All the more reason it doesn't matter. It's not like using a controller or a thumb stick is like driving a car, is it? I guess you can't answer that if you don't drive but the answer is no.
Manual no clutch took me a little time to get used to be I am glad I practiced. Like driving a real car with a manual transmission, it comes with practice. It took me a couple days of driving in real life to get it down decently. In-game it took a lot of laps but it's worth it.
What I do is listen closely to the engine. I turn the game music off. lol, I am now wondering if FM4 even has game music. I don't know honestly. Anyways, I listen to the engine noise and watch the needle on the tach. When it hits redline, I remember how high pitched the noise it. And every time I hear that noise again, I shift. Sounds simple but I do it everytime I get into a new car. Maybe I shift a little early or late but it's a game. And to downshift, I tend to hit one gear at a time while braking until I feel like the RPMs are high enough to get decent acceleration when I finish the corner. Shifting a manual is all about listening to the sound of it. Once you realize that, with a little practice, it becomes second nature.
As for the FB thing, something is up. Both loadedlove and I are in the 1:11 range as he is only a few 10th ahead of me. But FB says I am at 1:13.1xx and he's as 1:12.6xx. I doubt it is slow to update as I haven't attempted another go in over a week.