/// Krame's Gallery /// Updated: 9/24/07 - "Tournament entries and extras"

  • Thread starter Krame
oh yeah. trying something new with color variations really makes for outstanding photos. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: - this will do till appie gets here :)
@ Vonie: Thanks Vonie. :) I didn't want to do another Subie, but I saw a pic of an STi with blue volk wheels on it and I had to do an update of one with these wheels

@ pain killer: Thanks!

@ PLmatt91: lol. Gotta love the Subies. Too bad you dont like the pics though.

@ lmracer: Thanks, I dont usually anyone use these wheelsm so it was interesting to do.

@ FaLLeNAn9eL: Thanks man! :)
once again another beatiful rex great work the best one is the last small pic where it is behind the fence also nice wheel/car combonation aswell looks awsome
Very nice updates mate, Loving your Tourney entry of the elise.

Odd wheels on the Sub... But oddly i like it 👍... congrats on trying something new 👍

All in all, loving the gallery.. awesome skills, and i await the next update.
Random R34



Holy crap, that first shot is cleann. And the second shot is my favorite...I love that look on the tail lights. I found myself an update after my new one :D
Thanks eveyone! :) I wanted to go for a realistic look as much as I could with these pics. The last pic was done with lens blur.
i thought i had gone into another forum those first two are just to life like...great work and the last one is of the same quality
OK, I got a problem now! I have just spent the past 3 hours looking at your gallery which means i have not done any work! So how i see it is that you owe me 3 hours pay! If you would be so kind as to send me your address so i can invoice you id be gratefull. hmmm......your not going to are you?

Oh well, i will just have to put it down to poor self restraint! As you may have realised im very impressed with your photos. You have come along way since the first shots (although there were pretty darn good anyway) Just getting onto this last page and seeing the R34 shots summed up the whole gallery. They are stunning! If you got any spare talent laying about be sure to send it my way:)

I will be keeping tabs on this gallery and think eveyrbody should take the time to look through from start to finish

Keep up the good work

That's a real nice car you have there krame. I love the shots, they really have some kind of..."I don't know what". Anyway the last one is pure sexiness. 👍

Check out my latest updates if you've got the time..
👍 Awesome job with that R34!!!! All the 3 photos are great, but the last one... no comments!!! 5 Stars work men....KEEP UP!!!
@ Mustang-man: Thanks! :)

@ Dick Steel: Thanks. Mine too.

@ Specialized: Thanks for the great comments and for dropping by man. I really glad you like my work.

@ freddy86: Thanks freddy. Yea, theres something about these pics that make me like them a lot too.

@ appie17: Thanks for the drool once again appie.

@ NTX1982: Thanks! :)

@ DiabolicalMask: Thanks DM. Most poeple seem to like that last shot the best too.

@ sejtur: Thanks sej. :)
those pics looks like you cut them out of a magazine. the scenery in the first 2 is absolutly breathtaking. and the third pic is just plain awsome. 👍