/// Krame's Gallery /// Updated: 9/24/07 - "Tournament entries and extras"

  • Thread starter Krame
very nice shots krame! i love the first one, iono why it just catches my eye and its glued on to it. the other shots are very well done. the lighting is superb and the reflections are beautiful! when will u post more :D
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Edited more


*looking to first subaru pic....*
*....still looking....*
*....jesus christ it's just awesome :drool: *
*can't turn off i.e*

Nice pics m8. Really like them :sly:
Men...your photos are just amazing, what more can I say...?! A truly work of art you have here, congrats!! Just keep your incredible work:)
Thanks for the comments guys. I got the idea for the first shot from a real picture of the same car that I saw. Hopefully I'll get another update out tonight or tommorow.
I love them Subarus, boy.
It's so realistic, ingnoring the fact that the camera man would be dead.
And the Amuse is great, too.
Agree with everyone else, just awesome. We should be able to give a good show in the tournament. Too bad one of us has to leave so early, but if I had to lose in the first round at least its against a great guy like yourself :cheers:.
kennythebomb: Thanks kenny! :D

Vonie: lol. Yea, the cameraman would be flattened in both those pics. Thanks man.

440 CHARGER: Thanks 440. Glad you like it.

Master_Yoda: lol. Thanks.

garnettrules21: Thanks man. I hope our match will be close. Yea, it sucks one of us will have to leave after the first round. Cant wait for the next tourney to start. Thanks agian for the comments.

GT4_Rule: Thanks! :)