Legalization of Marijuana

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drug dealers dont just sell weed. they sell coke and meth and whatever else there is a market for where they are. all we're saying is that there is no real reason weed should be totaly illegal. it doesnt hurt anyone when used in a controled manner.
Like alcohol. đź‘Ť It's all about self-control. Dont be stupid about it.

however, if it is abused, it's not as dangerous as alcohol. How many people have died of alcohol poisoning? Millions. How many have died of THC poisoning? 0 (maybe 1, inconclusive results)
And the government would scrape up that money that the dealers no longer recieved. Of course they would look for new product, thats the way they work! Most drug dealers dont purely specialize in just marijuana, they mix it up. It's a fact of life that can never be avoided.
And it will bring me back to this:
Yes, it is. But if we play it that way, then government must legalize everything illegal, so government can put the criminals out of business. I don't think that will work.........
this battle is like saying we shouldnt use stem cell research. some say its killing a human even though they would never have been made into a human anyway. its just silly. people latch onto something and dont look at the facts.
That illegalization was ignorant. We are just recently learning more about the drug, and it may have positive effects for cancer patients, and more!

And it will bring me back to this:
Criminals are a definition, if you legalize everything, no one will fit the definition any more.
Like alcohol. đź‘Ť It's all about self-control. Dont be stupid about it.

however, if it is abused, it's not as dangerous as alcohol. How many people have died of alcohol poisoning? Millions. How many have died of THC poisoning? 0 (maybe 1, inconclusive results)

LMAO. Rarely do people not get high when they smoke marijuana. But I guess when you pay so much for it you should smoke it all up in one sitting. :dopey:
21 or 41. Still think it's stupid to legalize something we've frowned upon and put people in jail for for years.

Whahuh? You're basing youre opinion of marijuana being criminalized on tradition? That's not good enough; give me a real reason.
LMAO. Rarely do people not get high when they smoke marijuana. But I guess when you pay so much for it you should smoke it all up in one sitting. :dopey:
They get high, that's the point of marijuana! But nobody dies directly from getting high! Some make poor decisions and go out and drive, but some do that with alcohol, too!
Yes, like alcohol. :lol:

Okay... here's the gist of the problem.

Legalizing marijuana will not kill off the drug trade, yes, they will go on and peddle other drugs, but they won't be making as much money as they do now. A lot of people don't consider marijuana a dangerous drug, there's a big underground of recreational users and dealers who have either no connection to the rest of the illegal narcotics trade or a marginal one. Once legalized, these people come to the surface, become legit. The number of growers goes down. It's like alcohol or tobacco... why grow/distill your own if you can buy it at the gas station for cheap? Only hobbyists will be left growing weed.

Alcohol used to be peddled by bootleggers and mafia. When they lost that, some went legit, some just stopped, some went into other stuff. Same thing will likely happen if marijuana is legalized.

The bias against marijuana is mostly cultural, and it makes no sense in a world where you can sniff yourself dead on a tube of superglue or OD on grain alcohol. (It does happen)

By the way, yes opium is deadly dangerous, but it once was part of daily life for many Europeans and Asians. They didn't die out as a culture... can't say the same about the heavy users, though. I'm not suggesting we should legalize heroin, cocaine, LSD, or the like... in fact, I feel that we should ban tobacco... but I think it should stay. I recognize the rights of adults to choose their own poisons.

The Amsterdam model doesn't really work for the rest of the world. It takes a certain cultural attitude to adjust to that, and I don't think we're ready yet.
But this is all not the point. Marijuana should be legalized because...

Well, because it shouldn't be illegal. It shouldn't be up to the government to tell us what we can or cannot do to our bodies. If we want to inflict harm upon ourselves, that's our choice.

Why are you so eager for letting the government limit our freedoms, anyway?
Yes, like alcohol. :lol:

Okay... here's the gist of the problem.

Legalizing marijuana will not kill off the drug trade, yes, they will go on and peddle other drugs, but they won't be making as much money as they do now. A lot of people don't consider marijuana a dangerous drug, there's a big underground of recreational users and dealers who have either no connection to the rest of the illegal narcotics trade or a marginal one. Once legalized, these people come to the surface, become legit. The number of growers goes down. It's like alcohol or tobacco... why grow/distill your own if you can buy it at the gas station for cheap? Only hobbyists will be left growing weed.

Alcohol used to be peddled by bootleggers and mafia. When they lost that, some went legit, some just stopped, some went into other stuff. Same thing will likely happen if marijuana is legalized.

The bias against marijuana is mostly cultural, and it makes no sense in a world where you can sniff yourself dead on a tube of superglue or OD on grain alcohol. (It does happen)

By the way, yes opium is deadly dangerous, but it once was part of daily life for many Europeans and Asians. They didn't die out as a culture... can't say the same about the heavy users, though. I'm not suggesting we should legalize heroin, cocaine, LSD, or the like... in fact, I feel that we should ban tobacco... but I think it should stay. I recognize the rights of adults to choose their own poisons.

The Amsterdam model doesn't really work for the rest of the world. It takes a certain cultural attitude to adjust to that, and I don't think we're ready yet.
This is all self-control. People need to control themselves with alcohol, with pot, and with cigarettes. I know. I nearly died of alcohol poisoning once, and I learned my lesson.
Like alcohol. đź‘Ť It's all about self-control. Dont be stupid about it.

however, if it is abused, it's not as dangerous as alcohol. How many people have died of alcohol poisoning? Millions. How many have died of THC poisoning? 0 (maybe 1, inconclusive results)
And this is what it comes down to. This was the 'mary go round' in the "Drugs" thread, so I'll stop here on this one. :D danoff should be joining us real soon..... :lol:

this battle is like saying we shouldnt use stem cell research. some say its killing a human even though they would never have been made into a human anyway. its just silly. people latch onto something and dont look at the facts.
That one, I'm curious about. I'm 100% neutral. :)

Criminals are a definition, if you legalize everything, no one will fit the definition any more.
I hope that was for the sake of the argument. Unfortunately, criminals will not disappear. They can't work in conventional businesses, they'll just move onto whatever is still illegal. Legal crimes, that's for the politicians and corporations! :P j/k
Oh WHATEVER! Event all you're doing is supporting the sons of guns that make this world trash. I'm done with this conversation and you go ahead and get high.
But this is all not the point. Marijuana should be legalized because...

Well, because it shouldn't be illegal. It shouldn't be up to the government to tell us what we can or cannot do to our bodies. If we want to inflict harm upon ourselves, that's our choice.

Why are you so eager for letting the government limit our freedoms, anyway?
That's the libertarian attidude, and I do not agree. If some people want to go over the law to hurt themselves, that's fine, they can do it. I'm glad the government is watching out for us, but it's watching out for us against a relatively safe drug! That's not right!
niky: If marijuana was legalized, do you think the government will let people grow their own weed, or do you think they'll be regulated, so you can buy them only from authorized retailers, after proper tax?
And this is what it comes down to. This was the 'mary go round' in the "Drugs" thread, so I'll stop here on this one. :D danoff should be joining us real soon..... :lol:
:) I never went through that thread....

I hope that was for the sake of the argument. Unfortunately, criminals will not disappear. They can't work in conventional businesses, they'll just move onto whatever is still illegal. Legal crimes, that's for the politicians and corporations! :P j/k
it was for the sake of argument, I know they wont go away, but if you think about it, what I said was true.
Oh WHATEVER! Event all you're doing is supporting the sons of guns that make this world trash. I'm done with this conversation and you go ahead and get high.

Relax, it's just a debate. Stay and chat.
niky: If marijuana was legalized, do you think the government will let people grow their own weed, or do you think they'll be regulated, so you can buy them only from authorized retailers, after proper tax?
People grow their own tomatos, herbs, and even make their own alcohol, they should eb allowed to grow their own weed. The vast majority will still buy it, though. America is lazy!
I'm not too bothered on this one, tbh. I don't smoke (anything) but I know people who do. Recreational use of weed in the UK is, AFAIK, legal in a private residence (someone correct me if I'm talking baws), but it's obviously illegal if you're puffing around a children's playground. I'm voting to legalise.
People grow their own tomatos, herbs, and even make their own alcohol, they should eb allowed to grow their own weed. The vast majority will still buy it, though. America is lazy!

Precisely. I could actually drive a few hours north and buy a few stems, plant them in my backyard, pluck the leaves when they're mature, dry them, cure them, grind them up and make my own tobacco cigarettes... but why bother when the commercial variety is so cheap? Like I said, hobbyists will keep on growing, but they won't have to pay anything special unless they start selling.
I'm not too bothered on this one, tbh. I don't smoke (anything) but I know people who do. Recreational use of weed in the UK is, AFAIK, legal in a private residence (someone correct me if I'm talking baws), but it's obviously illegal if you're puffing around a children's playground. I'm voting to legalise.

*I agree button*

Private use đź‘Ť No worries

Public use đź‘Ž I choose not to get high, please respect my space.

That's the libertarian attidude

thats pretty much where i'm coming from but i'm trying to give more then just "it should be legal because they have no right to control us" even though thats my bass feeling on the subject.

to me its simple. in mature hands weed doesnt hurt anyone. if proberly controled i honestly dont see how it can hurt anyone. there should be an age limit and it should be illegal to smoke weed and drive or smoke it in most public areas. other then that there is no problem.
*I agree button*

Private use đź‘Ť No worries

Public use đź‘Ž I choose not to get high, please respect my space.

It's the same with alcohol, there's laws about where you can get drunk! If you disobey those laws, you get fined, and the government makes more money!
It's the same with alcohol, there's laws about where you can get drunk! If you disobey those laws, you get fined, and the government makes more money!

:ill: uh... safety... although I'd trust a stoner more than a drunk... I think. đź’ˇ
It's the same with alcohol, there's laws about where you can get drunk! If you disobey those laws, you get fined, and the government makes more money!

Having only ever been slightly drunk and never high I'm in no position to tell how a person reacts under the influence. But I can see you point to an extent, but you must remember that alcohol, being a liquid will only affect those who drink it. So public drinking isn't really ... public - only the persons reactions whilst drunk.

Now I'm not too sure about this but with weed being an inhaled smoke is it possible for anyone in the general area of marijuana being smoked to be affected?

That's why I feel use in public places should be outlawed.