KY Confirms GT6 In Development Already

  • Thread starter Robin
Um, so continuing to work on GT5 at present whilst making GT6.
Why can't they just concentrate on one project at a time.
Because some people love to complain that GT5 bloze and stir up crap about it. Improving it makes a popular game even more popular and desirable, and to some extent silences critics and complainers.
I'm okay with this plan. PD can continue to update GT5 with little patches and DLC. Meanwhile, GT6 can feature those changes from the beginning along with things too big to be patched, like a livery editor and added A-Spec content. The DLC content can become a standard part of GT6, while PD adds some all-new content to be featured.

A GT6 consisting of a streamlined GT5 with a livery editor and more content(more courses, cars & longer A-Spec) will have no problem earning my money.
Um, so continuing to work on GT5 at present whilst making GT6.
Why can't they just concentrate on one project at a time.

Hope vita doesn't get embroiled in this too.
PD seem to like stretching resources.

That seems to be what they implied they're doing.

Really, only a handful of features are probably being developed for the game with the rest of the staff focused on cars and tracks and another portion focusing on keeping GT5 in tip-top shape. I'd imagine it's no different from when PD split resources to juggle between managing PSP's development as well as GT5's. As they said too, there were a number of things that simply couldn't be added to GT5 in time that they were currently working on, so already there's content set aside for GT6.

I'm okay with this plan. PD can continue to update GT5 with little patches and DLC. Meanwhile, GT6 can feature those changes from the beginning along with things too big to be patched, like a livery editor and added A-Spec content. The DLC content can become a standard part of GT6, while PD adds some all-new content to be featured.

A GT6 consisting of a streamlined GT5 with a livery editor and more content(more courses, cars & longer A-Spec) will have no problem earning my money.

I'd like to see a bit more, though I don't expect any of it. Some of the features off of the top of my head (aside from bringing back features that were in past GT titles that can be seen in this thread.):

-Multiple cars available in photo travel. Not asking for a lot here, just 3-5 depending on the setting, available resolution power and the specific environment.
-Pit areas and other notable sections of race track being available in photo travel. I'd love to see my driver standing next to his car in the pit area of Laguna Seca, posing for photographs for race material. Or combine this with the above feature and get a specific 5-car battle on the Nurburgring you've always wanted to see but never been able to accomplish.
-Staged A-Spec/B-Spec or just Staged zombie AI races where you select the cars from your garage to be participating against you/each other/just driving around so you can take pictures of them.

It seems mine are mostly photo-related. But more A-spec, Dealership and other races would be gladly welcomed. I'd also like to see License tests play a bigger role in GT, too.
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Tenacious D
Because some people love to complain that GT5 bloze and stir up crap about it. Improving it makes a popular game even more popular and desirable, and to some extent silences critics and complainers.

Whoosh straight over my head.
You're a silly man.

I'd like to see a bit more, though I don't expect any of it.
I expect to see more than occasional DLC and bi-weekly Seasonal Events. Work on GT6 is most likely still embryonic, so the kind of work the team are doing now on it, other than brainstorming what they want the game package and gameplay to cover, are making content, cars and some race locations. A bunch of this can be prioritized for GT5 DLC purposes, such as tracks, theme based car packs, Photo Mode locations and so on.

While a few of the programming team are probably engaged with SONY on the development of PS4, some on massaging more capability from the Gran Turismo engine, a few working with the brainstorming team on what's doable, the rest can be working on taking GT5 to the next level, whatever Spec IV and V might be. Things which you suggest, possibly a Livery Editor, improvements in the Course Maker, Online system enhancements, physics tweaks, A-Spec expansions which I suggested... a lot can be done with the GT5 package. Remember that a lot has changed from the game we installed almost a year ago.
I expect to see more than occasional DLC and bi-weekly Seasonal Events. Work on GT6 is most likely still embryonic, so the kind of work the team are doing now on it, other than brainstorming what they want the game package and gameplay to cover, are making content, cars and some race locations. A bunch of this can be prioritized for GT5 DLC purposes, such as tracks, theme based car packs, Photo Mode locations and so on.

As the article I posted above clearly states, they already had GT6 on their mind back in 2009 and were speaking of early developments in 2010 before GT5 was even released. I think GT6 is far past the embryonic stage.

Given the length of time it takes to create the Premium level cars for Gran Turismo (according to Yamauchi-san, it takes about 6 months for one person to model a Premium car. He didn't go into further detail so don't question me about this, I'm just taking his word for it) so I would hope to not see a lot of cars released in GT5 as DLC, because then it only slims down the new releases that will populate Gran Turismo 6... or it drags out GT6's development time, which is unsavory. I would hope that a handful of cars and maybe a handful of tracks make it as GT5 DLC, but I would prefer if most of the goodies are retained for GT6.

While a few of the programming team are probably engaged with SONY on the development of PS4, some on massaging more capability from the Gran Turismo engine, a few working with the brainstorming team on what's doable, the rest can be working on taking GT5 to the next level, whatever Spec IV and V might be. Things which you suggest, possibly a Livery Editor, improvements in the Course Maker, Online system enhancements, physics tweaks, A-Spec expansions which I suggested... a lot can be done with the GT5 package. Remember that a lot has changed from the game we installed almost a year ago.

Programming teams being engaged with Sony on PS4 is pure speculation.

The things that you and I suggest CAN be done in GT5, no question about that. The problem is, why do all that work only to give it away for free?

Those improvements will be things that we'll see in GT6, because they're marketable, they're selling points. As much as I commend Polyphony Digital for having a very not-greedy attitude in an industry populated by constant streams of DLC, they still need to make money selling games to pay people to make content to put IN the games that they sell. And if they make these free specs with the content we all really want, then they lose money. The alternative is that they could charge... but then they look bad. So those features will be things I hope are reserved for GT6, because as Yamauchi-san said (in my very large and red quote above) GT6 will essentially follow the trend of the even-numbered GT titles essentially being content-rich versions of their precursor odd-numbered titles. I expect this from GT6.
Things which you suggest, possibly a Livery Editor, improvements in the Course Maker, Online system enhancements, physics tweaks, A-Spec expansions which I suggested... a lot can be done with the GT5 package.
They can put all of that stuff into GT5 through patches. At that point though, why would anyone buy GT6?

And considering they've had a year and they haven't even touched GT Life outside of screwing around with the payouts, not even to fix problems with the events that are already there; I think it is safe to say that they aren't going to do that.
I actually thought I read somewhere in the news section of this website that GT6 was already in development - and this was a few months after GT5's release. Of course, Kaz always has a way with words. It wouldn't be too bad of a wait this time because at least they can continue updating GT5 and releasing DLC. :)

I don't mind waiting for however long it takes to make GT6 as we the fans expect it. With all the feedback they've gotten from GT5, they need to take their time and build a polished game. No reason for them to rush it out the door, I definitely don't ever want to see this weird beta state that GT5 was in for like the first 5 months. Just keep releasing some form of DLC and keep tweaking GT5, I don't mind if it even takes another two years...

What I really want is some way to record videos and export them from my PS3 so I can upload to Youtube, as they originally planned for GT5.
I feel like there's no reason for a GT6 on the PS3. I think they are pushing the PS3 to its limit and there's not much they can add without taking away from something else.
C'mon. You guys are asking PD too much if you all want them to make GT6 for the PS4 while they support us with GT5 content all the way till GT6's eventual release. Plus, DLC can only do so much to the game if there won't be any incentive to use them as if we had a career or event for it. It would simply be played for online, and practice runs. And don't expect them to improve Aspec either, unless you want to recode the whole game.

I feel like there's no reason for a GT6 on the PS3. I think they are pushing the PS3 to its limit and there's not much they can add without taking away from something else.

The problem with GT5 is that it tried to do too much for a first GT game on the PS3. Usually, they'd make a GT game early on without spending so much time optimizing the system, so that improvements can be saved for the second GT for the current generation.

However, if you look at GT1 and GT2, there wasn't much that was improved. They've optimized the PS1 enough, that there wasn't much left to improve on. GT2 was basically GT1 with more cars, tracks, features, and events. I believe GT6 will be like that if it was released for the PS3.

In GT3's case, it was launched in the beginning of the PS2's life, so obviously, PD didn't put too much effort optimizing the system like they did with the PS1 or PS3 for their first GT title for the console's current generation. That's why visually, we can definitely see improvement from GT3 to GT4.
GT6 on PS3 is a no brainer. All it will be is GT5 with more cars and tracks and a slightly tweaked game engine.

Some of you people seem to have forgotten about GT2 and GT4.

GT2 was effectively a data disc update for GT1 whereas GT4 was a more significant update to the game engine due to the early release of GT3.
I feel like there's no reason for a GT6 on the PS3. I think they are pushing the PS3 to its limit and there's not much they can add without taking away from something else.

Take away B-spec, photomode locations, horn chips, most of the standard cars.

Give me 20 more tracks, improved sounds, a livery editor, faster AI in Aspec, RM convertions for all premium models, race weekends, custom championships, proper FOV adjustements, 50 standard cars converted to premium (LMP, JCGT, Caterham, Formula GT). Night/day transitions on all tracks, flag rules. Same engine, same graphic, same console.
Epic win if you ask me.
GT6 on PS3 is a no brainer. All it will be is GT5 with more cars and tracks and a slightly tweaked game engine.

Some of you people seem to have forgotten about GT2 and GT4.

GT2 was effectively a data disc update for GT1 whereas GT4 was a more significant update to the game engine due to the early release of GT3.
The obvious distinctions between the two: one game had cars that took 2 days (up from 1 day with GT1) and the other HAS detail.

More than half of the PD team, about 60%, works on modelling cars and tracks, by the way. I read this in an interview made some time ago. I can't find the source.
Some of you people seem to have forgotten about GT2 and GT4.

This seems to be one of the favorite facts people like to take and hammer into concrete. We're not talking about a 50 year track record of 2 Gran Turismo's per console... just TWO. Unfortunately (for those hoping GT6 will release on PS3) this will not happen for a few reasons:

1. GT5 was released more than half way into PS3's life cycle.

2. GT6 can't be anything special as far as better gaming presentation is concerned, the system is maxed out to the point where it's not much of a step ahead, and frankly it won't sell nearly as many copies.

3. We're nearing the end of the PS3 life.

4. Releasing GT6 on the next Playstation is the most brilliant console selling game Sony could ask for, makes perfect buisiness sense. Why repeat the same marketing disaster as GT5's initial announcement as launch title on PS3.

5. ^^ and quotes made by Kaz himself GT6 is more suited for a more powerful system/ the game engine will remain the practically the same, so they can almost fully concentrate on content.
Since Gran Turismo is the only game that I play, I hate the though of having to buy another console just for this game. All I can hope is that the PS4 doesn't cost as much as the PS3 did when it was released.
I can wait for GT6, as long as they take their time on it. Hopefully PD won't be rushed for another holiday release like GT5, but then again, this is PD we're talking about...

3. We're nearing the end of the PS3 life.

Really? The PS2 is still doing business with Sony for a decade and is still going strong. That is the sole reason as to why Sony won't let me play GT4 on my PS3 yet...
Take away B-spec, photomode locations, horn chips, most of the standard cars.

Give me 20 more tracks, improved sounds, a livery editor, faster AI in Aspec, RM convertions for all premium models, race weekends, custom championships, proper FOV adjustements, 50 standard cars converted to premium (LMP, JCGT, Caterham, Formula GT). Night/day transitions on all tracks, flag rules. Same engine, same graphic, same console.
Epic win if you ask me.

I would be delighted, but very surprised to get a livery editor and an expanded RM feature. That would be BY FAR the best thing they could do IMO.. I still love the driving in GT5, but I'm SO envious of the infinite and ever changing array of cars in Forza.

GT is a very slowly evolving thing. Big changes are few and far between, and hugely demanded features are often "not possible". Fingers crossed.
Nice news 👍

Lets see how many years will take KY ti finish GT6 :nervous:

I remember reading a while ago that Kaz said GT6 would only take 2 - 3 years.. correct me if I'm wrong. But if you think about it.. it shouldn't take as long as GT5 because they started GT5 from scratch.

That said however, it is for PS4 not PS3.. but let's hope 2 to 3 years is a good estimate.
i wouldn't mind gt6 for ps3, ps3 is not dead, it's just the start of it, the next 3 years are going to be the ps3's best
I remember Kaz mentioning it wouldn't take as long for GT6 to be released because GT5 was built from scratch for the PS3 so i'm assuming if they released it for PS4 it would have to be built from scratch again so im guessing (and hoping) that GT6 will just add features & cars to GT5 and be released for the PS3 in 1 or 2 years.

And i also think it makes sense since we had GT1 & 2 for PS1, GT3 & 4 for PS2, and surely we'll have GT5 & 6 for PS3.
Even if they just add a few cars and and tracks and change nothing it will still sell like crazy and i can't see sony not taking that oppurtunity to release another GT for the PS3.
I am hoping that GT6 will be ready for PS4 - at launch! PS3 was intended to render onto Full HD screens around the world, but graphical chip isn't able to do that. GT has been always known for photorealism but this time with GT5 it didn't happen. Even GT3 on PS2 had effects like light beams on the road, heat haze etc. And GT5? Nothing surprising. Visibly worse tracks than cars, occasionally even with PS2-like textures and cartoon objects, flat and dead surroundings. Tearing, jagged shadows, framerate which was always butter-smooth is now very fluctuating. I hope for technical marvel of old times on PS4. But in the end, that's not all about graphics, main problem is that GT5 is decent simulator built in pretty aged game concept. Today game should create competitive and entertaining races directly for your actual car on the fly, not push you into those embarassing sunday cups etc. that you can win with overkill car. I could only dream about full grid of premium LMP cars Le Mans race or very narrow road of 23 km rally stage...
it will be PS3 game with much more track, premium car's and other feature. And I hope much more A spec events. PD drop boring B spec from GT.
I see PS3 GT6 as the obvious choice. The hardware is here now, and people know how to use it.

Improve the physics engine, this justifies a new game by itself. In addition bring over all the car models from 5 (0 work), reduce polygon count on whatever new cars are added, improve tuning, place GT Mode on the side as option so that the entire game is available from the moment of purchase, expand online so that people can create entire race series (I guess bring this to offline too), livery editor - paint chips never again. This would be a vast improvement over GT5.
3. We're nearing the end of the PS3 life.

But still we have PS2's being sold and having new games still?

There is nobody saying the PS3 is going to die. The PS2 is still for sale and the PS3 is also still strong, the Wii, DS and PSP aren't anymore that new though and have been replaced. And even if the PS3 will die on a weird way, GT6 will in that case be multi-platform, PD won't just let all PS3 owners pay again.

Math: PD started working in Summer 2010. PD is now working 1,5 years on it. GT4 came in 2004 and GT3 in 2001. 545 cars were added in GT4 and a lot of other major things changed. The long development time for GT5 (which took a stunning 3,5 years! OMG!) also could have been tests for GT6. So when will GT6 with only like 300 new cars and like 15-25 new tracks come out? Late 2013?