Laguna Seca surprise night – all welcome! Monday March 28th

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Yeah,,,found these higher powered rwd cars need abit of a soft touch.
You need to race the track and not apponents to get best results.
Push too hard and second soon end up last with shredded tyres.

If no practice on sundays. How about running some garage races with PP and weight restrictions?

The monday night, run format as ususal or as DJ suggested.
The reason I think we should move to more shorter races on a Monday is I don't want to lose sight of the 'fun racers' can be more complicated and more serious with just one long race...and there are so many options to race more seriously in this forum...I would certainly experiment more with aids and at/mt if there were more shorter races...:)

...though I must say I really enjoyed the long race...there were moments of real excitement and drama...though ultimately it was spoilt by too many connection issues.....thanks kwak for the driving compliments....where's the merc?????....but I think FRs are more difficult to drive and the aids on can really when tyres run thin the aids can really help out too...however that's the point of this can race however you like no problem...:)

...ultimately I think we should remain as flexible as possible week to week, the format decided by the current host....groups tend to die out when the main host gets fed up with organising so if lots of people are willing to host then the group will keep going and growing....:)
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I don't know what went on last night, a lot of connection problems and boots. During the race I know I didn't see two racers, and two racers were stuck (on my screen, at least) between first and second corner all race. If it was my connection causing things to be F-ed I'm really sorry.

The Mercedes will be heading your way shortly DJ, you did well deserve it. Myself I was too careless too many times, and way behind. Needless to say, I'm no FR-fan, but I chose a FR car for my need to improve my FR driving. And after the race had ended I was stuck with a black screen, nothing happening. Had to turn the system off, and I was in too foul a mood to continue playing.

Anyways, there will be better days.

I vote we keep the practice Sundays, as it's a good chance to do some online racing for those who want to. But I agree next Monday should be a series of shorter races. But then again, I'm not convinced we should say we'll never do longer races again. Let's keep the window open, and do long races if the mood is right - but not all the time. Variation is part of the fun, right?
"wheres the merc???"
Dunno DJ- Did someone offer one as a prize?

I will run a lobbys sometime. But when not so busy at work. Cant always meet the session times. Plus my connection not that good.(working on getting a new router).

I can offer any tradeable car as a prize for next Mondays race. Plus a piece of Gold paint for the winner also.
I don't know what went on last night, a lot of connection problems and boots. During the race I know I didn't see two racers, and two racers were stuck (on my screen, at least) between first and second corner all race. If it was my connection causing things to be F-ed I'm really sorry.

The Mercedes will be heading your way shortly DJ, you did well deserve it. Myself I was too careless too many times, and way behind. Needless to say, I'm no FR-fan, but I chose a FR car for my need to improve my FR driving. And after the race had ended I was stuck with a black screen, nothing happening. Had to turn the system off, and I was in too foul a mood to continue playing.

Anyways, there will be better days.

I vote we keep the practice Sundays, as it's a good chance to do some online racing for those who want to. But I agree next Monday should be a series of shorter races. But then again, I'm not convinced we should say we'll never do longer races again. Let's keep the window open, and do long races if the mood is right - but not all the time. Variation is part of the fun, right?

Connection issues are a real frustration and spoil the fun...I remember getting booted the first second I started the race in our first meeting...needless to say I wasn't happy.

variation...absolutely....I think the host can call it as long as it stays 'fun racing'...I myself like the turn up and race idea rather then 'prepare a car' type races mainly cos I haven't the time or patience atm to do that and I don't really know what I'm doing...but if I did I would be up for that I am sure....though there are many leagues here that offer that. However, if KWAK can take his arm out of Sheep fannies long enough to host one week and decides on a change for a week or 2 I will give it a go....cos that's the kind of fun guy I am..:dunce:
Been awake for hours so decided to post this to get it out of my head (besides other junk thoughts) and get some sleep...


From what I have learnt there are too many variables and I am sure there are many people working away as we speak hoping to solve the issues in online gaming.

However, there are some things we can control:


Should have nat type 1 or 2 and bandwidth normal or better

This is more than sufficient to game online as the amount of data being uploaded/downloaded is not as much as you think, though it would be sensible to not host if you have nat type 3 or low bandwidth as this may add to the possible problems.

Set the quality of race and voice chat to low in your lounge.

This can be done in the GT home screen. I wouldn't be surprised if this reduces the amount of data being transferred significantly. When there are large numbers in a room I think this can create data overload and cause all sorts of problems for everyone. A setting of low will reduce the smoothness slightly but will create less data transfer issues especially for those with a lower bandwidth. When there are 5 or less in a room, normal quality seems fine, it's just when we hit 10+ that the problems start. Very low quality we have found detracts from the enjoyment of the race too much and therefore is defeating the object.

Get into your lounge a bit early and set up the not leave otherwise someone else will host and we have lost control of the quality settings.

All racers including host

Before entering the host lounge...launch the game and go into clear system cache in the main options...then turn off the PS3...switch on and go online before you launch the game again...then head to the host lounge...the host to do this procedure before setting up lounge.

Do not enter the host's lounge before the start time as the host may not be there and we lose control of the room and settings...

I hope this helps us..anyone want to research the difference in data transfer between high-normal-low-very low quality...feel free ..thank-you for listening and goodnight....👍
Glad to see in not the only one that cant sleep when something is bugging me.

Think have read somewhere that locking host is better for connection issues.
Not sure where saw it tho.

My connection says Nat 2 and Normal, but i know my connection has low speed. Half to 1 meg.

Seems to work most times but obviously get conflicts with some ppl as have a few drivers missing from my races.

When i get time. I am goint to get a new router in hope for a better connection.

As for the sheep DJ. They like it about as much as i do(NOT!!!). And for anybody who dont know what the hell im on about. I am a Sheperd for my sins. No jokes as heard em all before.