Legalization of Marijuana

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Keep in mind only the last few posts are recent, the rest of the thread is 5 years old.

Oh damn lol. I knew i was the one that brought the thread to life again but i just did not connect the fact that everybody above me is old posters :)

Have to say i was pleasantly surprised to see the poll. And just the open-ness of this forum.
Obviously some things should not be tolerated but it seems the owners are well-educated.
Really? I wonder why... :rolleyes:

Oh wait i know it! It´s because i smoke weed from time to time and it´s obviously that.

Or it could be the fact that i work 12h shifts so being tired after work COULD have anything to do with it.
Then I suggest some sleep instead.

Yea for an adult it´s enough with 6-7 hours.

That´s 18-19 hours out of 24. So a few hours i can do stuff like i don´t know, sit on GTP, play some iRacing, make food, do laundry, read about reality a.k.a. science.
Anything else you want to tell me on what i should do with my days or life?
I love to smoke but in reality, which I have come to terms with after 15+years of smoking it, does more harm than good. But I will admit toking up before I draw, play music or GT5 is definitly ideal. But come to say..a conversation that needs to can count me out. I guess it is dope for a reason but it is dope when used correctly man. Check ya later dudes
Yea the thing is to not abuse it (don´t know the correct term in english)

But basically what i mean is do it moderately, if you take one aspirin when you have headache that´s fine but if you take 10 of those bastards i can garantuee you it will be your last headache :)

It´s the same thing with everything. Eat candy like a pig and a while later you be the size of a house.

The good thing though is that you can´t die from it. To overdose Cannabis you need to make a joint as big as a lightpole and then start smoking.

A few things will happen before you are finished though,

1. You will laugh your ass of at absolutely nothing.
2. You will be hungry like you have never been before.
3. You will fall asleep after an hour or so.
So its good for a hang over then?

Hang over as in been out drinking the day before and feeling like **** the day after?

I guess that´s personal but yes for me it helps massively.
Headache is gone, that will-i-puke feeling in the stomach, gone.

And when the high decreases you get hungry and just eat some food.
Food tastes 20 times better aswell as you know ;)

And i find it works wonders after very stressful days when you come home and is still all amped up due to work. Sometimes you are home at 11pm so you need to get relaxed so you can fall asleep.

Take one and you will relax every muscle in your body whether you want too or not.
then when you fall asleep you have no dreams(that you can remember) you just wake up and it feels like a light-switch.

Bit more tired in the morning the usually but a warm shower at 5.30am do wonders and you feel fresh when you go to work.

This is just how i feel but i would also point out again that you should not do it every day, the same as eating candy everyday or whatever.

We already have enough wackjobs, we don't need any more. That's the way I look at it.

I agree 100%...... Do you want me to send you the rope or will you buy one yourself?
I'm for it to be legalised, I don't smoke it but I have done in the past. If you use the example of a guy who ruined his school by smoking it too much, you imagine what would happen if the same guy spent his days drinking alchohol, I can't imagine his education would go too well then either.

It is no more dangerous (certaintly harder to overdose on) than alchohol, people will say "no because drugs are bad" well its in no way different to alchohol or tobacco which are also drugs.

I don't encourage people to smoke it, but people should be able to decide for themselves (when they are of legal age to do so) if they want to use it or not, just like they do with tobacco and alchohol.
YIt´s the same thing with everything. Eat candy like a pig and a while later you be the size of a house.

That analogy doesn't work since candy is not an addiction (Well, as of late last night for some people).
That analogy doesn't work since candy is not an addiction (Well, as of late last night for some people).

Most candy contains sugar. Sugar is addictive.
People who eat candy and is addicted by it won´t open the sugar jar and start eating raw sugar, they will go out and buy candy. Thus candy is in a sense addictive.
Most candy contains sugar. Sugar is addictive.
People who eat candy and is addicted by it won´t open the sugar jar and start eating raw sugar, they will go out and buy candy. Thus candy is in a sense addictive.

In the sense of a craving, yes. But sugar found in food is not nearly as addictive as marijuanna on its own. (Smoked or otherwise)

EDIT: Keep in mind I'm all for legalizing marijuanna
In the sense of a craving, yes. But sugar found in food is not nearly as addictive as marijuanna on its own. (Smoked or otherwise)

EDIT: Keep in mind I'm all for legalizing marijuanna

That is true but the point i´m trying to make is that if you take something everyday and to much of it you will get addicted to it :)

That´s great to hear. If tobacco or Alcohol is legal i can´t see any reason why Cannabis should be illegal.

In fact, even if those two were illegal i could still not see a reason as to why it would be illegal. (except for medical companies losing millions but thats not my problem)
Marijuana is alot less addictive than alcohol and Tobbaco.

However much it makes sense to legalize it governments never will because it will be like them admiting that they were wrong before.
And when the high decreases you get hungry and just eat some food.
Food tastes 20 times better aswell as you know ;)

And i find it works wonders after very stressful days when you come home and is still all amped up due to work. Sometimes you are home at 11pm so you need to get relaxed so you can fall asleep.

Take one and you will relax every muscle in your body whether you want too or not.
then when you fall asleep you have no dreams(that you can remember) you just wake up and it feels like a light-switch.

Bit more tired in the morning the usually but a warm shower at 5.30am do wonders and you feel fresh when you go to work.

This is just how i feel but i would also point out again that you should not do it every day, the same as eating candy everyday or whatever.

I couldn't agree more. I've experienced many of the same things.

Cooking is much more fun afterwards. :)

My Mom recently went through chemotherapy for Colon Cancer; cannabis helped her a great deal with nausea. At the very least it should be nationally legal for medical reasons.

I definitely agree with keef on many of the how's of legalization. Use it as a Government revenue farm.
So its good for a hang over then?

Yes it helps quite a bit for a hang over.

We already have enough wackjobs, we don't need any more. That's the way I look at it.

Probably should look into the education system first, then start looking at substances.

other than Medical purposes no

It is certainly less harmful than alcohol, and people on it cause far fewer problems than those drinking.
I just don't care. If someone wants to smoke up, that's their choice, I really don't care what other people do with their lives. I tried it once, I didn't like it much, and I don't like the effects it can have on your body, so I don't smoke (tobacco or weed). But other people do like it, and that's their choice, I drink alcohol occasionally, so I can't judge anyone who smokes, it's their own life, their own body, and their own decision.

It's just such a dumb thing to throw people in jail for.
I couldn't agree more. I've experienced many of the same things.

Cooking is much more fun afterwards. :)

My Mom recently went through chemotherapy for Colon Cancer; cannabis helped her a great deal with nausea. At the very least it should be nationally legal for medical reasons.

I definitely agree with keef on many of the how's of legalization. Use it as a Government revenue farm.

Yea cooking gets way more fun :)
Great to hear about your mom, to bad not many get this help..


"Alcohol kills 2.5 million a year: World Health Organization"
"Report: Tobacco Use Kills 6 million People a Year"

Cannabis kills 0 people a year, every year, all day everyday.

Pure logics applied would say that 2 of them is very bad for you and the other not so much.
In the sense of a craving, yes. But sugar found in food is not nearly as addictive as marijuanna on its own. (Smoked or otherwise)

EDIT: Keep in mind I'm all for legalizing marijuanna

Actually, yes it is. Sugar has been shown to be hugely addictive, you just don't think of out as being addictive because it's just food. But anyone who tries to cut it out completely will quickly find they are getting headaches, feeling tired, feeling irritable, are unable to concentrate on anything and will seriously crave sugary food. Not unlike those other evil drugs that are eroding our society like cocaine, heroin and caffeine.
What rope? :P

Yea what rope? I have heard there are some pretty good ones ;)

Not unlike those other evil drugs that are eroding our society like cocaine, heroin and caffeine.

And not just our societies, familys working like animals to supply us with either of them making nothing but enough for their food etc.

Heroine and Alcohol is (as far as i know) the only two drugs in the world that you can die of by abruptly stop using it.

I know A-teams (we call drunks that here lol) that instead of going to the drunk-cell to sleep and sober up they have to get to the hospital and get alcohol from a drop to slow down the drinking.

If you remove it straight away there´s a chance the person will die due to the body being so used to having massive amounts of alcohol in it.
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Yea for an adult it´s enough with 6-7 hours.

That´s 18-19 hours out of 24. So a few hours i can do stuff like i don´t know, sit on GTP, play some iRacing, make food, do laundry, read about reality a.k.a. science.
Anything else you want to tell me on what i should do with my days or life?

It was a suggestion, not an order.
But hey, if you want to go and risk other people's welfare by going into a workplace under the influence of drugs, be my guest. Read the 1974 health and safety act, if you have not done so upon the introduction to your job.
It was a suggestion, not an order.
But hey, if you want to go and risk other people's welfare by going into a workplace under the influence of drugs, be my guest. Read the 1974 health and safety act, if you have not done so upon the introduction to your job.

I´m not under the influence of drugs when i work.

The same as if someone was having a few drinks the night before and then going to work the day after (very common in the world but maybe not in areas where you come from)

I don´t need suggestions from a religious person so thanks but no thanks.

What you need to do is read about the world and read about Cannabis, you might actually LEARN something.
I´m not under the influence of drugs when i work.

The same as if someone was having a few drinks the night before and then going to work the day after (very common in the world but maybe not in areas where you come from)

I don´t need suggestions from a religious person so thanks but no thanks.

What you need to do is read about the world and read about Cannabis, you might actually LEARN something.

Drugs, like alcohol, still affect the body ever after the maximum time span available for yourself, which is 12 hours after intake.
In the workplace I am training to be in, routine tests are carried out for recent drugs or alcohol substances. Negative results are shown up around 24 hours after intake. There is a zero tolerance for intoxication in this workplace.

If you take drugs even as soon as you return from work, you will still be a potential hazard in the work place upon your arrival at the next working session, considering you have a maximum span of 12 hours.

It is a regular occurrence for my colleagues to have a pint after work (please take note that my colleagues are at an older age than myself. I am under age for buying alcohol), but that is only at the week end. They show respect for their fellow work mates from removing the potential of being a hazard.
At halloween yesterday, people were still under the influence from the night before in the morning. I have no evidence for this, as I can predict you will ask, but never the less arrests were clearly made to individuals.

You have also singled out my religion as a reason why you do not need any suggestions from me. This is racism, pure and simple. It's like saying you will not accept to purchase produce from a black farmer.

I will continue to pray for you. God may help lead you to clear your mind of so much hate.
Drugs, like alcohol, still affect the body ever after the maximum time span available for yourself, which is 12 hours after intake.
In the workplace I am training to be in, routine tests are carried out for recent drugs or alcohol substances. Negative results are shown up around 24 hours after intake. There is a zero tolerance for intoxication in this workplace.
Can you please provide a source to show exactly how individual drugs affect the body over specific periods of time and in what manner.

I only ask because this is open to such a huge number of variables that to be as specific as you are is almost impossible.

If you take drugs even as soon as you return from work, you will still be a potential hazard in the work place upon your arrival at the next working session, considering you have a maximum span of 12 hours.
Given that I take it you would support a ban on all forms of intoxicants (including stimulants such as caffeine) being taken when someone could potentially work within a 12 hour period.

However how can you effectively police this?

It is a regular occurrence for my colleagues to have a pint after work (please take note that my colleagues are at an older age than myself. I am under age for buying alcohol), but that is only at the week end. They show respect for their fellow work mates from removing the potential of being a hazard.
At halloween yesterday, people were still under the influence from the night before in the morning. I have no evidence for this, as I can predict you will ask, but never the less arrests were clearly made to individuals.
So you can't actually prove this yet a number of arrests were made?

Surely if a number of arrests were made because of intoxicated workers this would have made the news on even a local basis. Would you be so kind as to provide more details and a source to confirm this.

You have also singled out my religion as a reason why you do not need any suggestions from me. This is racism, pure and simple. It's like saying you will not accept to purchase produce from a black farmer.
Now while he should not make a comment directly about your religion his comments are in no way akin to racism and certainly not in the manner in which you are describing.

I will continue to pray for you. God may help lead you to clear your mind of so much hate.
That said, if you don't want comments about your religion don't bring it into a discussion with someone who has clearly said they would rather not hear about it.

You can't have this both ways.
