Kunos Reveals Assetto Corsa Competizione: Official Blancpain GT Game Coming This Summer

  • Thread starter er185es
How would you compare the experience of real life driving on a road versus driving with a couple of sticks and buttons in your lap? Does anyone draw the same comparison between real life combat and Battlefield or example?

My correlation on a pad to driving a real car means I look for an experience that replicates the direct input on a real steering wheel - i.e. I push it so far, the car responds to that degree of lock. Say what you like about Forza and GTS, on a control pad, those two provide a much better correlation to this than AC and PCars ever have. That doesn't make them good Sims to me, a pad user.
Big 60 car grids for Spa 24H?

Unless Kunos dumbed down the AI's physics, that would be a pipe dream for any console and any PC CPU that has less than 6 cores. I mean, my 6 core Xeon can run 60 cars fine most of the time even though this chip is getting old, it's when the AI is grouped together at the start, or when you and an AI car bump into each other, or the AI have an accident, it turns into the Matrixs' "Bullet time" until the situation is sorted out.

Hmm, i really don't see Sony bringing out a console with only 0,6 TF (GTX 1070 has 6,6) more than the XBoneX 2-3 years later than that X.
My guess is at least 9TF.

Never judge a machine's power by it's Teraflop count, it's only one of several other factors. Also you're comparing AMD teraflops against Nvidia teraflops. A 6Tf Nvidia card is significantly more powerful than a 6Tf AMD card.

My correlation on a pad to driving a real car means I look for an experience that replicates the direct input on a real steering wheel - i.e. I push it so far, the car responds to that degree of lock. Say what you like about Forza and GTS, on a control pad, those two provide a much better correlation to this than AC and PCars ever have. That doesn't make them good Sims to me, a pad user.

How does GTS compare to GT6 with controller inputs? I'm curious if some of the problems have carried over.
I don't have GTS, but to compare AC with GT6 is a huge step down for me. There's a lot of feedback missing compared to AC and the huge - let me emphasize this - huuuge restriction that is imposed on your maximum steering angle is a cardinal sin. Try taking a stock Merc SLS GT3 around Motegi Oval and do a few lap times between a wheel and a controller. You'll know what I mean as soon as you take the first turn - you can't steer on the controller hardly at all.

If that issue is still in GTS, well, just another reason for me not to buy it is all I can say.
From RD, here is a translation of this afternoon's interview. I don't speak Italian so I can't authenticate this translation:

- Drivers swaps confirmed
- Ranking system for both skill and safety similar to iRacing (he mentions the latest GranTurismo's one)
- Choice of Unreal Engine driven by desire of focusing on the features that were lacking in Ac1, basically "gameplay features" like implementing the various RL regulations, better career mode, better AI ecc.
(He supports this decision by saying that Kunos' competitors, even though with a way bigger workforce, have decided to avoid writing an Engine by themselves)
- They have worked 8 months during 2017 on R&D testing the Unreal Engine, Marco says that it has been an huge risk because they still didn't know if that Engine was the right choice..
He mentions as an example the need to do separate renders for the mirrors, which that had trouble to implement initially as the Engine is "general" and not geared towards sim use
This required weeks of telemetry of how the Engine works, how it uses CPU/GPU ecc.
- The assets needed some remork as well, in order to be optimised for the different engine (as a result of the aforementioned analysis)
- He praises the photorealism of the Unreal Engine, even though some months were needed before both the eye candy and the framerate started to get to the desired level
- They took some inspiration on how to solve some issues they had from videos of other games made with the Unreal Engine, mainly the ones made my Milestone
- Early access price smaller than final price, still no release date announced, not even approximately
- Many drivers asked Kunos help to setup simulators in order to train for new tracks, for example
- With this license they are going to have an even stronger collaboration between Kunos and drivers/racing teams
- They will be at many racing weekend in order to gather data from the teams
- Expected AC sales : 100 thousand copies, results about 1.4 millions of users
- He mentions comments of people on Facebook that were saying to him that the training/playing time in Assetto proved useful to catch the car in RL critical situations
- ACCompetizione won't be a stepdown in terms of realism(obviously cit.), actually they have more time compared to the previous year to develop the tyre model/aero model/suspension model (they hired 4 new programmers, one of whom is a mechanical Engineer)
- They are trying to improve even further the feeling of the car and of what it is doing
- Kunos is working on a connection between virtual and real Blancpain (for example ideal time laps vs real ones, plus something similar to RSR with invitations to the races for the fastest guys, he mentions GranTurismo's Academy )
- One of the programmers that they hired is the creator of Minorating (congrats!)
Sorry for the rough translation but I was writing while listening!
From RD, here is a translation of this afternoon's interview. I don't speak Italian so I can't authenticate this translation:

- Drivers swaps confirmed
- Ranking system for both skill and safety similar to iRacing (he mentions the latest GranTurismo's one)
- Choice of Unreal Engine driven by desire of focusing on the features that were lacking in Ac1, basically "gameplay features" like implementing the various RL regulations, better career mode, better AI ecc.
(He supports this decision by saying that Kunos' competitors, even though with a way bigger workforce, have decided to avoid writing an Engine by themselves)
- They have worked 8 months during 2017 on R&D testing the Unreal Engine, Marco says that it has been an huge risk because they still didn't know if that Engine was the right choice..
He mentions as an example the need to do separate renders for the mirrors, which that had trouble to implement initially as the Engine is "general" and not geared towards sim use
This required weeks of telemetry of how the Engine works, how it uses CPU/GPU ecc.
- The assets needed some remork as well, in order to be optimised for the different engine (as a result of the aforementioned analysis)
- He praises the photorealism of the Unreal Engine, even though some months were needed before both the eye candy and the framerate started to get to the desired level
- They took some inspiration on how to solve some issues they had from videos of other games made with the Unreal Engine, mainly the ones made my Milestone
- Early access price smaller than final price, still no release date announced, not even approximately
- Many drivers asked Kunos help to setup simulators in order to train for new tracks, for example
- With this license they are going to have an even stronger collaboration between Kunos and drivers/racing teams
- They will be at many racing weekend in order to gather data from the teams
- Expected AC sales : 100 thousand copies, results about 1.4 millions of users
- He mentions comments of people on Facebook that were saying to him that the training/playing time in Assetto proved useful to catch the car in RL critical situations
- ACCompetizione won't be a stepdown in terms of realism(obviously cit.), actually they have more time compared to the previous year to develop the tyre model/aero model/suspension model (they hired 4 new programmers, one of whom is a mechanical Engineer)
- They are trying to improve even further the feeling of the car and of what it is doing
- Kunos is working on a connection between virtual and real Blancpain (for example ideal time laps vs real ones, plus something similar to RSR with invitations to the races for the fastest guys, he mentions GranTurismo's Academy )
- One of the programmers that they hired is the creator of Minorating (congrats!)
Sorry for the rough translation but I was writing while listening!
He also said that with this new engine its as if kunos now have a team of 125. I found this interview a little boring, i can barely remember any of it. Though i was listening to it whilst i was watching the football. He also said that they have to work out what gamers (he means gaming trends etc) will want in 2 or 3 years rather than now, as it usually takes that long to make a game.
I read this but didn't think twice about it, funny enough. I assumed he's referring to the proper sequel to AC, which will apparently reuse AC1's assets, which I'm fine with!

Has Kunos talked about an AC sequel that isn't ACC, and how it would use AC assets that ACC won't?

I still believe AC Competizione will only feature GT3s from the 2018 season (as specified in the BP press release), so It won't have more than 12 or so cars.

I too didn't think twice about it until I read your post. I'm still taking it to mean a small car list though.

So let's say that ACC is limited to only cover the Blancpain GT series. This would mean two or three more GT3 models not covered by the existing car brands in AC. It would also bring four new tracks, but at the same time remove existing AC tracks not covered by the Blancpain. Content-wise there wouldn't seem to be many buying incentives for those who already own AC and all of its DLC.

There may be a new and more feature compatible game engine, improved physics and an officially licensed GT3 series, but I just fail to see how a game with so little content would be the right move for Kunos to make after AC, unless ACC ultimately serves as the prologue to something bigger than AC and ACC combined. I keep wondering what the "tip of the iceberg" was a reference to.
There may be a new and more feature compatible game engine, improved physics and an officially licensed GT3 series, but I just fail to see how a game with so little content would be the right move for Kunos to make after AC, unless ACC ultimately serves as the prologue to something bigger than AC and ACC combined. I keep wondering what the "tip of the iceberg" was a reference to.

Sort of reminds you of a PlayStation exclusive racing title move, doesn't it.
It's a mild jab, but at least we know the physics will be sorted and given the success of minorating we may just have been introduced to the actual real (GT3) driving simulator.
In the run up to E3 I look to see more information on this "tip of the iceberg."
Has Kunos talked about an AC sequel that isn't ACC, and how it would use AC assets that ACC won't?

So let's say that ACC is limited to only cover the Blancpain GT series. This would mean two or three more GT3 models not covered by the existing car brands in AC. It would also bring four new tracks, but at the same time remove existing AC tracks not covered by the Blancpain. Content-wise there wouldn't seem to be many buying incentives for those who already own AC and all of its DLC.

There may be a new and more feature compatible game engine, improved physics and an officially licensed GT3 series, but I just fail to see how a game with so little content would be the right move for Kunos to make after AC, unless ACC ultimately serves as the prologue to something bigger than AC and ACC combined. I keep wondering what the "tip of the iceberg" was a reference to.
I agree, but F1 has few cars that are basically the same, and codies release the game year upon year with the same tracks and it still sells. I guess Kunos will have to sell this game substance, i.e amazing sound that makes you wet yoour pants, great crash damage model and crash physics etc. They may have some things up their sleeves as far as content.
622,821 ± 24,267
Thanks for the correction.

I keep wondering what the "tip of the iceberg" was a reference to.
Maybe Kunos wants to establish a strong franchise with (more or less) annual releases. New year, new license, new series, new game or expansion. Or maybe something with longer release times, but still following the same path.

In that scenario, the Blancpain Series would just be the foundation, the first step into a different direction and not a mere spin off, leading to something bigger than AC in the (not near imo) future.
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@Lewis_Hamilton_ I never liked GT6 much at all on the controller. It was fundtional, but not very satisfying.

GTS however feels like a much better implementation of the control pad. You can really lean on the race cars and sense the grip through the rumble.
GTS however feels like a much better implementation of the control pad. You can really lean on the race cars and sense the grip through the rumble.

This. I have the feeling that they handle also the speed sensitivity setting better than for example Forza 7.
In GT Sport you actually can understeer the car, you feel the tires pushing over their grip level.
In Forza 7 the game simply will not let you turn the steering wheel. Its a thing that drives me crazy beyond imagination. I would so love to play FM7 because of the content offered, but i can't because the pad handling is atrociously insulting and patronizing.
Back on topic,there is some interesting stuff in the AC facebook page with Q from fans and A from the page admin.
Q:Nice news, really! but ,little question, are you.going to bring content from AC 1 to AC Blancpain? Thx
AC:Nope, this is an Official BLANCPAIN GT SERIES title
Hope that helps!

but when another guy asks this:

Q:Any chance of other cars thant GT3?
AC: -no answer-

Q:Brilliant news. I love the emphasis on the rain and night driving. Keep the critics quiet from the start

Will this only have the GT3 series or will it be like the original AC and have other racing cars like Formula 1, LMP1 etc.?
AC:This is an Official BLANCPAIN GT SERIES game

Q:I don't really understand this. Will this be ac2 or will this be something they release for pc while they work on ac2 on all platforms?
AC:This is our next big title, Manu

There are a lot of Q about consoles (even some really agressive ones) with zero response from AC.Pretty much AC admin give "generic" answers and avoid specific type of Q.Its something that is done on purpuse since they do answer to posts like: "I dont like this,I am not a fan of GT3 racing".
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The AC Admin actually wrote "-no answer-"?
This is definitely a hint then.

No mate,he simply did not answer.
The thing is that when they did pointed a few times that ACC is THE OFFICIAL BLANCPAIN GT SERIES when people are asking about cars/tracks.This gives -at least to me- a clue about car/track list.
Admin said that pretty soon they'll give the PC systems requirements but avoided (up until now that is) anything that had "PS4/XBOX/console" questions.Even when one guy accused KUNOS for "ripping" off the console community in order to "earn money for their next PC title" -among other similar comments- he did not post anything.Still he did responded to people saying "I dont like GT3 cars".
So it looks like that what I've wrote these days could be true.
ACC propably will be a complete GT3 sim racing title that may come in next gen consoles at some point.
Yes, thats probably how it will be.
On the other hand, we can't hate on that AC Admin. He is also basically a drone probably, just hired to manage the social media appearance of the company. So he has probably sort of a list with do's and don'ts and is not in his jurisdiction to even comment in any way shape or form on consoles.
Yes, thats probably how it will be.
On the other hand, we can't hate on that AC Admin. He is also basically a drone probably, just hired to manage the social media appearance of the company. So he has probably sort of a list with do's and don'ts and is not in his juristiction to even comment in any way shape of form on consoles.

I agree.But we can be sure about some things:
-ACC is not a "spin-off title" and that AC 2 is not the plan (for now at least).
-AC cars will not be transferred into ACC.
-ACC is THE official Blancpain GT series (take it as you will).
This is still such a small team. Developing a GT3 game with maximum realism on a brandnew engine with weather simulation is a huge challenge. Honestly i dont think there is any room for a console version, more car classes or even AC2. ACC might not be AC2 but it is their next big project indeed. Dont expect them to do annual releases or announcing AC within the next two years. The great thing about ACC is the fact that this game has a real proper vision and focus and online gaming will be awesome with their new emphasis on sports / skill rating
Yes, thats probably how it will be.
On the other hand, we can't hate on that AC Admin. He is also basically a drone probably, just hired to manage the social media appearance of the company. So he has probably sort of a list with do's and don'ts and is not in his jurisdiction to even comment in any way shape or form on consoles.
The community manager for 505 Games & AC is a woman, by the way. Her name is Antonela.
I agree.But we can be sure about some things:
-ACC is not a "spin-off title" and that AC 2 is not the plan (for now at least).
-AC cars will not be transferred into ACC.
-ACC is THE official Blancpain GT series (take it as you will).
My thoughts as well. Wonder if the new path Kunos has taken will pay off in the end. Too early to tell but I can see the challenges this new product will have to overcome.
I just don't really get why people are having hard time understanding what ACC is!
AC is their first game.
ACC is its sequel. It could have been called AC2 but it didn't. So yes, at least for now, and from what we know, there'll be no AC2.
AC will continue to exist and be supported (at least servers wise and mods) and we can continue to play it as if nothing has really happened.

The one thing, that me and many others, are asking without a clear answer is whether that title will come to consoles or not.
I think KUNOS themselves don't have an answer now and they are still internally debating it.
From a pure business perspective, I don't think they can afford not to bring to consoles. After all, now after their experience with AC, AC sold much more on consoles than they could have imagined.
I think it will definitely come to consoles. They're not fools to skip such huge amount of sales and revenue.
I think it will definitely come to consoles. They're not fools to skip such huge amount of sales and revenue.

Well, its exactly the same as with the GTA games. At some point they always come to PC, but first they are announced for consoles. And then PC players bring this very argument. :)

Also i sort of find it funny how the argument often is from the perspective of the company, like "hey YOU loose money if you dont bring it to our platform", instead of simply saying: "you know wha? i dont care about your finances, i just want this bloody game please on my platform because i like it!"
I just don't really get why people are having hard time understanding what ACC is!
AC is their first game.
ACC is its sequel. It could have been called AC2 but it didn't. So yes, at least for now, and from what we know, there'll be no AC2.
AC will continue to exist and be supported (at least servers wise and mods) and we can continue to play it as if nothing has really happened.

I agree.But ACC is not a sequel of AC (the same way Pcars 2 is to Pcars).Its their next big title-project.So if people expect ACC to be similar to AC or follow the same path,they are making a mistake (imo).

The one thing, that me and many others, are asking without a clear answer is whether that title will come to consoles or not.

They avoid to say anything about consoles.Check ACC site,twitter,facebook.No mention of consoles,no answer to questions.
In AC forums there is already a war started between "PC master race" and "console peasants".But zero reaction there from anyone official.

I think KUNOS themselves don't have an answer now and they are still internally debating it.

I think they actually have an answer but they are not willing to share it (or they cant).With that said:

From a pure business perspective, I don't think they can afford not to bring to consoles. After all, now after their experience with AC, AC sold much more on consoles than they could have imagined.
I think it will definitely come to consoles. They're not fools to skip such huge amount of sales and revenue.

I kinda agree with that but imho if the game find its way to consoles,its gonna be into the next gen and not this one.And that actually can "solve" the mistery why they give zero info about "console" version of the game.
but I just fail to see how a game with so little content would be the right move for Kunos to make after AC

Seems pretty smart to me. AC is long in the tooth and by this point most people who would buy AC have already bought it so there probably isn't a whole lot of revenue flowing in, but a full on successor to it that will generate a big lump of revenue is a couple years away at least. So in the meantime they took the opportunity to pair with one of the biggest racing series in the world to make an official game (this is really huge and a major feather in their cap) that will allow them to generate some new revenue to help with development of AC2. It also gives them a testbed for the new engine and thanks to the limited car/track content they should really be able to focus on the under the hood stuff to get all the features and rulesets and bells and whistles working perfectly so when AC2 happens they have a very firm grasp on how to make this engine do what they want. So not only will they have new money coming in they get real-world experience with UE4 which should be really beneficial for the next full title and it gives all of us some new toys to play with in the meantime, win/win/win.

The added benefit that I don't see many people mentioning is that AC1 isn't going to be abandoned by the playerbase for the new game because the ACC has limited scope and not everyone will want to buy it. AC1 still has plenty of life in it so if you want to race some old cars or some open wheel cars or enjoy some mods or do some racing on SRS it's all still there and still going to have a solid player-base, but if you want to do some GT3 racing with AC quality and night/rain/driver swaps, proper rulesets, etc. you can jump over to ACC for that. Some people were complaining that it was too soon for AC2 because AC1 still has a lot of life in it, others were complaining that they need/want something new with bells and whistles, with this plan both parties are satisfied. Pretty brilliant IMO and I really don't understand all the whinging, I'm not a huge GT3 fan but I'm super pumped for ACC and what it means for the future.
Seems pretty smart to me. AC is long in the tooth and by this point most people who would buy AC have already bought it so there probably isn't a whole lot of revenue flowing in, but a full on successor to it that will generate a big lump of revenue is a couple years away at least. So in the meantime they took the opportunity to pair with one of the biggest racing series in the world to make an official game (this is really huge and a major feather in their cap) that will allow them to generate some new revenue to help with development of AC2.
Given the manager's comment about the "tip of the iceberg", I'm not even so sure about an AC2 in the future. By that I mean that ACC might not just be a little detour on a secondary path that will ultimately lead back to the main one (AC2), but a whole new road with new pros and cons. Again, too early to tell so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Well, its exactly the same as with the GTA games. At some point they always come to PC, but first they are announced for consoles. And then PC players bring this very argument. :)

Also i sort of find it funny how the argument often is from the perspective of the company, like "hey YOU loose money if you dont bring it to our platform", instead of simply saying: "you know wha? i dont care about your finances, i just want this bloody game please on my platform because i like it!"

Well if we didn't love their games we wouldn't be asking so much and eager to know, right?!
My business perspective was purely from their point of view where "making a game is different from playing a game". Making a game is not that fun and it's hard work, lots of time and effort, taking risks and trying to quantify benefits vs risks etc...
I agree.But ACC is not a sequel of AC (the same way Pcars 2 is to Pcars).Its their next big title-project.So if people expect ACC to be similar to AC or follow the same path,they are making a mistake (imo).

They avoid to say anything about consoles.Check ACC site,twitter,facebook.No mention of consoles,no answer to questions.
In AC forums there is already a war started between "PC master race" and "console peasants".But zero reaction there from anyone official.

I think they actually have an answer but they are not willing to share it (or they cant).With that said:

I kinda agree with that but imho if the game find its way to consoles,its gonna be into the next gen and not this one.And that actually can "solve" the mistery why they give zero info about "console" version of the game.

Yeah that's right, ACC to AC is like GTS to GT6. Not a "classic" sequel but actually the next game in line. Not the same vision but a different one.
But I see that as a good thing, because we will still have best of both worlds. Yes they could have added all that content to what they already have in AC and improve it and make it a AC2 but they didn't for so many reasons (again similar to GTS vs GT6).
Yeah that's right, ACC to AC is like GTS to GT6. Not a "classic" sequel but actually the next game in line. Not the same vision but a different one.
But I see that as a good thing, because we will still have best of both worlds. Yes they could have added all that content to what they already have in AC and improve it and make it a AC2 but they didn't for so many reasons (again similar to GTS vs GT6).

I agree its a good thing.Its refreshing to say the least.A new concept/project for them:
An official Blancpain GT e-sport title.
I am not a big fan of GT3 cars.I prefer GTE or SuperGT or even GT4.But I respect Kunos more than any other developer to be honest,even if they've made big mistakes at some point -example the latest PS4 updates-.
So I cant wait to grab their new project.
Back on topic,there is some interesting stuff in the AC facebook page with Q from fans and A from the page admin.
Q:Nice news, really! but ,little question, are you.going to bring content from AC 1 to AC Blancpain? Thx
AC:Nope, this is an Official BLANCPAIN GT SERIES title
Hope that helps!

but when another guy asks this:

Q:Any chance of other cars thant GT3?
AC: -no answer-

Q:Brilliant news. I love the emphasis on the rain and night driving. Keep the critics quiet from the start

Will this only have the GT3 series or will it be like the original AC and have other racing cars like Formula 1, LMP1 etc.?
AC:This is an Official BLANCPAIN GT SERIES game

Q:I don't really understand this. Will this be ac2 or will this be something they release for pc while they work on ac2 on all platforms?
AC:This is our next big title, Manu

There are a lot of Q about consoles (even some really agressive ones) with zero response from AC.Pretty much AC admin give "generic" answers and avoid specific type of Q.Its something that is done on purpuse since they do answer to posts like: "I dont like this,I am not a fan of GT3 racing".
Once again, even under direct questioning, there is still no definitive answer to whether the car list will be limited only to the GT3 cars of the Blancpain series. You have to remember who you are dealing with here. This isn't PD or T10, it's the loveable little Kunos, well known as pranksters and enjoying a little joke here and there. These are the guys that put a "Simulation Value" slider into the game code. These are the guys who had a PS dev kit show up in the office, posted a picture of it and when asked what it was for basically said, "nothing, we're just playing around with it". It was seemingly forgotten until months later when they announced console ports were coming. They've been working on this game in secret for months. A couple of weeks ago a new domain name is registered without a peep from the boys and girls of Kunos. What you've seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg, is to me, the clue that there is much more to come. Who knows what it is, but until I hear someone from Kunos specifically say, "The game is GT3 cars only and nothing else and that's all it's going to be", I'll continue to have an open mind as to what will be in the game.
Thanks for the correction.

Maybe Kunos wants to establish a strong franchise with (more or less) annual releases. New year, new license, new series, new game or expansion. Or maybe something with longer release times, but still following the same path.

In that scenario, the Blancpain Series would just be the foundation, the first step into a different direction and not a mere spin off, leading to something bigger than AC in the (not near imo) future.
Not so sure about a yearly game. Marco said they considered the F1 licence, but a yearly release in the licence agreement was just one of they decided against it.
Back on topic,there is some interesting stuff in the AC facebook page with Q from fans and A from the page admin.
Q:Nice news, really! but ,little question, are you.going to bring content from AC 1 to AC Blancpain? Thx
AC:Nope, this is an Official BLANCPAIN GT SERIES title
Hope that helps!

but when another guy asks this:

Q:Any chance of other cars thant GT3?
AC: -no answer-

Q:Brilliant news. I love the emphasis on the rain and night driving. Keep the critics quiet from the start

Will this only have the GT3 series or will it be like the original AC and have other racing cars like Formula 1, LMP1 etc.?
AC:This is an Official BLANCPAIN GT SERIES game

Q:I don't really understand this. Will this be ac2 or will this be something they release for pc while they work on ac2 on all platforms?
AC:This is our next big title, Manu

There are a lot of Q about consoles (even some really agressive ones) with zero response from AC.Pretty much AC admin give "generic" answers and avoid specific type of Q.Its something that is done on purpuse since they do answer to posts like: "I dont like this,I am not a fan of GT3 racing".

This is still such a small team. Developing a GT3 game with maximum realism on a brandnew engine with weather simulation is a huge challenge. Honestly i dont think there is any room for a console version, more car classes or even AC2. ACC might not be AC2 but it is their next big project indeed. Dont expect them to do annual releases or announcing AC within the next two years. The great thing about ACC is the fact that this game has a real proper vision and focus and online gaming will be awesome with their new emphasis on sports / skill rating

I just don't really get why people are having hard time understanding what ACC is!
AC is their first game.
ACC is its sequel. It could have been called AC2 but it didn't. So yes, at least for now, and from what we know, there'll be no AC2.
AC will continue to exist and be supported (at least servers wise and mods) and we can continue to play it as if nothing has really happened.

The one thing, that me and many others, are asking without a clear answer is whether that title will come to consoles or not.
I think KUNOS themselves don't have an answer now and they are still internally debating it.
From a pure business perspective, I don't think they can afford not to bring to consoles. After all, now after their experience with AC, AC sold much more on consoles than they could have imagined.
I think it will definitely come to consoles. They're not fools to skip such huge amount of sales and revenue.
Stefano commented on console questions. He said "we'll comment as soon as we'll have something 100% certain to say :)". Smiley at the end too. I think that at the very least it is in their plans to see if its doable.
Seems pretty smart to me. AC is long in the tooth and by this point most people who would buy AC have already bought it so there probably isn't a whole lot of revenue flowing in, but a full on successor to it that will generate a big lump of revenue is a couple years away at least. So in the meantime they took the opportunity to pair with one of the biggest racing series in the world to make an official game (this is really huge and a major feather in their cap) that will allow them to generate some new revenue to help with development of AC2. It also gives them a testbed for the new engine and thanks to the limited car/track content they should really be able to focus on the under the hood stuff to get all the features and rulesets and bells and whistles working perfectly so when AC2 happens they have a very firm grasp on how to make this engine do what they want. So not only will they have new money coming in they get real-world experience with UE4 which should be really beneficial for the next full title and it gives all of us some new toys to play with in the meantime, win/win/win.

The added benefit that I don't see many people mentioning is that AC1 isn't going to be abandoned by the playerbase for the new game because the ACC has limited scope and not everyone will want to buy it. AC1 still has plenty of life in it so if you want to race some old cars or some open wheel cars or enjoy some mods or do some racing on SRS it's all still there and still going to have a solid player-base, but if you want to do some GT3 racing with AC quality and night/rain/driver swaps, proper rulesets, etc. you can jump over to ACC for that. Some people were complaining that it was too soon for AC2 because AC1 still has a lot of life in it, others were complaining that they need/want something new with bells and whistles, with this plan both parties are satisfied. Pretty brilliant IMO and I really don't understand all the whinging, I'm not a huge GT3 fan but I'm super pumped for ACC and what it means for the future.
Fully agree. It's a great segway to any potential AC2 and allows them to sharpen their skills, tools and exper9ences with the new engine and features.