agree more.

Saying that Kaz should be fired or that he's "incompetent" isn't respectful. When I first joined GTPlanet, half of my 400 posts at the time were arguments with people. I never start an argument that's uncalled for. I'm realistic and know when to admit defeat, but many of those opposed to my ideas were just harsh and wouldn't admit any wrong.

They also would get personal by making it some sort of offence that I was speaking highly of Kaz, referencing him when needed as proof of what's to come for GT5 or "what went wrong", then being told his words shouldn't be trusted because he "lied" to us. It was all very convoluted thinking as Japan was then under a crisis. Comments like, "PD headquarters is fine? Get back to work", or "Kaz shouldn't be trusted, just get back to work." You know, childish stuff like that. And the, "Why can't you just add workers to make things go faster?", question. By that I mean, people asking questions that are impossible to answer unless you work for PD.
But I must say, there are some people who do make rational arguments that aren't underlined with offensive tones. Those are the people who just enjoy their games for what they are. Not everything has customization like Forza, not everything is as broad as GT5 in terms of cars and features.

Sums it up.

I couldn't agree more, this is very true. I feel appreciation just flies over peoples heads nowadays, its actually quite sad, good post.
Saying that Kaz should be fired or that he's "incompetent" isn't respectful. When I first joined GTPlanet, half of my 400 posts at the time were arguments with people. I never start an argument that's uncalled for. I'm realistic and know when to admit defeat, but many of those opposed to my ideas were just harsh and wouldn't admit any wrong.

Trolls, trolls, trolls.

Honestly, those people will always exist they're not the people I was referring to. I was more pointing out that many people have given good suggestions for progressing the game, who have been constructive even though they were disappointed.
Yeah, if he thinks the millions of GT supporters are 100% perfectly happy with the state of the GT franchise, he's delusional. Complainers are not "bashers". Complainers are willing to admit the game has flaws and publicly state what the flaws are. I seriously hope Kaz and the rest of Sony/PlayStation don't expect us to be mindless zombies? We are all, in essence 'beta testers'.

I understand what you're saying but there's a difference when people complain non stop, and it is getting to be quite annoying, especially when the game has been out for almost 10 months. At this point to the people that do nothing but complain might as well pack their bags and call it a night. Most of the complainers only have themselves to blame, they set their expectations WAY too high, and that's something you should never do, especially when anticipating the release of your favorite game.
Trolls, trolls, trolls.

Honestly, those people will always exist they're not the people I was referring to. I was more pointing out that many people have given good suggestions for progressing the game, who have been constructive even though they were disappointed.

Those good people are here for sure. But it's the loud ones that get the most attention, the negative constructive criticizers. The one's that use GTPlanet as their own personal journal. I use GTPlanet to fight evil. :dopey:
It's always good arguing about GT5 and Forza with people on youtube (rarely) who know how to make a good debate and have solid rational opinions that aren't meant to bash.
I've admitted it, I get pretty frustrated at times with GT5, but I don't go on rants to try to explain why I should have been seriously consulted before GT5 was released. You know, I could have made a difference. Because I KNOW PD could have made GT5 quicker and released with more features and LMP2 cars and American V8's. That's another example in how people like to complain. But yea, repeat, "I've admitted it, I get pretty frustrated at times with GT5." That's the truth.

I understand what you're saying but there's a difference when people complain non stop, and it is getting to be quite annoying, especially when the game has been out for almost 10 months. At this point to the people that do nothing but complain might as well pack their bags and call it a night. Most of the complainers only have themselves to blame, they set their expectations WAY too high, and that's something you should never do, especially when anticipating the release of your favorite game.

It's really just like you said, the complaining is non-stop. Even after the updates, some people don't think that's good enough and somehow at least one person thinks none of the updates had any significant changes, he thought on our behalf. I don't understand it myself, constant bashing and some people continue to visit the home of GT.
Since 1992, Kaz has been working on the GT series. That factoid does very well in showing the kind of person Kaz is. Kaz has been creating a game that has strove to replicate reality that goes back to the time before the launch of PS1, and it's comparable with Metal Gear in terms of scope and the way it revolutionized gaming. People don't understand that Kaz's end game isn't about the money, but about the passion he has for what he's doing. He could have moved on already if it weren't a passion. 20 years next year. That's dedication.

And just saying this for those who don't know, 15 people maximum worked on GT1, which took 4-5 years to make. If you seriously think Kaz is some con man/jerk because he released a half-finished game to make us pay for the full version of GT5 with GT6 in a couple years, then you're wacko.

Some nitpickers wonder why some of us idolize Kaz, or speak highly of him, but it's so obvious to us why we have cherished this man's creations. He's even a true world-class racer. He's collaborated with legends, and it's only right (my point of view) to consider him one as well.

This needed to be said because we all need to give credit where it's been due for the past 20 years. GT5 is the best because this GT has never boasted being "The Real Driving Simulator Game". May sound stupid, but it's really that simple for most of us. We're glad that Kaz made GT5 nothing like Forza (a bunch of pizzazz wrapped in a bodykit). That's why we prefer to play GT5 for it's intended use over Danny-boy's roided car games (those of us who own both Consoles).

Jeff Gordon suit TONIGHT. The start of a new path of unique rewards. Nearing 3 full months since update 1.10, and it has since been a significant boost of enjoyment out of GT5 from many of the "Un/documented" tweaks in 1.10.

Not many people can say what you have said as well as you said it. If only I could agree more.

Saying that Kaz should be fired or that he's "incompetent" isn't respectful. When I first joined GTPlanet, half of my 400 posts at the time were arguments with people. I never start an argument that's uncalled for. I'm realistic and know when to admit defeat, but many of those opposed to my ideas were just harsh and wouldn't admit any wrong.

They also would get personal by making it some sort of offence that I was speaking highly of Kaz, referencing him when needed as proof of what's to come for GT5 or "what went wrong", then being told his words shouldn't be trusted because he "lied" to us. It was all very convoluted thinking as Japan was then under a crisis. Comments like, "PD headquarters is fine? Get back to work", or "Kaz shouldn't be trusted, just get back to work." You know, childish stuff like that. And the, "Why can't you just add workers to make things go faster?", question. By that I mean, people asking questions that are impossible to answer unless you work for PD.
But I must say, there are some people who do make rational arguments that aren't underlined with offensive tones. Those are the people who just enjoy their games for what they are. Not everything has customization like Forza, not everything is as broad as GT5 in terms of cars and features.

Sums it up.

One of the best posts on this website in a long time. Agree 100% 👍
I can understand the annoyance.
What I don't understand is why people, when annoyed, then feel compelled to: 1. Read threads that they know will annoy them just from the title alone., and 2. Think posting how annoyed they are in said thread will somehow make it go away.
I mean, really, even if number 2 works on rare occassions, somebody else is going to start another thread to replace it regardless. Just because. Doesn't matter if they are sincere, or just trolling, it's going to keep comming up anyway.
If I know a thread is going to annoy me, I have no problem skipping over it. If the title fools me, I have no problem not posting and moving on. I just don't get it. It's like people have OCD or something, and have to read annoying whiner complaint threads and respond to them instead of just leaving them to fizzle on their own.
Just don't get it.
^^^ It is like OCD actually. Not anymore for me because I was drained when I first joined, but now, I see a lot of my fellows are taking up the fight. It's only fair that some of us check those others' posts who feel they need to nitpick all the time. An Official Complaints Thread would be nice to keep the piece. If that were allowed, I'm sure a lot of us won't feel the need to check their posts because it won't be EVERYWHERE we look, just in one spot.

Kaz has retweeted someone who replied to his "complainers, non-complainers"? tweet and it contains a lot of B words and moans by bionic_Jr. Looks really funny with google trans. I'm intrigued.


It's a two way street guys.

There are also idiots (i'm not going to be soft here) out there who when ever anyone has a legitimate complaint, they immediately go off on a tangent about how it's perfectly acceptable and if you disagree, their reply is always "then go play Forza or Need For Speed."

The simple fact is, Gran Turismo 5 is a disappointment for many. It's far from what it should have and could have been. Fans who have been playing since even the first game, have every right to be unhappy, they also have every right to come to a privately run forum about Gran Turismo and voice their opinion.

They aren't complaining for the sake of it (atleast, most aren't), they are fans of the series, meaning they want to support it, and want to see it succeed, that is why they are voicing their opinions on what should and shouldn't be changed. That's how products remain successful in a competitive market.


I’d rather buy a game that only comes with 10 cars, (that are fast, competitive, and fun to drive) than buy a game with 0 good cars out of 1000. Nobody wants all that Nissan, Honda, and Japanese car cap. Put in some American cars, race cars, like v8 super cars, Indy cars, and grand am. Also, have a better dirt experience. The cars suck on the. When you try to swing the rear of the car, it bogs down. Gt5, this is why you are losing fans.

I deffienetly agree with you 100%. An with all those Japanesse crap cars they couldn’t hav done something cool like add Nissian’s LMP2 car that the winner from GT Academy even gets to drive at Le Mans!? Personally with the low quality dirt racing experience they should have just left it out and stuck to circuit racing. I mean they don’t even make the cool Le Mas ars that they have premium and there are no actually GT Le Mans cars like the 458 and Corvettes that run Le Mans. For sure a disappointment. What’s the point to hyping up all these features when they are half done?

Those guys (amac and mangusta) really should go play Forza instead. They're screaming for it and I'm pretty sure people only say go play FM or NFS if someone were to make statements like these. They're lacking in the realist department.
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^^^ It is like OCD actually.

Dang, I go through periods at times when I just "have" to mess with the trolls, so I can sort of understand it I guess, but that's mostly for fun, not from annoyance. I think I'd have to throw my computer away if it was some need to fight trolls because they actually bothered me. lol.
Anyway, I'm way OT. Have fun with the new tweet.:sly:
Since 1992, Kaz has been working on the GT series. That factoid does very well in showing the kind of person Kaz is. Kaz has been creating a game that has strove to replicate reality that goes back to the time before the launch of PS1, and it's comparable with Metal Gear in terms of scope and the way it revolutionized gaming. People don't understand that Kaz's end game isn't about the money, but about the passion he has for what he's doing. He could have moved on already if it weren't a passion. 20 years next year. That's dedication.

And just saying this for those who don't know, 15 people maximum worked on GT1, which took 4-5 years to make. If you seriously think Kaz is some con man/jerk because he released a half-finished game to make us pay for the full version of GT5 with GT6 in a couple years, then you're wacko.

Some nitpickers wonder why some of us idolize Kaz, or speak highly of him, but it's so obvious to us why we have cherished this man's creations. He's even a true world-class racer. He's collaborated with legends, and it's only right (my point of view) to consider him one as well.

This needed to be said because we all need to give credit where it's been due for the past 20 years. GT5 is the best because this GT has never boasted being "The Real Driving Simulator Game". May sound stupid, but it's really that simple for most of us. We're glad that Kaz made GT5 nothing like Forza (a bunch of pizzazz wrapped in a bodykit). That's why we prefer to play GT5 for it's intended use over Danny-boy's roided car games (those of us who own both Consoles).

Jeff Gordon suit TONIGHT. The start of a new path of unique rewards. Nearing 3 full months since update 1.10, and it has since been a significant boost of enjoyment out of GT5 from many of the "Un/documented" tweaks in 1.10.

Not many people can say what you have said as well as you said it. If only I could agree more.

Saying that Kaz should be fired or that he's "incompetent" isn't respectful. When I first joined GTPlanet, half of my 400 posts at the time were arguments with people. I never start an argument that's uncalled for. I'm realistic and know when to admit defeat, but many of those opposed to my ideas were just harsh and wouldn't admit any wrong.

They also would get personal by making it some sort of offence that I was speaking highly of Kaz, referencing him when needed as proof of what's to come for GT5 or "what went wrong", then being told his words shouldn't be trusted because he "lied" to us. It was all very convoluted thinking as Japan was then under a crisis. Comments like, "PD headquarters is fine? Get back to work", or "Kaz shouldn't be trusted, just get back to work." You know, childish stuff like that. And the, "Why can't you just add workers to make things go faster?", question. By that I mean, people asking questions that are impossible to answer unless you work for PD.
But I must say, there are some people who do make rational arguments that aren't underlined with offensive tones. Those are the people who just enjoy their games for what they are. Not everything has customization like Forza, not everything is as broad as GT5 in terms of cars and features.

Sums it up.

Nice one, I agree completely.
I understand what you're saying but there's a difference when people complain non stop, and it is getting to be quite annoying, especially when the game has been out for almost 10 months. At this point to the people that do nothing but complain might as well pack their bags and call it a night. Most of the complainers only have themselves to blame, they set their expectations WAY too high, and that's something you should never do, especially when anticipating the release of your favorite game.

Whether you like them or not, it's partly because of these complainers that the game has seen so many new features and will still get more even a nearly a year after it's original release. I really doubt we would have some of the features we enjoy today when we fire up the game without them.

Edit: Oh crap, off-topic yet again :/
It's a two way street guys.

There are also idiots (i'm not going to be soft here) out there who when ever anyone has a legitimate complaint, they immediately go off on a tangent about how it's perfectly acceptable and if you disagree, their reply is always "then go play Forza or Need For Speed."

The simple fact is, Gran Turismo 5 is a disappointment for many. It's far from what it should have and could have been. Fans who have been playing since even the first game, have every right to be unhappy, they also have every right to come to a privately run forum about Gran Turismo and voice their opinion.

They aren't complaining for the sake of it (atleast, most aren't), they are fans of the series, meaning they want to support it, and want to see it succeed, that is why they are voicing their opinions on what should and shouldn't be changed. That's how products remain successful in a competitive market.


Back on topic.

I hope we see more English tweets from Kaz. It's great PR, plus, English is a very widely spoken and understood language, it'll make it easier for communication between fans and Kaz world wide.
New tweet

Kaz_Yamauchi: GT5の8月のオンライン・アップデート(1.11)各地域で、順次始まりました。日本はすでに開始。北米はあと数十分というところでしょうか。

Kaz_Yamauchi: GT's August online update (1.11) has started in all areas sequentially. In Japan it has already begun. In North America it will in a few tens of minutes, probably.
Thanks for the heads up SHIRAKAWA Akira and thanks for the continued translations, it is appreciated 👍
You want to send him a tweet for me since you're fluent in Japanese Shirakawa Akira?? Any attempt by me to translate it to Japanese via Google or Babelfish is just going to end in tears.

Dear Kaz,
And fix your FF cars, we would like to adjust our LSD settings again please!!

New tweets:

Kaz_Yamauchi: RT @aokamikaze4649: @Kaz_Yamauchi アップデートお疲れ様です。と言いたい所なんですが不具合が1つ。FFのマシンのLSDセッテができなくなっています。どうにかなりますかね・・・?

Kaz_Yamauchi: RT @aokamikaze4649: @Kaz_Yamauchi "Good work with the update"... I would like to say that, but there's one bug. LSD settings on FF machines have been rendered unusable. By any means, will this be sorted out, won't it?

Kaz_Yamauchi: FF車のセッティングについては修正済み、他のやつを追いかけてます。

Kaz_Yamauchi: Regarding FF cars settings, fixes have been taken care of; we're chasing the rest.
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