Legalization of Marijuana

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Yes, many drugs are illegal in the US.

So what about an answer to my question?

I cant say no. So yes.

I guess, because it's opinion against rights here, that people should really watch it thats the only thing I can say. It's dumb to get on drugs.
hey, how's this:

Tobacco kills about 390,000 people every year
Alcohol kills about 80,000.
Secondhand smoke from tobacco kills about 50,000.
Cocaine kills about 2,200.
Heroin kills about 2,000.
Aspirin kills about 2,000.
Marijuana kills 0.

Furthermore, if you have a half hour to spare, check out this video about it *language warning*
You cannot die of Marijuana abuse, unless you smoke X KILOS consecutive.

I am for the legalization for the same reasons alcohol was in the 30's.

Crime reduced.
Controlled chemicals in the substance itself by the government.
A public system, like we have here in Quebec, that sells Marijuana.

I'm against selling it in corner stores.

Marijuana is a taboo, people have accepted alcohol for a long time and they think it's fine, but it's actually more deadly than marijuana, directly and undirectly.
Div is back
You cannot die of Marijuana abuse, unless you smoke X KILOS consecutive.

I am for the legalization for the same reasons alcohol was in the 30's.

Crime reduced.
Controlled chemicals in the substance itself by the government.
A public system, like we have here in Quebec, that sells Marijuana.

What about "because it's nobody else's business"?

I'm against selling it in corner stores.

What I mean by corner stores is like cigarettes, don't privatize it.

And I agree with your first point, it's nobody else's business.
This kind of goes along with Div's idea and my idea's for prostitution. The government really doesn't realize how much revenue they're missing out on! Holy crap, if they would set up a government oraganization to be the exclusive dealer of pot, which means it would be legal, of course, they could make millions a year. There are so many 15 year olds out there wanting to be cool and smoke pot like all the other cool kids that they would blow all their money on the stuff. It should be cheaper than it is now, though. It's so expensive because the people who sell it know they could get in big trouble so they try to make as much money as possible until they do. I have no idea how much "the good stuff" costs on the street, so I can't guesstimate any prices.
I really think it should only be used inside designated weed bars and inside someone's house. It should be legal to smoke it in the house and in these bars. It should be illegal to smoke it in public, because I now for a fact that second-hand marijuana smoke can give a person a serious buzz. I was at a guy's house--I went with my friend, who doesn't smoke either--and the guy whipped out the bong and started smoking with his friends. I didn't smoke, my friend, Donovan, didn't, but we both left a little dizzy and with a nicely sized headache. We went in just fine and dandy. We came out with an unwanted buzz. It wasn't too serious, I could still ride the ol' bike straight, but I would rather have been without the headache. I'm sure not everyone wants to get high while sitting in a resaurant. Smoking, well, we've covered that, and I've accepted it. Drinking, too, even though alchohol evaporation is worse for you than cigarette second-hand smoke.
So, start up a government business, sell the sticky, in different grades so people have some variety, and make some big money. They should also sell pure THC, just as a gag. I've seen 180 proof whiskey before, and that isn't much different. It'd be hilarious to see someone hit a THC joint and pass out before they can say "Daaaammmmnnn!"

EDIT: Yeah, private sellers, that's a great idea. All the highschool age employees would be high as f.uck by lunch break! I mean, come on, I have friends who worked at a Captain D's and they deep-fried their hats for fun. I think they threw a shoe in there once. Kids are idiots.
Keef just summarized my idea why it should not be privatized.

BTW up here 1 g sells for around 10$ but you get better prices if you buy in bigger quantity...PM for details.
Keef I'll ask you the same question. Why shouldn't private business owners be allowed to sell it?

Edit: Div, I'm not getting it.
It'd probably be all gone by the time you got in the gas station to buy it; the young kids with their summer jobs would smoke it all. Lot's of bosses let their employees do whatever, like deep-frying a shoe, for example. They'd probably smoke it with the kids. Privat places already have enough trouble with underage peeps buying cigs and alcohol and lottery tickets, they don't really need marijuana on top of that. I don't think they should be allowed to handle it. Remember, I would want it to be illegal to smoke anywhere but designated bars and at home. I think all the profit should go to the government, and you know the gas station owner wouldn't be happy about using shelf space to sell something they don't get paid for.
I guess it wouldn't be too big a deal, but I think the corner store people have enough to worry about.They might not even want to sell it fo fear of higher crime, though the theory behind the G selling it leagally would be that weed related crime would go down because of easier access. I don't know, ak the store owners how bad they want to sell it. I guess it should be their choice, but I don't think many would want to accomidate a product they make no profit off of.
I'm for a public system, meaning that this system will cultivate Cannabis, not private companies. It's what I'm fearing, you never know with those money hungry machines.
Div is back
I'm for a public system, meaning that this system will cultivate Cannabis, not private companies. It's what I'm fearing, you never know with those money hungry machines.

What would they do that would make it so bad for a private company to sell it?

I guess it should be their choice, but I don't think many would want to accomidate a product they make no profit off of.

So let them make a profit off of it, and let them choose whether to sell it. Kinda like alcohol or cigarrettes.
Private companies could introduce chemical substances that would them make your dependant to it, just like cigarette and then it would become dangerous.

Private to me sounds like " I can do whatever I want with it and you'll still buy because you have no other options "
Div is back
Private companies could introduce chemical substances that would them make your dependant to it, just like cigarette and then it would become dangerous.

Private to me sounds like " I can do whatever I want with it and you'll still buy because you have no other options "

If it's sold privately I can almost guarantee you there will be dozens of options, instead of just 1 government sponsored choice. Individual companies would likely offer a multitude of types and qualities and different prices - instead of just 1 government sponsored type at 1 large government price.

The chemical substance in cigarettes that creates an addiction is nicotine and it's inherent in tobacco. As far as I know, there is no way to create non-addictive tobacco smoke.

That being said, consumers will likely opt for the pot that gives them the strongest high with the fewest side-effects.... and unlike cigarettes, companies would have to offer you a good enough price and pure enough product to compete against what you can grow in your own backyard.

Edit: So would you be in favor of it being illegal to grow in your backyard? Or just illegal to grow it and then sell it if you're not the government?
I think the G should grow it, harvest it, and sell it. They would employ people by growing it themselves. Like bums, they need a job. Then the G could sell it and make loads of money. They wouldn't need it to be expensive, they'd make money anyway. They could pay the bums and get the rest of the profit. The G needs money, right? They could make this an exclusive government thing so they could make some quick money. I think private growing and selling would suck, because it would steal profit from the G.
They'd offer plenty of types, too. Then people wouldn't have to steal it from hospitals like in Half Baked. Even though hospitals in Cali use THC-less marijuana.
I think the G should grow it, harvest it, and sell it. They would employ people by growing it themselves. Like bums, they need a job. Then the G could sell it and make loads of money. They wouldn't need it to be expensive, they'd make money anyway. They could pay the bums and get the rest of the profit. The G needs money, right? They could make this an exclusive government thing so they could make some quick money. I think private growing and selling would suck, because it would steal profit from the G.
They'd offer plenty of types, too. Then people wouldn't have to steal it from hospitals like in Half Baked. Even though hospitals in Cali use THC-less marijuana.

So you don't have any real reason that the government should control pot growth other than that it makes money?? So maybe they should keep people from selling gasoline too. They could make a ton of money off of that. Maybe they could prevent companies from selling playstations, water, bread, and cars. That way the government could make money from all of that stuff too. They need money right? If we all were forced to buy government built cars instead of being allowed to buy private car brands, the government could make money from that as well.

That's where your line of reasoning heads. If pot isn't any different from any other product being sold, there is no reason why the government should be preventing people from growing and selling it. How hypocritical would it be for our government to sell pot, but put private citizens in jail for doing the same thing?
Okay, I guess you're right. But marijuana is different than any other product for sale: it's illegal. It would still be illegal for us to grow it and sell it. The only way we could aquire this "illegal" substance would be through government permission, which would be the transaction of money for pot.
Or maybe we should stop arguing about something that won't happen.:) We probably should leave the system like it is to avoid any unseen side effects.
Okay, I guess you're right. But marijuana is different than any other product for sale: it's illegal. It would still be illegal for us to grow it and sell it. The only way we could aquire this "illegal" substance would be through government permission, which would be the transaction of money for pot.

If the government can sell it, I fail to see why private individuals should be jailed for doing the same.

Edit: Btw, any substance can be made "different" by simply making it illegal.

Or maybe we should stop arguing about something that won't happen.:) We probably should leave the system like it is to avoid any unseen side effects.

...that's not what this forum is about. :)
It is in California. The rest of the states haven't done that, I don't believe. What's it even used as, a pain reliever?
Eating food made from pot has no known bad side effects . Also you can use the vaporizors made so you can inhale it without the bad side effects from smoking it..similar in some ways to ciggarettes .
It is in California. The rest of the states haven't done that, I don't believe. What's it even used as, a pain reliever?

It mostly used as a relaxant I think, as well as possibly a painkiller, and to the best of my knowledge, it’s also used to increase hunger in chemotherapy patients. Canada, at least in Ontario has it issued for cancer patients with terminal or very serious cases. But have now moved from “weed” to a synthesized version of THC… in pill form non-the less. All the fun, none of the nasty lung cancer… As to how it works compared to smoked THC, I have no idea.
It should be legal for everyone.
The fact that it isn´t just shows how skewed the world is.

For anyone who thinks otherwise you should know that you have Cannabinoid receptors in your brain, lungs, liver and kidneys.

The reason its not legal is because of two things:

1. A vast majority of the Medical companies would have to close down.
2. Medical companies can´t patent Cannabis.
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It probably should be legalised, provided it has the proper infrastructure and planning. I don't agree with the idea that medical companies are stopping the legalisation though.
But have now moved from “weed” to a synthesized version of THC… in pill form non-the less. All the fun, none of the nasty lung cancer… As to how it works compared to smoked THC, I have no idea.

I have watched a documentary that talked about these pills and pretty much everyone that tried them said it did not feel the same as smoking a joint.

Despite having all the active ingredients taken etc.

Should also mention that you can´t get lung cancer from Cannabis if you smoke it clean (i.e no tobacco)
I have watched a documentary that talked about these pills and pretty much everyone that tried them said it did not feel the same as smoking a joint.

Despite having all the active ingredients taken etc.

Should also mention that you can´t get lung cancer from Cannabis if you smoke it clean (i.e no tobacco)

Keep in mind only the last few posts are recent, the rest of the thread is 5 years old.

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