Legalization of Marijuana

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No, I never said that it was racism not to follow Christianity. I was referring to another post in the North Korea thread, where he replied after I had said it was the worst country for persecution of Christians in the world saying that he would love to go there, as he has heard that it is a great place for Atheists. Any person who supports the slaughtering of thousands of Christian missionaries just because he does not believe their religion, I cannot let pass.

Taking my information seriously is your choice, but I treat every comment with respect and value other people's opinions.

666 for life? So you believe in worshiping Satan yet you don't God? Or rather you find significance to Satan's existence but not to God? I find that hard to believe.

Never did I state GTP is a Christian based site, so I'm not sure where you get that from. And I never blamed anyone for not believing my religion. It's your misinterpretation.

And no baby is born atheist, they are born with a free mind to choose what they want. Atheists believe in science, a baby cannot comprehend such things at that age. Being an atheist does not particularly mean the belief or no religion, it means the belief in science.

You said i was a racist because i said korea seems to be a nice place to live for an atheist.

It shows you have absolutely no idea on what the word Racist means.

Where dis i support the slaughtering of Christians?
Could it be that you invented that delerious thought in your head? I think so.

Yes i love Satan. Me and him are buddies.
He told me you were getting a VIP spot if you don't stop calling people racist for no reason.

All living things on this planet is born as an Atheist.
You did, i did, everyone did.

The difference between you and me was that i did not grow up in a christian household (thank you lord, baby jesus for that)

There is no such thing as a belief for science.

It's there and it's real. You can choose to not believe it but there is no such thing as a belief for facts.

I really wish that you one day start to question your bible because from we have seen over the past few days, it's not healthy one bit.

One day i hipe you break free from this cult and start exploring how tge world really works.
^ Just because of you link suggests yes!

Just read the newest posts : it isn't the pharma ind. alone that blocks it.
Look at the history:
Cannabis was forbidden because of the paper industrie in America just before the 2nd world war. And after the WW, it became illegal in most of the world.

Cannabis alone, non drug use, is so much more important. Paper, pplastics, flax, .... the possibilities are there and proven. It has a huge purpose and potential beside getting baked.

Alone for our planet and our need in paper, it would be very wise to use cannabis, and save a few trees while we at it, which will help clean the air, which will slow down the melt down of the caps, which will save the plant, which will save us.
OMG Weed will save US!!!

Seriously though, so many possibilities beside smoking it, and we are forbidding it, it's insane.

And then there is the smoking side. A Uk documentary had the ex consultant of the gouverment there speaking.
Well he got fired for saying horseriding (betting) is more addictive than cannabis, I guess that is a sin in the UK to say.
Though he was right, he also said that none of the laws are actually based on scientific research (at least not the modern ones).

Also never in the history of mankind someone died form a weed overdose. It's impossible. How many die because they drink too much or suffer horrible consequences of their actions done while drunk. Lots.

But I am very pessimistic that it will be leagalized one day. Maybe if politician getting younger and not so tight about it.

Till then most people are beeing treatened like criminals for smoking the occassional splif at home on evenings.
I almost agree with this.... but not quite .

If you have ever smoked marijuana you would know that a smoker is not a hazard to other people in their own homes for example . Smokers are chilled , relaxed & deep thinking people . They don't cause harm or seek to harm whilst under the influence of this substance , unlike alcohol which routinely causes this issue .

In terms of workplace smoking or driving , then I can see the issues there . I'm neither for or against as ultimately that's employer discretion & road laws . Both of which would have to set it's own respective guidelines & limits on what is or is not acceptable under these conditions.

Agreed with the final statement however , science & scientific studies will come to their own conclusions in due course . 👍 ;)

I think you've nailed it. The only thing I would support is available help to those who would grow to depend on marijuana to do certain tasks. Addictions are never good, and that applies for ALL types of drugs, legal or not.
I however think that suggestion is a good compromise between the employers control and the employees freedom. I could see this happening, if the system is strict and allows no abuse.
I think you've nailed it. The only thing I would support is available help to those who would grow to depend on marijuana to do certain tasks. Addictions are never good, and that applies for ALL types of drugs, legal or not.
I however think that suggestion is a good compromise between the employers control and the employees freedom. I could see this happening, if the system is strict and allows no abuse.

I'm glad that we can finally agree on something . :)👍
Personally, no.

I see it as a sign of weakness if you feel the need to regularly induce chemicals as the only way of making you feel good or happy, the same goes for things like cigarettes and alcohol. If I had it my way, I would ban cigarettes too, because, unlike the other two, their effect on you is permanent, even if you only smoke once, that tar is gonna be stuck in your lungs for good. Alcohol and Weed are generally harmless if taken once, and in a relatively small dose, infact Alcohol can have health benefits, but if you're getting stoned or roaring drunk every Friday night or whatever, then I think their is a problem.

With all of these things you run the risk of getting addicted and/or it killing, so why should I take that risk?
Please keep religion out of this thread and take it to the appropriate one in this very forum / ontopicfromnow.
Personally, no.

I see it as a sign of weakness if you feel the need to regularly induce chemicals as the only way of making you feel good or happy, the same goes for things like cigarettes and alcohol. If I had it my way, I would ban cigarettes too, because, unlike the other two, their effect on you is permanent, even if you only smoke once, that tar is gonna be stuck in your lungs for good. Alcohol and Weed are generally harmless if taken once, and in a relatively small dose, infact Alcohol can have health benefits, but if you're getting stoned or roaring drunk every Friday night or whatever, then I think their is a problem.

With all of these things you run the risk of getting addicted and/or it killing, so why should I take that risk?

I agree, but that's my body. Limiting control of what people can consume is wrong (as long as the material has no effects to your body that could likely harm others). We do not know that marijuana is harmful for sure until we invest on researching it's affects on the body.

I'm just going to stick with my caffeine, though. 👍
We do not know that marijuana is harmful for sure until we invest on researching it's affects on the body.

That's certainly an interesting proposition, but then you would have a huge crowd of chavs lining up outside test facilities in an attempt to become test subjects.
Personally, no.

I see it as a sign of weakness if you feel the need to regularly induce chemicals as the only way of making you feel good or happy, the same goes for things like cigarettes and alcohol. If I had it my way, I would ban cigarettes too, because, unlike the other two, their effect on you is permanent, even if you only smoke once, that tar is gonna be stuck in your lungs for good. Alcohol and Weed are generally harmless if taken once, and in a relatively small dose, infact Alcohol can have health benefits, but if you're getting stoned or roaring drunk every Friday night or whatever, then I think their is a problem.

With all of these things you run the risk of getting addicted and/or it killing, so why should I take that risk?
Why should you take the risk of somebody else getting addicted and killing themselves? Hell I don't know. Could you elaborate?

Why are you uncomfortable with simply letting other people make their own choices while you make your own choices? Are you scared that if these things are not banned that you will not be able to control yourself and will become addicted to heroine? Why do you feel the need to control what other people do with their lives? Would you have the same opinion if I was in control and told you what you could do with your life?
Why should you take the risk of somebody else getting addicted and killing themselves? Hell I don't know. Could you elaborate?

Why are you uncomfortable with simply letting other people make their own choices while you make your own choices? Are you scared that if these things are not banned that you will not be able to control yourself and will become addicted to heroine? Why do you feel the need to control what other people do with their lives? Would you have the same opinion if I was in control and told you what you could do with your life?

The you in that sentence refers to everybody including myself, slight grammatical error on my part. I was simply saying the risks are the same for all, but I choose to avoid them.

I am aware that I cannot stop people from making these decisions, I just don't approve of the decision to regularly smoke cigarettes or weed or whatever, because I believe their are more hinderences than benefits from doing such a thing.
But your previous off-topic posts in this thread make it crystal clear what you mean.
The you in that sentence refers to everybody including myself, slight grammatical error on my part. I was simply saying the risks are the same for all, but I choose to avoid them.

I am aware that I cannot stop people from making these decisions, I just don't approve of the decision to regularly smoke cigarettes or weed or whatever, because I believe their are more hinderences than benefits from doing such a thing.

The problem with this logic is that it's hard to draw the line. I'm overweight and eat too much junk food. Does that mean the government should close down McDonald's and take Coca-Cola out of stores? It's the same thing, if you have a Big Mac or a Coke every now and then, it's not a big deal, but if you eat it too often and don't exercise, you gain weight and have health risks. All I know is I'd be pretty bummed out if McDonald's got shut down, and I'm sure that people who smoke feel the same way about the illegality of their substance of choice.

It's nobody else's fault but mine that I'm overweight, I don't ask for people to look out for me, I know about calories, carbs, fats, sugars, and I still don't eat too well most of the time. That's not McDonald's fault, it's mine, and I like to be able to make my own decisions rather than have someone hold my hand through life.
This picture is the story of my life...dont smoke weed it ruins lives!!!

It's the same with everything in life:

You need to know how to manage.

you can drink too much energy drink and get health issues.
You can eat to much sugar and get diabietes.
You can eat to much fat food and become a fatty.
You can put your thing in too much holes and get STD
You can watch too many teletubbies and become too dumb.

And there is enough scientific research concerning Weed.
Just need to select your sources with common and critical sense . Obviously a research done by pharma companies and States are not unbiased.

What was with the Hilter ads and Sex before marriage,... totally true because the gouverement is never wrong.

Not every right is right.

And for the driving : it shouldn't be allowed as it has different effects on different people. But not every stoner will be a threat. But if you smoked a few hours before and are not stoned anymore, where's the problem. If you are driving sick or just woke up is legal to drive and to under anti depressive meds, think that is always a good idea?

And look at this:
It's the same with everything in life:

You need to know how to manage.

you can drink too much energy drink and get health issues.
You can eat to much sugar and get diabietes.
You can eat to much fat food and become a fatty.
You can put your thing in too much holes and get STD
You can watch too many teletubbies and become too dumb.

And there is enough scientific research concerning Weed.
Just need to select your sources with common and critical sense . Obviously a research done by pharma companies and States are not unbiased.

What was with the Hilter ads and Sex before marriage,... totally true because the gouverement is never wrong.

Not every right is right.

And for the driving : it shouldn't be allowed as it has different effects on different people. But not every stoner will be a threat. But if you smoked a few hours before and are not stoned anymore, where's the problem. If you are driving sick or just woke up is legal to drive and to under anti depressive meds, think that is always a good idea?

And look at this:

A person who is stoned out of their mind will not be able to operate a car effectively so it would make sense to have a test of intoxication like alcohol, if they can produce a reliable test which represents how much they are under the influence then that would be great.
*ibo* S3 Racer
But if you smoked a few hours before and are not stoned anymore, where's the problem.

But the thing is we don't know how long marijuana will have a notable affect of intoxication for every different type if person. It could very well be a few hours, days, or even minutes. We dont know.
My main fear with marijuana that isn't regulated is its quality and purity. I've heard stories of dealers in the town where my University was located lacing their product with PCP or other things. There's also the issue of dealers taking low-quality strains and stating that it's high quality.

If marijuana were regulated, it would be predictable and stable, just how alcohol is - and very hard for children to access. Just as access to alcohol went down after prohibition, access to marijuana would be curbed if it were legalised and regulated.
My main fear with marijuana that isn't regulated is its quality and purity. I've heard stories of dealers in the town where my University was located lacing their product with PCP or other things. There's also the issue of dealers taking low-quality strains and stating that it's high quality.

If marijuana were regulated, it would be predictable and stable, just how alcohol is - and very hard for children to access. Just as access to alcohol went down after prohibition, access to marijuana would be curbed if it were legalised and regulated.

Yep, I'm afraid the same goes with all consumables. Everything needs proper regulation, marijuana, as you have already said is no different.

Brewing alcohol is another example. How can you guarantee that your mate hasn't used harmful constitute substances when he offers to share his supply?
My main fear with marijuana that isn't regulated is its quality and purity. I've heard stories of dealers in the town where my University was located lacing their product with PCP or other things. There's also the issue of dealers taking low-quality strains and stating that it's high quality.

If marijuana were regulated, it would be predictable and stable, just how alcohol is - and very hard for children to access. Just as access to alcohol went down after prohibition, access to marijuana would be curbed if it were legalised and regulated.

Yeah, sherm is not good. PCP is one scary freaking drug, the only drug that Im actually terrified of.
The problem with this logic is that it's hard to draw the line. I'm overweight and eat too much junk food. Does that mean the government should close down McDonald's and take Coca-Cola out of stores? It's the same thing, if you have a Big Mac or a Coke every now and then, it's not a big deal, but if you eat it too often and don't exercise, you gain weight and have health risks. All I know is I'd be pretty bummed out if McDonald's got shut down, and I'm sure that people who smoke feel the same way about the illegality of their substance of choice.

It's nobody else's fault but mine that I'm overweight, I don't ask for people to look out for me, I know about calories, carbs, fats, sugars, and I still don't eat too well most of the time. That's not McDonald's fault, it's mine, and I like to be able to make my own decisions rather than have someone hold my hand through life.

The key point in this paragraph is 'too often'. Everything can be dangerous if taken in excessive doses. Things like fast food leave fat in you're bodies, it can be removed from ones body but it takes time. But if eaten every once in a while, some thing like that isn't going to do you a great deal of harm.

Certain substances like Tobacco though have a permanent effect, no matter how many, or how few times your injest it. That Tar will dwell in your lungs forever, unless you have it surgically removed.

I feel that things like Weed which have mind-altering effects that offer no benefits other than giving you temporary euphoria and a false sense of reality shouldn't be commercially available. This also applies to Alcohol, if somebody has a car crash and dies because they were drunk driving, then I have next to no sympathy, they brought it upon themselves. However, Alcohol would be damn near impossible to ban altogether because it is popular worldwide and offers employment to millions. Plus, it generally 'safer' than others and can have health benefits if taken in small doses non-regularly. And as is the case with a lot of other drugs, people will just produce it themselves because it is easy to acquire.