I too bumped and drifted into other racers, it was not intentional!
Once I got bumped which in turn bumped me into someone else, who in turn wiped out. Another time I drifted into someone who was in my mirror blind spot. (I race from cockpit view)
Its going to happen in a rookie league, but we'll get better as we practice. Overall, I'm very pleased with the very sportsman-like conduct of the league members; keep it up!
I wont be around this Sunday SCUUDZ but I may host Sunday afternoon races (unranked). Now that football is over and the weather is still sub-zero some afternoon racing may be fun!
I'm very interested in Rally racing too.
Football isn't over for everyone. Next week will be my Green and Gold Italia for group A!
I love it that it's a rookie league. We can all (and do) make mistakes, and that's ok. Heck, it takes special skill to spin a 4wd car, on a streight, with no one else around. Very special skill, indeed!
Because of it being a rookie league, similar to how I think it's great that we are not using racing tires for everything, personally I think it would be a good idea to not allow SFR. It teaches bad habits. If we turn it off for a single test, or single day, then it won't be a cleaner race. Just like I bet if we put on Comfort Soft tires it would not be clean. Most of us would have to relearn all our break points and how far we can turn and our throttle control and all that. SFR allows one to driver harder "for free" (as in not regulating power), and doesn't give you any indication of when it is in action like the others do. Short term, turning off any of the aids slow you down, but long term I think it will lead to better drivers which should lead to cleaner races.
I also agree with Zonda it might be a good idea for light penalities, to reinforce good driving. My only concern would be that it will also penalize contact, similar to the contat disqualification in the license tests. Since we are all learning to drive "wheel to wheel", contact is going to happen. On the upside, it would be an indication of when the contact has gone over that line, but the penalties do suck. Cutting a corner, you have no one else to blame, but a chain bump or something, sure, it's racing, but still. I am conflicted.
For myself, I have learned a lot in just the few race days we have had. I am getting an idea of how to approach corners differently if people are around me, and am getting better (but not perfect!) at supressing that urge to cut the iniside when I should be lining up for the next corner, and end up not in a place I want to be. I REALLY REALLY try to not hit people, but as all of us are, not perfect, but I think (maybe wishful thinking) I am getting better at anticipating other's breaking, minimizing the plowing in to them factor. My throttle control is still not perfect, but it felt like there was less instances of tire spin heading out of turns, so that's good.
(Ok, this has gotten way rambly. That's what I get for having this reply going for two hours between meetings at work!)
These races, and the test days between have been some of the most fun I have had in the game. I look forward to more of it, and thank all of you for joining in and allowing me to come along. Especially to Akira. Thank you!