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Legalize, with the same restrictions as alcohol. Mary Jane is less dangerous (short and long term) than either tobacco or alcohol. Ask the World Health Organization.
King CrockeryI'm deeply against the legalization of marijuana, as i've seen so many lives go wrong with marijuana as a port drug :/ I know that when someone says something bad about marijuana, there's always someone to reply with something like "Marijuana is good for you, when compared to alcohol." You cannot compare marijuana with tobacco and alcohol directly, because it has different effects on short and long term usage. The risks of alcohol and tobacco are well known because they're so widely used around the globe, but cannabis has been more of an "underground" substance because it's illegal in most countries. Over here people who use cannabis usually take it under affection of alcohol or stronger drugs such as amphetamine. I've also seen people who use cannabis in excessive amounts to turn into passive, boring doll like persons. And i just hate such lowlife.
G-T-4-FanIt's not to compare to french fries. The effects of drugs should scare you off enough IMO. The FACTS and stuff doesn't mean anything compared to a fries addict or a drug addict. Lol I never heard about fries addicts, fat food addicts maybe though....but thats a compiled bunch of stuff that most of the time isn't limited to fries only.
The drug users I've seen have bad lives, people that have been addicted to drugs before say it feels good at the time but it really messes up your life. It's the aftereffects that should be concidered too.
Someone who's addicted to certain food is more likely to be happier than a drug addict. Dont ask me to prove it, it's just something I can notice from everything I've seen about the 2 subjects. And fact is that the way you feel can drastically change ur health. If you feel depressed by drugs, I'm sure the health risks will increase.
So dont take into account only the DIRECT way drugs is dangerous. The second way is what I just explained.
Maybe a bit more important if you're using drugs and get addicted, you might not WANT to live as long as you would really be able to. Drug users die of overdosis too, there's way more stuff going on around drugs than fries so thats not a good comparison.
G-T-4-FanThe only REAL FLAW I think of right now is that, with the combination of legal firearms and stuff in the US, smuggling and criminality might rise VERY MUCH, it would be a legal business and it would give another option to get money your money. Then if there will be fights about it, I dunno how it works, they got a real easy way to solve it by using their "legal weapons".
G-T-4-FanWell it WILL be smuggling because in order to make money you have to ship to other countries. I live in Holland and it's in the newspapers here all the time because of legal drugs.
Drug gangs are all over the place here and it's not that in Holland it's a big issue but if they're gonna ship it to curacao or other countries THEN it becomes smuggling and if the US legalizes it, it will still be smugling for the country your exporting to it too.
You must realize, if drugs get legal there, it will be an important illegal exporter because gangs will obviously set up connections outside of the US where the drugs is worth MUCH more money cause it's just harder to get because it's illegal there.
danoffOk, but explain to me why I care about smuggling that occurs in other countries. If they're stupid enough to make it illegal, let them deal with the consequences. Most illegal substances would be made/grown here anyway.
G-T-4-FanWell if it has such an effect to other countries I dont think the US is allowed to make this decision without even argueing with other countries.
G-T-4-FanTo point out drugs is worse than fries. BTW Tell me, would you go onto drugs no problem instead of fries, would you dare if you wanted to?
Or would you be carefull with it because it's actually something very different than fries?
I'm sure that if you would swap to drugs no problem because "ah well it's the same thing as fries right?" you are really underestimating the power of drugs
It's just a fact that drugs should be taken 10 times more serious then fries my friend....
Exactly HOW bad must something be for your health before it becomes illegal?
G-T-4-FanIt's simple, fries are allowed and drugs go over the boundry where it should be allowed IMO.
G-T-4-FanAnd everwhere the drugs are forbidden, it's going good so far for the drug use right?
G-T-4-FanWhy allow it then all of a sudden? It's like supporting it, the laws arent such an influence on drugs anyway, but let there be SOMETHING that should prevent people from taking drugs.
G-T-4-FanI dont mind if they legalize it, the people choose for themselves, but if we can prevent some people to make an error in how dangerous drugs is, why wouldn't we?
It's just that, if you let it be illegal it has no side effects whatsoever, it's only gonna save some people from making a mistake, nothing wrong about that right. It's still not my problem, but why not help others too if you can?
And where is that boundary?
The problem with sliding scales is that logic slides right off them.
Let's compare that with all the places where, say, heroin is legal.
Oh right, there aren't any.
You have no reference point to assume that heroin being illegal makes for a better society than one where heroin is legal.
And in your attempts to protect some people you have far-reaching effects on ALL people.
Why stop everyone from doing something because you're afraid someone might hurt themselves?
Dodge the ViperWell alcohol is legal, and that's quite a damaging drug in the long and short term. It's the same thing with tobacco, so I can't see why Marijuana shouldn't be legalised. You have a choice to stay away from it or take it, no one is forcing you to have it if it is legalised.
G-T-4-FanIt takes some time for people to learn eachothers boundries, I cant explain you my boundries in one post because I should name everything thats accepted and not in my boundries.
If you wanna know WHERE my boundry is, just ask me some things and you will get to know, much easier than me naming everything you can have an opinion on, and say if it's allowed or not in my boundries.
We're not talking about heroin only here, I live in Holland where drugs IS allowed to some degree, and I know kids that are already on their way to become addicted to drugs, and really, you would wish a law could stop them. But there isn't one....
IMO you need everything you can to prevent people from taking drugs, like the kids I have seen here.
Why legalize it, if it will only hurt people? Because you dont care?
danoffYou can't explain where your boundary is because you don't draw a philosophical line. Your boundary is wherever you feel like it should be. If it feels wrong to you, you draw the line there. The problem with that is that everyone feels differently and you can't explain why your feeling is better than theirs. Try drawing the line based on some logical reasoning... like, for example "I own my body, and so I can put whatever substance I want into it. Other people own their own body, and so I cannot tell them what to do to it."
Kids cannot be held responsible for their choices. That's why adults cannot be allowed to have sex with children, why children cannot be allowed to skip school, and why children cannot be trusted to understand the consequences of doing drugs. Drug use can be legal for adults, but illegal for children. It's the situation we have currently with alcohol and it works fairly well.
Why make it illegal if it doesn't hurt you?
Because you want to run other people's lives?
It's not that I don't care, it's that it isn't any of my business.
I care more about letting people be free to make their own choices.
G-T-4-FanIt takes some time for people to learn eachothers boundries, I cant explain you my boundries in one post because I should name everything thats accepted and not in my boundries.
G-T-4-FanIf you wanna know WHERE my boundry is, just ask me some things and you will get to know, much easier than me naming everything you can have an opinion on, and say if it's allowed or not in my boundries.
G-T-4-FanWe're not talking about heroin only here, I live in Holland where drugs IS allowed to some degree, and I know kids that are already on their way to become addicted to drugs, and really, you would wish a law could stop them. But there isn't one....
G-T-4-FanFamineG-T-4-FanIMO you need everything you can to prevent people from taking drugs, like the kids I have seen here.
What kinda comment is that?!I said something that shows I care about people and dont want them to be addicted.
G-T-4-FanAnd there are no side effects of drugs being illegal, it's just not allowed, and it will prevent some people from getting into touch with this toxic stuff.
G-T-4-FanAre the "far reaching effects", side effects of drugs when being illegal compared to when drugs are legal? Name some side effects of drugs being illegal, I'm really curious.....
G-T-4-FanWhy legalize it, if it will only hurt people? Because you dont care?
G-T-4-FanLets think why alchohol and tabaco ISN'T illegal, it's harmfull so why should it be legal? Because it's too darn late to change anything about it. You cant expect people to stop drinking alchohol and stop smoking because it's far too late and it's far too popular now.
G-T-4-FanI think 90% of the people here has had alchohol before, and I'm sure there are LOTS of things where alchohol is a tradition. Drinking wine and eating turkey on Xmas for example. You cant make that illegal.
G-T-4-FanDrugs is toxic
G-T-4-Fanand isn't part of traditions in the US yet
G-T-4-FanShouldn't even be allowed for adults, adults who use drugs DONT know the consequences of drugs if you ask me.
G-T-4-FanThats not my goal, I'm defending it cause it's already a law.
The fact that this already is a law means it has logic behind it, so you cant say there isn't any logic for drugs being illegal.
The only thing thats a real good point is the freedom stuff, you have a right to decide about your own body, but it's like a 17 year old asking his/her parents for a tatoo...IMO
If it's illegal, it's less danger to anyone, thats a fact,
and I think it's just up to someone's opinion to decide if this is more or less important than the right to do with your body as you like.
Everyone has the right to do with their body as they want
Why legalize it, if it will only hurt people?
G-T-4-FanIt's illegal almost everywhere am I wrong? It's illegal atm in the US right?
danoffDo people have a right to put any substance into their body?