Legalization of Marijuana

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Yeah but which kid cant get hold of alchohol albeit seeing as you have to be 21 in USA its different from the UK. But it was never stated at which level it would be controlled. 16 and upwards? 18 upwards? 21 upwards? If its the sme as ciggarettes in that its 16 upwards loads of little kids would smoke, Then theres the parents that would go out and buy the ganja for their kids who are eithjer dumb or confused by mixed messages from the respective government.
Yeah but which kid cant get hold of alchohol albeit seeing as you have to be 21 in USA its different from the UK. But it was never stated at which level it would be controlled. 16 and upwards? 18 upwards? 21 upwards? If its the sme as ciggarettes in that its 16 upwards loads of little kids would smoke, Then theres the parents that would go out and buy the ganja for their kids who are eithjer dumb or confused by mixed messages from the respective government.

Then they're acquiring it illegally, simple as that. In Denver it's only legal if you're upwards of 21, which I agree with. If its controlled, then it should be controlled up to the same age that alcohol is.

Underage kids smoking pot should be penalized just like they get penalized for consuming alcohol. If it was controlled, it would still be illegal for them, so not much would change with that age group.
Yeah but which kid cant get hold of alchohol albeit seeing as you have to be 21 in USA its different from the UK. But it was never stated at which level it would be controlled. 16 and upwards? 18 upwards? 21 upwards? If its the sme as ciggarettes in that its 16 upwards loads of little kids would smoke, Then theres the parents that would go out and buy the ganja for their kids who are eithjer dumb or confused by mixed messages from the respective government.

What-ifs don't bother me in this scenerio.

18 and up, if not 21.

Parents would be subject to the same rules and regulations as children (as with alcohol).

If adults provide for children it will be a crime, plain and simple.

Now why don't we try addressing the issues that many of the "legalize it" supporters have been talking about.

Reducing the black market.
Reducing the "gateway" drug effect.
Increasing tax revenues.
Decreasing prison populations.
Decreasing non-violent "criminal" activity.
Addressing the true causes for personal failure.

Not one of those subjects have I seen the "anti-pot" side discuss.
Only, "I know what is best for society and in that, I know that you don't know!" :lol:
1.The black market will move on......Plus there will be people who will still deal ganja as there will be plenty under 18 year olds who will require it.
2.The gateway drug effect will pretty much stay the same as the kids who for some reason felt the need to smoke ganja will just find some drug to substitue it which will probably cause more harm.
3.It would be extremly hard to prove that parents were supplying their kids. And I dont know about in america but in the UK kids can drink at home so it might be the same for ganja.
4.The money they would rais could be used to help people quit.
5.I doubt it would decrease much if at all noticeable.
6.Doubt it would decrease but instead increase.
7.If your silly enough to do it even though you know its bad for you....then its natural selection.Its banned for a reason.
1.The black market will move on......Plus there will be people who will still deal ganja as there will be plenty under 18 year olds who will require it.

Do people deal alcohol to minors? No.
Does the black market ever stop moving? No.
Why do either of the points you made compramise the points they were attempted responses to?

2.The gateway drug effect will pretty much stay the same as the kids who for some reason felt the need to smoke ganja will just find some drug to substitue it which will probably cause more harm.

The gateway drug effect does not come from a desire to become more intoxicated, it comes from peer pressure and the exposure to an illegal drug culture.
Take away the illegal drug culture support and the gateway drug goes away as well.

3.It would be extremly hard to prove that parents were supplying their kids. And I dont know about in america but in the UK kids can drink at home so it might be the same for ganja.

If it would be so hard to prove this sort of situation then why have I personally seen people get in trouble for this on both the local and national levels?

4.The money they would rais could be used to help people quit.

How can you raise the money if people like you are trying to make sure it is always illegal?

5.I doubt it would decrease much if at all noticeable.

You just don't know what you are talking about then.
There is a size-able population of inmates who were sentenced to prison time for trafficing, possessing, and using Marijuana.
Plus, even if the population was low, saving one decent person who happens to smoke pot from the horrors of prison is worth it.

6.Doubt it would decrease but instead increase.

I bet you doubt a lot of things, does that mean you are correct? No.
If marijuana was legal, then every marijuana "offender" would not be commiting a crime, hence, the non-violent crime levels would have to go down (with regard to marijuana).
Spikes in other non-violent crimes are not the issue at hand.

7.If your silly enough to do it even though you know its bad for you....then its natural selection.Its banned for a reason.

Natural selection?
Then why do you oppose the free use of this drug?
Are you worried about people you love and care for naturally selecting themselves out of existance?

And on top of all this, I still have not seen you give a reason for why marijuana is banned other than because it is illegal.
Natural selection?
Then why do you oppose the free use of this drug?
Are you worried about people you love and care for naturally selecting themselves out of existance?
Yeah, people can naturally select themselves with a drug that doesn't kill people. :lol:
Yeah, people can naturally select themselves with a drug that doesn't kill people. :lol:

Indeed, an excellent point you have there. 👍

Just wish I had thought of it. :lol:
It is banned because it kills your brain cells, makes you sleepy and lazy and disillusioned.

Unless your smoking poor quality stuff.
It might actually promote the growth of brain cells, studys say. 👍 And alcohol kills many more brain cell and than THC does.

Alcohol makes people sleepy, and disillusioned, too. That's the point! It makes life more fun!
It is banned because it kills your brain cells, makes you sleepy and lazy and disillusioned.

Unless your smoking poor quality stuff.

Killing brain cells does not stop us from keeping alcohol legal (the same can be said for MTV). :lol:

Also, the "sleepy, lazy, disillusioned" is just plain bogus.

Those are biased opinions based on your own stereotypes of pot-heads.

Just try and tell all the decent hard working people of the world, who smoke pot, that they are lazy and disillusioned. :rolleyes:
They either smke crap weed or dont have enough time to smoke alot of it. Alot of the people who smoke the stuff are little crackheads (not as in they do crack but generally heading that way in how they present themselves and theyre clothes etc).

But thinking about it somemore I am now all for it being legalised. Then countries like Jamaica can grow loads of it as everyone thinks of ganja and jamaica and jamaica having the best ganja and then people could also make clothing and paper out of hemp and loads of different foods.
They either smke crap weed or dont have enough time to smoke alot of it. Alot of the people who smoke the stuff are little crackheads (not as in they do crack but generally heading that way in how they present themselves and theyre clothes etc).

But thinking about it somemore I am now all for it being legalised. Then countries like Jamaica can grow loads of it as everyone thinks of ganja and jamaica and jamaica having the best ganja and then people could also make clothing and paper out of hemp and loads of different foods.
That is there opinion they want to dress that way. One of my god buddies smoked every day before school, got into a good school with an ACT of 28 (which he took stoned) and he's a great guy to be around and dresses normally. He hasn't smoked it in a few months, but he's fine with that. He's not addicted at all because THC is not phsyicsally addicting.

Glad to have you on board this side. NOt often to people's opinions get swayed by the opinion forum. 👍 Now we just have to sway white charisma/SS2/Slackbird/POO_JA
not all pot smokers are like the guys in the movie half-baked.

damn funny movie though...

and i doubt if it was legal there would be anyone selling it on the street when you could buy it in a drive through with your cigarettes. it'd be silly. not very gangster...
Just one thing about this whole "Driving while high is safer than driving drunk" thing, if you get pulled over drunk, they give you a breathalyzer. Is there any such way of determining whether a person behind the wheel is high?

I am for it, although I have never tried it and don't drink (yet). I think if you want to do it, then go ahead and do so. Just do it at home [and stay inside 'till you come down].
I voted yes. I believe that if people wanna eff up their lives, they should be able to pursue it with no hell from the government. (They do the same with tobacco.)
exactly. all i mean is i'd rather be in the car with someone thats high then someone thats drunk. i'd still be buckled up though.
If your friends do poorly in school it is not because of a drug, it's because he did poorly on his own.
While this is could be very true.

What about all the people who are pot-heads and still manage to graduate with a 3.? GPA?

Or whatever about all the college students that are big burn-outs and yet they still do well in school?
That's like saying some people can drive just fine after few beers. Yes, I've known few smart people who smoked pot. However, marijuana affected the brain(or mind) negatively, of almost every pot smoker I've known.

It might actually promote the growth of brain cells, studys say. 👍
Growth in what way? With all of the members involved in this discussion put together, we must know hundreds of pot smokers. How many of those pot smokers actually improved his brain by smoking? My answer: none that I'm aware. Maybe one, possibly, but he doesn't use it anymore, and I didn't know him when he did used to smoke pot.
The biggest problem is the quantities consumed and how often. There's people like me who'll smoke maybe once every few months. Then there's people like my friend Yasser and Furqan - they both smoke up daily and will typically take any non-math related exam stoned. Those guys are both doing surprisingly well in school and are very outspoken individuals even when they're stoned.

Then there's another pair of friends I have - both smoke up fairly often (a few times a week) and they've smoked themselves stupid. However, when they decide to quit for a few weeks, they become fairly normal (as normal as they can be anyways - they sounded like potheads even before their first smoke)
To me this is not about what Pot does to you phisically or psychologically.

This is about affording everyone equal rights.

People abuse themselves through the use of alcohol, we afford them that right as it is there own body they abuse (often it is far more than that).

Women are afforded the right to not only abuse their own body, but the body of the fetus they carry when an abortion is performed. Even then it is their right to do so (good, bad, or otherwise, it is still their right).

Men often abuse their bodies with the use of "work-out" drugs that border on steriods, but we still allow these actions because it is an individuals right to do as they please with their own body.

Even in our diets we abuse ourselves and it is our right to do so if we please.

Pot, compared to much of the above is trivial.

All I ask is that my right to smoke what I want is honored just as I would honor anyone elses right to do any sort of action that does not harm other people.

Basically this comes back to my most simplistic beliefs about the rights of the individual.

My rights end where your rights begin.

It is my right to smoke pot as long as I don't harm you in the process.
I just wish the liberals and conservatives would both grant me this freedom as I would do the same for them.

Remember, it is my job to manage my life and it is your job to manage yours.
Don't try to manage mine by telling me what I should and should not be able to smoke, drink, or eat.
Regardless of the ideological reasons for legalization, I still maintain that our dire fiscal/trade deficits need to be improved. Legalization is [probably] the only way to restore vital public services that were underfunded as a result of massive (ineffective) tax cuts.
This is from the Event's link:
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (UPI) -- Scientists said Thursday that marijuana appears to promote the development of new brain cells in rats and have anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects, a finding that could have an impact on the national debate over medical uses of the drug.
You can show me some test results that claims Ford V-10 engines get 38 miles to a gallon on highways, but I sure am not seeing same results on the streets. Where I live, people harm their brains more than improving them by smoking pot. :D Seriously though, I think you see my point here. It's funny that they discovered that marijuana also has "anti-depressant/anti-anxiety" effects. What they don't say is that you will get that effect, as long as you keep on smoking it. More marijuana you use, more you gotta keep on using to get those effects. According to my friends who has quit or tried quitting, hardest part is dealing with some depression, as you don't get the fix to ease the anxiety.

Kent: I do see your point of view as well. As long as the pro-legalization is honest about the effects of marijuana, I don't think I have any problem going along with whatever people decide(in votes). :)
Kent: I do see your point of view as well. As long as the pro-legalization is honest about the effects of marijuana, I don't think I have any problem going along with whatever people decide(in votes). :)

Well thank you. :cheers:

Thanks for atleast giving me credit for putting my own heart-felt beliefs out there for you all to read. :cheers:

And with that, I think I've said my piece. :D
Wow bunch of potheads up in here. Almost double votes for yes. :rolleyes: Don't mind replying to this, I won't see it.