The following is a response to someone via PM conversation that I made. Its just one more way to look at this subject, and settings in general;
Demonchilde = "Abs, Tc, and the other drive settings are all "helpers" in that, they help you become a more stable driver while your gaining experience and getting more skilled yourself. As you become more skilled, all those "helpers" begin to hurt your time, as you do most of what they help with on your own.
So a new player to gt6, might love Tc=5 and ABS=3, but then a few months later he's down to 1/1 on those settings because he drives better. Then most players begin experimenting with turning TC and the others off altogether. A lot of players use abs=1 only.
But camber, as it is here, is a helper also. I see it as just another driving aid. The more aids you have on, the slower the car becomes. Although camber isn't as blatent as the other ones, I do believe its in the same category."