/// Krame's Gallery /// Updated: 9/24/07 - "Tournament entries and extras"

  • Thread starter Krame
Those are very good, but I don't really like muscle cars :( But your S2000 and the Subaru were excellent IMO, They're really colorful and that's what make your shot stand out IMO. Great job!
Thanks gt_masta, most people don't really like the muscle cars, and I'm not into them that much either, but I love the way that some of them look. I try to only take pics that have lots of color in the background, makes the picture much more entertainig and less boring and dull.
I just had a look at the last few pages of updates and I do like your style Krame - you really bring out the colours without going overboard on the contrast. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you win a PhotoMode comp :)
@ appie17: Thanks man.

@ Brock5000: Thanks, I really appreciate your comment and I hope that I can win one of the comps one day too.

Mercedes E55 AMG


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THANK YOU FOR THIS UPDATE!!!! I love that car! The pictures are great and really give the feeling of gangster car like appie said! Black = great, rims = great, lowered = great!! Now I'm thinking of making that the after next update in my gallery!

Little remark though.. in some pictures the rims look a little edgy (is this a word?). Try too smoothen them a little!

@ appie17: Thanks man, that was the look I was going for.

@ freddy86: Thanks freddy! I really love how this car looks. The black looks so sleek and the wheels have a huge lip on it. I know what you mean about the wheels, I forgot to smoothen some of them out.

@ Fletch: Thanks! I really like these wheels too.
How do you get your cars to look so damn awesome?
The colors are spot on and the angles are sweet and they are so clean and the wheels look perfect.

That NSX is absolute sex.
@ ekmatt9: Thanks man!

@ Vonie: Thanks Vonie.:) I do the usual stuff that everyone else does to edit their pics like brightness/contrast and levels. But I take a lot of time to smudge out the jagged edges and ugly color lines to make the body of the car much smoother. Then I use two layers with filters to smooth out the car even more.