Kills thread!

  • Thread starter MazKid
My best kill story...God you think I'd have a lot but I don't. When I raced I never killed anyone just beat em.

I'll just tell you about a race I did the other day in my Ghetto Stang. I was sitting at a light and the car was making a lot of noise cause of like 20 rust holes in the exhaust. So this Celica rolls up next to me and revs up his little four banger making the cat-back go BWEEEEEENNNNN. So I was like why the hell not. So I reved my enigne which sounded bad ass cause of the holey exhaust. The light turn green and we both floor it. Of course my car beats him off the light cause of sheer torque. So I'm in the lead going about 50 in a 55 zone. I hit 3rd a shoot up to 70. The Celica backs off and I win. I guess you could say thats a win story but not a kill story.
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin

I would absolutly smash you in my viper

what kind of times are you pulling off?
1/4 Mile?

What I meant was that I would race anyone no matter how small my chances of winning are. I dont only race people I would beat, because that isn't fun.

I like to race and I dont care if I lose. BTW my 1/4 mile would be like 15.8 and 0-60 is like maybe around 8.2 or probably even closer to 8.0 despite what I have in my sig.

I almost got in a race with an older (1991?) Volvo 940 Turbo today, but traffic was too thick. So do you think I would have had a chance? What does a Volvo 940 Turbo have for grunt?

Kepp the stories coming people, I look forward to checking back here every day.
yea, my bro will race anyone that tryies to get ahead of us or cut us off. Just happens that his MX-6 GT is really fast(near stock, it's got K&N filters and not catalithic converter, and he put a boost controller on it but it don't really work yet. We really haven't lost. We almost did to a Grand Prix, it was a tie, the "track" (same exact street as the Maxima race we had last night, we've had a ton of races there), well the guy was one of my bro's friends on the way home from school last year, they took the inside lane, we took to the outside(cause we knew that the guy would race us cause he's funny and will race just for the hell of it), and well we started to pull ahead going up the hill(after the light, it goes down and to the right slightly then up to the left and there's a strait that goes up the hill and there's a light at the top, but the outside lane becomes a turn-only lane and the road becomes 2 lanes instead of 4) and the guy had to get into the lane next to him(to turn left at the street at the top of the hill) and we had to slow down to avoid hitting the triangular curb thingy and got behind him right before he turned(we both had slowed down to normal speed).
It was fun though.
You know what I just remembered?

I'm a mod, I could make it a read.

I'd have to talk to my boss Vat to see if I should do it or not....
I know, I know. 3 posts in a row!

But I just went to find out what kind of heat that Volvo 940 Turbo I almost raced today was packin'. Pretty damn weak, it has a 2.3L Turbo Inline 4 cyl, with either 114hp or 163hp depending on what trim level it was! What a little baby motor! I would have totally rocked his boat!

Don't be afraid of these things!
Originally posted by MazKid
yea, my bro will race anyone that tryies to get ahead of us or cut us off. Just happens that his MX-6 GT is really fast(near stock, it's got K&N filters and not catalithic converter, and he put a boost controller on it but it don't really work yet. We really haven't lost. We almost did to a Grand Prix, it was a tie, the "track" (same exact street as the Maxima race we had last night, we've had a ton of races there), well the guy was one of my bro's friends on the way home from school last year, they took the inside lane, we took to the outside(cause we knew that the guy would race us cause he's funny and will race just for the hell of it), and well we started to pull ahead going up the hill(after the light, it goes down and to the right slightly then up to the left and there's a strait that goes up the hill and there's a light at the top, but the outside lane becomes a turn-only lane and the road becomes 2 lanes instead of 4) and the guy had to get into the lane next to him(to turn left at the street at the top of the hill) and we had to slow down to avoid hitting the triangular curb thingy and got behind him right before he turned(we both had slowed down to normal speed).
It was fun though.
No offense but your brother sounds like a bit of an ass. I can't stand it when I try to pull ahead of a guy in the other lane so I can get into it because I usually NEED to rather quickly or else I wouldn't be going so fast. Not letting the guy into the lane when he wants to is a bit of an assanine thing to do. I'm not trying to start anything here though. I'm just voicing my opinion.
Originally posted by MazKid
You know what I just remembered?

I'm a mod, I could make it a read.

I'd have to talk to my boss Vat to see if I should do it or not....

Make it a read, after all, its what the people clearly want, so who cares about the mods.
Stevie, he only does this to people that started behind us and try to get ahead of us for no reason. If there's people that need to get in because of a lane closure or other problem we let them in, but when someone clearly knows the road and that the lane ends(like this Maxima, the guy lives like a block from me, I saw the Maxima in a driveway today) and is just trying to race ahead of us, it's fair game to race them.

With the Grand Prix, it's hard to expain...I'll try again.
We were the light that turns onto Craig, he is in the left lane, we are in the right. We raced, and at the top of the hill he had to get into the left turn lane, and our lane ends at the same spot, so we slowed down, got behind him, he got over like he always does, and we drove past him on the street while he turned to the other street. We knew where each other had to go so we moved into the correct areas. No problem, it was fun.

Does that help at all?
Civic just hang on I PMed Vat.

I don't want to cause a problem, I'm nicer than that. I'm sure that there won't be a problem with it but I don't want to take a chance.
I've only been out driving twice since I got my license, but we (me ansd my dad) did burn someone off once. We were out looking for Hobby Shops, and this asian in a ugly Precida or some stupid people mover was driving right beside us at the same speed and we needed to get into that lane. So when it came to the lights, my dad said "Oh ****, I have to get into that lane, Im gonna have to floor it". So the light flash green, dad floors it, the tires squeal, we leave our signature, and the asian is left dumbfounded at the lights. He didnt really want to race, but we knew if we didnt get past him he would sit beside us not allowing us to change lanes.
I will look like a huge hypocrit here, but if this is going to become a read, we should make sure that the only posts are Kill Stories or atleast Race Stories. There is nothing worse than sifting through pages of annoying messages. Is there a way to erase the comments and only leave the stories?

If we only make this thread for stories and exclude comments, we need to have a certain criteria. You must state the car you were driving and all of the details. And everything you know about the other car(s) so we can avoid people asking questions.

Tomorow is Saturday and I am going to go out hunting for races ALL day. I am done all of my projects for the whole semester and I am free until the final exams. I plan on coming back with some awesome stories in the next 2 days. Hopefully I dont get arrested or killed.
Great stories guys!

My dad never really "races" other people, except on highways maybe. It's a shame though, because his car is surprisingly spiffy. :)

When my mom still had the T5 she would have the occasional stoplight fun though, but now with this crappy BLOB BLOB BLOB diesel. Eeww...
My favorite kill was drving my Eagle Talon about 7 years ago through an intersection where the lanes change rapidly; from 2 to 3 on the apporach to the stoplight, but when you cross the intersection, a 4th lane on the right emerges temporarily (merges in about 300-400 feet), then back to 3 lanes, and about a half-mile later, merging back to 2 lanes.

I'm in the right-most lane at the light, and as it turns green, a 5.0 Mustang comes charging around the right side of me; an illegal pass in the intersection, and jumps straight into the "4th" lane as we call it in the area.

So I'm in the 3rd lane, behind the Mustang...knowing full well it's going to have to merge to the left, but the 5.0 driver has chilled for a little bit, and we're doing an even 50 or so (with the flow of trafffic, not racing or anything).

I make a simple move to the left (now the middle of 3 lanes), and pull alongside the Mustang in the right lane. The road's about to merge, but what do you know...the left lane is filled with slow cars, the right lane has an uptight 5.0 and the middle lane is left all to me and an 1st-gen RX-7 behind me, and the Mustang just can't easily join the flow of traffic!!! He was about 4-5 cars behind me when he could finally join the rest of us...

At the next light, the rotory-engined challenger was turning right, so he honked his horn, gave me a thumb's up and a smile, and said "Nice move!", then proceeded his way down the street. I was laughing all the way home after that one.

If you can't be quicker, you have to outsmart your competition!
Hehe good stories people! Vat gave me the OK but if the thread starts to die out it'll lose it's Read.

Cobra-A Precidia? An MX-3 an ugly car? Well if you think so...

Civic-NO, this is an open forum people can post comments wherever they want for the most part, and while I could delete thier post, it's a huge no no and I go bye bye. I actually like reading the comments too.

OK lets make this a read!
Good job Maz! Ok its Saturday morning, I managed to wake up early, I have a ton of errands and **** to run all day so I plan on coming back here with atleast one race story or I shall never show my face here again.
The only car I've ever seriously owned was a last-generation Nissan Altima. It was from a stoplight where two lanes merge to one on the other side of the intersection.

It wasn't pretty.

Then again, he probably had a four cylinder auto, so that's not much of a kill. :lol:

Some dude in a Chevy 1500 revved on me today. Of course, we were stopped behind quite a few other cars. :dunce: I watched him pass another car a little further up the road. There was a lot of noise, without a great deal of forward motion. I think I could have taken him. :D
Originally posted by risingson77
The only car I've ever seriously owned was a last-generation Nissan Altima. It was from a stoplight where two lanes merge to one on the other side of the intersection.

It wasn't pretty.

Then again, he probably had a four cylinder auto, so that's not much of a kill. :lol:

Some dude in a Chevy 1500 revved on me today. Of course, we were stopped behind quite a few other cars. :dunce: I watched him pass another car a little further up the road. There was a lot of noise, without a great deal of forward motion. I think I could have taken him. :D

Damnit, what car do you drive?
Tonight. I was in a G35. I go to a shop late at night with a bunch of other people. Its off a 4 lane street that a -lot- of people race on. We stay in the parking lot until the cop that parks close to the shop pulls someone over. So while he's chasing someone, we send out a couple groups of 3 to go race. I was up against a black mustang BULITT and a turbo Integra :r: . And yes, it was a real :r:. Well, we hit it, the integra spins it's little wheels, and the mustang and I roar away. Beat the mustang by a few feet 1/2 mile later.
the one day, me and my friend had taken his dads(yeah were too young to drive. shut up) '99 Eclipse GSX:thumbsup: out for a spin. Anyway we pulled in to this real long empty parking to see how fast we could get this thing to go. well what do you know, a guy in a civic(93ish) pulls in behind us. we can't resist so we get the cars lined up and one of us yells go! the civic starts squeeling the tires trying to get traction.(all wheel drive ownz) were already a few car lengths ahead when the turbo kicked in so we just take off leaving that fool way behind.

when we finally met up at the end of the parking lot, i ask him what was under the hood. he pops the hood and motions for me to open it. so I did. and do you know what i found? cold air intake, K&N filters, competition heads built by some Japanese company i cant remember, and he said he had borla exhaust.

it must have been a devastating defeat for him becuase our eclipse was all stock.:lol:
First there is my friend Joeys 1995 Accord EX 4 door with an APR exhaust, whip him by 5 car lengths each time.

Then there is Paul, another friend in his Lancer, he thought that since his car's engine has the same literage as my friend David's dad's S2000 that he could beat me, no chance in hell, 7 car lengths.

Stefan in his 4 banger Jeep, 4 car lengths

This guy in a riced out Accord V-6 Coupe, it went to the wire, we ran a stoplight to stoplight race and if I would have to guess my margin of victory was 1 foot.

Then we have my loss that I suffered Thursday night, ok I had Joey in my car, David, Nick and this girl whom I dont even know, Lacey, all and all with all 5 of us in my car, it weighted about 4300lbs:eek: A green riced out Golf Gti pulled next to me and we staged, he beat me. That lil German thing weighted about half as much but if it was just me and David I would have beat it because he only beat me by 3 car lengths.

More to come with my awesome stock 1991 Acura Legend 200hp V-6
Well, I got in 3 races in the last 48 hours.

Yesterday, in the middle of the day, this guy in an Electric blue custom painted Ford Bronco is cruising up along my side, him and a friend were more just kind of checkin out the Jag (Jaguars are pretty rare here, and people think they are $95,000 cars). So I was in a racing mood so I planted the pedal and dropped gears to instigate him. This Bronco is jacked up and I now realize it has a ridiculously loud engine, like a 351 with no exhaust would sound like. Me and him could not stop and race because there was alot of traffic but we just taunted eachother when a small opening would clear in front of us. So that wasnt really a race at all, and I dont know who would have one, because his car never seemed that fast, ok.

here is a similar Bronco:

later on in the day around 6pm yesterday I am dropping off a friend in a quiet neighbourhood when an older guy driving a 1990 Toyota Supra Turbo pulls up. We were at a red light on a pretty curvy road going down hill. So he didnt look like he wanted to race, he was just sitting there, but when the light turned green, he just gunned it, he took off pretty fast and I didnt have a chance. I reacted too slow to his surprise and his car was pretty fast. I stomped it but quickly let off because he was already gone. So again, not much racing for yah.

The Supra was just like this:

Now here was one of the funnest races I have ever been in Period, in fact it almost counts as 3 races!

I am right downtown at about 11:45PM saturday(last) night. On a one way street that has a speed limit of like 50kms or 30mph.This older Mercedes 500SL with the top down comes cruising along beside me. We stop at a light and this guy totally wants to race, I could tell by his posture etc. So I know what hes thinking and vice versa, just before the light turns green a yellow 1992 300ZX TT pulls up, but he doesnt really have a chance to stop, when the light turns green. So me and the MB stomp it and we both have quick launches, and we are kind of matched for the first 50kms, but the 300ZX all of a sudden realizes whats up and he is like giving it all hes got. So the MB starts to creep ahead at like 65km and the 300ZX is still panting to catch up. The MB ran a yellow light and me and the 300ZX stop at the next light after running up to about 80km/h. SO we are stopped with a spot between us when this Orange 1993 Prelude with an aluminum wing pulls up. I am thinking, ok I got all 3 of these bastards in the bag. The Prelude driver knew what was up. So the light turns green and we all stomp on it. My car launches without a sound but the rear suspension dips and my car takes off quickly, the 300ZX leaves a 20ft patch and the Prelude has the predictable ****ty launch like ALL FWD's I race. I am in the lead up to about 60km, I realize that the 300ZX is probably a non-turbo because he is left in the dust, when to my surprise the Prelude comes ROARING, and I mean roaring up beside me and keeps going. It was on of the single most fantastic exhaust notes I have heard in real life. It sounded like he was at 10,000rpm, and then that is when he shifted and I heard that unmistakable HISSSSSSSssssss. Yep, that damn Prelude had a turbo! The 300ZX turned right and the Prelude was way ahead of me. He stayed up there for the rest of the drive until we both wnet out seperate ways. I would have loved to talk to that Prelude driver, and the 300ZX was most likely non-turbo 5-Spd. or a Twin Turbo Auto.

the 500SL:

the 300ZX:

The Prelude:
Originally posted by MazKid

Cobra-A Precidia? An MX-3 an ugly car? Well if you think so...

I dont think it was a Mazda. Maybe an earlier model one of these

Thats a Toyota Previa. Thats a 2002. I think we burnt a '98 or '99 model?? Im not sure.

So people, what kinda speeds have you experienced??
I've hit 150km/h in our old rustbucket Fairmont ('86).
And about 145-150 in our new Fairmont. 😈