Legalization of Marijuana

  • Thread starter Event
Still don't say it should be legalized. If it's illegal now, it should be illegal forever. Just my opinion. Don't mean to stomp all over everyone.
Marijuana was once legal, just like alcohol. They both became illegal, but now alcohol is legal again. Both have similar effects, so why is the pah-yow still illegal?
To keep certain people in jail.
ah hah! But the jail systems are overcrowded as it is now! If they legalize it, people who go to jail for it come out and there is more room in the prison system, so a masive reform is not needed, and there will be more room for the murderers and rapists.
saying something should be illegal forever is rather silly if you ask me. some things are just not worth making illegal. how much do we pay to fight illegal drugs? both stoping people from growing and selling it to keeping people in jail. if it were legal it would save a bit of money and the taxs would make up even more.
If marijuana were legal, there'd be no need for drug dealers to sell it, you could get it from the gas station! It could put a lot of dealers out of business and lower crime, as the repeal of prohibition in the 30s did.
I used to think that, but lately, I think the dealers will just start pushing other illegal drugs. Criminals won't be put out of job, they'll just find something else. Chances are, those dealers will push something more harmful than pot onto the streets.


P.S. Extra taxes are nice, but mark my words, government will just find more ways to waste it. It's not that we need more tax, our government need to spend the tax money more wisely.
I used to think that, but lately, I think the dealers will just start pushing other illegal drugs. Criminals won't be put out of job, they'll just find something else. Chances are, those dealers will push something more harmful than pot onto the streets.
THey will always find something to peddle, this is always true, but it's one less thing they can get their grummy hands on. The revenue they make on marijuana will now go to the government to help not fund criminals, but fund the efforts in catching the criminals.
Yeah Event, lets legalize every drug in the world so drug dealers can be put out of business. There are literally hundreds of drugs out there. So you won't be harming the drug busniess any.
Yeah Event, lets legalize every drug in the world so drug dealers can be put out of business. There are literally hundreds of drugs out there. So you won't be harming the drug busniess any.
But it would essentially make the money that the dealers make into the pocket of the government. That's much better, isn't it?
But it would essentially make the money that the dealers make into the pocket of the government. That's much better, isn't it?

Ok, you said Marijuana has the same effects as alcohol and cigarettes. Now did you disregard the fact that one of those hundreds of types of drugs may be far more dangerous then marijuana? Then you'd legalize a drug that would be twice maybe even three times (or more) worse then cigarettes.
Ok, you said Marijuana has the same effects as alcohol and cigarettes. Now did you disregard the fact that one of those hundreds of types of drugs may be far more dangerous then marijuana? Then you'd legalize a drug that would be twice maybe even three times (or more) worse then cigarettes.
I never said that, I think Marijuana shouldbe legalized if cigarettes and alcohol are. WHere did I say I wanted all drugs legalized?
thats a very good point event.
Yes, it is. But if we play it that way, then government must legalize everything illegal, so government can put the criminals out of business. I don't think that will work.........
I never said that, I think Marijuana shouldbe legalized if cigarettes and alcohol are. WHere did I say I wanted all drugs legalized?

That post I quoted strongly suggested it.
Yes, it is. But if we play it that way, then government must legalize everything illegal, so government can put the criminals out of business. I don't think that will work.........
Well, technically yes, becuase then they wouldn't be criminals anymore because the drugs would be legal and there would be no need to arrest them, would there? The definition of a criminal is someone who breaks the law, but if selling drugs isn't against the law, then they wouldn't be criminals! Brilliant!
whos saying legalize all drugs? this is just about weed.

I'm just trying to make a point about legalizing drugs in general and "putting the dealers out of business".

Which is next to impossible UNLESS, back to what i'm saying, you legalized every drug imaginable.
criminals will never go out of bussiness. BUT if we can take away a few of the things they use to harm the public and put it in a more controled, safer enviroment things would look better. some things should always be illegal. not everything though.
criminals will never go out of bussiness. BUT if we can take away a few of the things they use to harm the public and put it in a more controled, safer enviroment things would look better. some things should always be illegal. not everything though.

That's a very blunt term, "criminal". I'm talking about specifically DRUG DEALERS.
That was just about legalizing the left-handed cigarettes, not every drug out there.

I wasn't talking about cigarettes though. Where in that post that you quoted did I say anything about cigarettes?
That's a very blunt term, "criminal". I'm talking about specifically DRUG DEALERS.
If drugs were legal, and you could buy them at gas stations and such, then the attendants would be drug dealers. ;)
I wasn't talking about cigarettes though. Where in that post that you quoted did I say anything about cigarettes?
You're not familiar with the slang term, eh?
by criminal i ment drug dealers in this case. if we took away one thing they peddle on street corners, turned it around, made it safer while turning a profit i dont see who gets hurt here. sure they wont stop selling crack and we'd still have to enforce that law but crack is more harmfull then weed. no ones going to argue for that to be legal.
If drugs were legal, and you could buy them at gas stations and such, then the attendants would be drug dealers. ;)

You're not familiar with the slang term, eh?

No I don't do drugs. (And I know you don't either) But I just don't know the term and i'm glad I don't know ANY slang term for drugs.
If drugs were legal, and you could buy them at gas stations and such, then the attendants would be drug dealers. ;)

Well then it's one big vicious circle that I want no part of. I say no to legalizing it and it should be that way. Great now kids can say I get high legally! :rolleyes:
Lot of dealers who can't make living in marijuana business anymore, they will be pushing meth, crack to make living. If marijuana was legalized, they will just look for new line of products, IMO.
Well then it's one big vicious circle that I want no part of. I say no to legalizing it and it should be that way. Great now kids can say I get high legally! :rolleyes:
No, it should still be illegal for kids. like alcohol, it should be regulated until your 21. Cigarettes are more dangerous, but they don't produce the pleasureable effects like Mary Jane and Alcohol, which is why it should be 21 and not 18.
Lot of dealers who can't make living in marijuana business anymore, they will be pushing meth, crack to make living. If marijuana was legalized, they will just look for new line of products, IMO.
And the government would scrape up that money that the dealers no longer recieved. Of course they would look for new product, thats the way they work! Most drug dealers dont purely specialize in just marijuana, they mix it up. It's a fact of life that can never be avoided.
21 or 41. Still think it's stupid to legalize something we've frowned upon and put people in jail for for years.
drug dealers dont just sell weed. they sell coke and meth and whatever else there is a market for where they are. all we're saying is that there is no real reason weed should be totaly illegal. it doesnt hurt anyone when used in a controled manor.
21 or 41. Still think it's stupid to legalize something we've frowned upon and put people in jail for for years.
That illegalization was ignorant. We are just recently learning more about the drug, and it may have positive effects for cancer patients, and more!