Once again, even under direct questioning, there is still no definitive answer to whether the car list will be limited only to the GT3 cars of the Blancpain series. You have to remember who you are dealing with here. This isn't PD or T10, it's the loveable little Kunos, well known as pranksters and enjoying a little joke here and there. These are the guys that put a "Simulation Value" slider into the game code. These are the guys who had a PS dev kit show up in the office, posted a picture of it and when asked what it was for basically said, "nothing, we're just playing around with it". It was seemingly forgotten until months later when they announced console ports were coming. They've been working on this game in secret for months. A couple of weeks ago a new domain name is registered without a peep from the boys and girls of Kunos. What you've seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg, is to me, the clue that there is much more to come. Who knows what it is, but until I hear someone from Kunos specifically say, "The game is GT3 cars only and nothing else and that's all it's going to be", I'll continue to have an open mind as to what will be in the game.