Quite frankly, the interior noise in the CCX is a turn-on for me. I want to know that I have 800+HP directly behind my head that is willing to spit fire from the exhaust, not some dial in the dash that tells me how much power I'm using.
I suppose it is a difference of tastes, and I want my supercar to be hot, hellishly fast, and generally uncivilized just to give the finger to the upper-crust models from Bugatti, Lamborghini, Ferrari, etc.
I will admit that I'm not the biggest Veyron fan, but that doesnt mean I do not respect the car for what it is, the worlds fastest and possibly greatest car ever. But IMO, it is too quiet... Too tonned down for having 1000HP and the capability of doing 253MPH...
I completely agree with Clarkson when he says that you have to be insane to drive the CCX at the limit, and that is part of the fun with the car... The obsurdity of all of it causes the appeal, invokes the beastly nature of the man (or woman, ha, I'd laugh if I saw it!) behind the wheel. Loud noises, fire and smoke, and the brutal nature of the car is just so, INVIGORATING!
It is loud, harsh, and utterly disrespectful in comparison to the Bugatti. But is it not for the same reason that people like Jesse James are often more likeable than Hugh Grant?
I love this car with every thread of my body, it is just so f'ing awesome! I really have not had car-lust like this since the F40 of my childhood...