/// Krame's Gallery /// Updated: 9/24/07 - "Tournament entries and extras"

  • Thread starter Krame
I hate to be an ass, but it's "Tommi" not "Tommy" ;) But that doesn't change the fact that these pics are sweet! Damn nice Krame! Only thing wrong in it is that it's an EVO... I bought like 40 different EVOs to get them all in black. :dopey: So I'm filled to my throat of EVOs. Great job 👍
I hate to be an ass, but it's "Tommi" not "Tommy" ;) But that doesn't change the fact that these pics are sweet! Damn nice Krame! Only thing wrong in it is that it's an EVO... I bought like 40 different EVOs to get them all in black. :dopey: So I'm filled to my throat of EVOs. Great job 👍

yeah.. :D i know its tommi..but im used on using tommy instead.. tommi is kinda odd (for me.. spelling wise..)..
"Beast in Shibuya"

Heres a quick update I did. I'm not really sure I like these pics, so tell me what you guys think. I'll do another update of this car tommorow maybe.



I like the last one. 👍 The first one has its exhaust tips covered by the red beam of light, and that same beam of light sort of distracts your attention to it. The second picture has a over-bright headlight which sort of kills it, in my opinion.
I shot some very similar pics a while ago... same car, same color, same wheels, same location... :lol:
Everyone seems to be trying to copy everyone elses techniques, there is no originality in any of the updates anymore from most people. While they all look great, everyone is trying to do the same thing.

By blurring backgrounds I find the pictures to lack any real depth, when a picture of a car is taken you have to focus on the car of cause but a great background can really liven the picture up, and by blurring it this is avoided.
I love the reflections on the first and third ones, and the wheels are really awesome. Visit my gallery if you have a chance.