Legalization of Marijuana

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The you in that sentence refers to everybody including myself, slight grammatical error on my part. I was simply saying the risks are the same for all, but I choose to avoid them.

I am aware that I cannot stop people from making these decisions, I just don't approve of the decision to regularly smoke cigarettes or weed or whatever, because I believe their are more hinderences than benefits from doing such a thing.
That's a perfectly fine opinion to hold. Not really opinion because of course those things are pretty much all bad for you, but whatever. But whether they're bad or not isn't justification for a person who doesn't like those things to enact laws banning others from using those things if they want to. It should be perfectly fine for anybody to do anything they please with their life, as long as they don't infringe on anybody else's right to life, liberty, or property.

Yes, I'm saying that there should be no legislated regulation for or against any substance, at all. As part of the economy, they along with everything else will regulate themselves.
A person who is stoned out of their mind will not be able to operate a car effectively so it would make sense to have a test of intoxication like alcohol, if they can produce a reliable test which represents how much they are under the influence then that would be great.

totally agree. The problem is the test. We don't have test that show how long ago you smoked or if you still high.

Germans have a 24 hours within you can't drive, but their test works still after weeks, you get nicked as a foreigner you pay 700€ deposit and if you blood test shows high levels they keep it (the deposit not the blood). So basicly their 24h rule is BS as if you get caught, you are screwed anyway.

And I am totally ok with a 24h, but the germans exaggerate. It would be already a huge step forward if society wouldn't criminalize smokers.

Also there are people on the road in far worse condition, mentally or physically driving everyday.

But it's not really at all a concern, as it is illegal, the car thing is the last thing to worry.
This picture is the story of my life...dont smoke weed it ruins lives!!!


I assume this is a joke right? :)

I've been smoking cannabis, hasj nowadays, on and off since I've been 15 (30 now)... And I turned out just fine. In my high school and college days it was an everyday thing at certain times and I would stop when important things came up, like exams and tests. Nowadays for me, its more of a social thing or when I really just want to relax and watch a movie with the missus on the coach at home. It replaces the "come home after work" beer for me as well, since I don't like drinking by myself for nothing... :P

What I'm trying to say here is, its all down to the person using it. I knew at a certain point when and when NOT to smoke up. If I had a bunch of real world commitments to do, I'd simply just not smoke for a few weeks or months or whatever was needed to get everything completed. Just like with alcohol, it's about learning your limits and recognizing when the time is right.

Of course I realize that not everyone has this control, but imo thats what it comes down too. And Cannabis is also one of the only drugs you CANNOT OD on. Sometimes unexperienced smokers end up puking their brains out because they mixed it with alcohol or just arent used to the Dutch stuff. :P But you will never die from it and it causes far less problems than, lets say, alcohol I assume. Take this with a grain of salt and also realize I come from a soceity where marijuanua is tolerated and somewhat regulated by the government. So my views could be somewhat biased because of this.
I assume this is a joke right? :)

I've been smoking cannabis, hasj nowadays, on and off since I've been 15 (30 now)... And I turned out just fine.

29 and still smokin'. Aawwwyeaaah.

And the trick for drinking and smoking together? Never ever close your eyes. :lol:
The key point in this paragraph is 'too often'. Everything can be dangerous if taken in excessive doses. Things like fast food leave fat in you're bodies, it can be removed from ones body but it takes time. But if eaten every once in a while, some thing like that isn't going to do you a great deal of harm.

Certain substances like Tobacco though have a permanent effect, no matter how many, or how few times your injest it. That Tar will dwell in your lungs forever, unless you have it surgically removed.

I feel that things like Weed which have mind-altering effects that offer no benefits other than giving you temporary euphoria and a false sense of reality shouldn't be commercially available. This also applies to Alcohol, if somebody has a car crash and dies because they were drunk driving, then I have next to no sympathy, they brought it upon themselves. However, Alcohol would be damn near impossible to ban altogether because it is popular worldwide and offers employment to millions. Plus, it generally 'safer' than others and can have health benefits if taken in small doses non-regularly. And as is the case with a lot of other drugs, people will just produce it themselves because it is easy to acquire.

The problem with that is there's so many things that can have negative, permanent effects. You can suffer permanent damage you your knees from running for example. And Marijuana does offer benefits, there's a reason why it's being legalized for medicinal use across the world, it does ease pain and makes recovery a lot easier for a lot of people.

As far as drunk driving, I wholeheartedly agree, drunk drivers bring it upon themselves. I just hate when they take other people with them.
I was listening to the radio earlier on, and the presenter was interviewing a journalist for a Denver newspaper who reviews different strains of weed.
It´s funny how a Goverment can decide what i can do with my OWN body.

If they didn't do this there wouldn't be laws against base jumping in New York either but nobody seems to complain about that. Populations must be assumed stupid or evil because if there weren't any laws to prevent harm then I can tell you we wouldn't be much better than any 3rd world country out there.

My answer is no by the way and one of my bigger answers is this:

One of the leading reasons people smoke marijuana is because of the fact it is illegal, it gets you high and its a rush to get away with that. Debate that what you will but I assure you there is huge population doing it for that reason alone. The second big reason is to fit in with what is perceived as cool. Again I'm not saying everyone but I will say probably a large majority fall into those groups whether they admit it or not.

If marijuana becomes legal then what is that next rung up the ladder? Where does that rush and that thrill come from next? If marijuana is legalized then all those drug lords are going to start warring again all over the country for control of other "drug markets." if it becomes legal then exstacy, cocaine, heroine.... What's next? I'd personally rather have that drug stay with marijuana and I personally think cigarettes should be illegal to so I completely disregard the argument that well it's legal so weed should be to.

Edit: On a side note I can actually be prescribed for medicinal marijuana for pain and I haven't ever done it legally or illegally. There just simply isn't that kind of need and I just don't see what benefit there is for doing it and I'm actually in pain enough on a routine basis that it could legally warrant the use of it.
If they didn't do this there wouldn't be laws against base jumping in New York either but nobody seems to complain about that. Populations must be assumed stupid or evil because if there weren't any laws to prevent harm then I can tell you we wouldn't be much better than any 3rd world country out there.

My answer is no by the way and one of my bigger answers is this:

One of the leading reasons people smoke marijuana is because of the fact it is illegal, it gets you high and its a rush to get away with that. Debate that what you will but I assure you there is huge population doing it for that reason alone. The second big reason is to fit in with what is perceived as cool. Again I'm not saying everyone but I will say probably a large majority fall into those groups whether they admit it or not.

If marijuana becomes legal then what is that next rung up the ladder? Where does that rush and that thrill come from next? If marijuana is legalized then all those drug lords are going to start warring again all over the country for control of other "drug markets." if it becomes legal then exstacy, cocaine, heroine.... What's next? I'd personally rather have that drug stay with marijuana and I personally think cigarettes should be illegal to so I completely disregard the argument that well it's legal so weed should be to.

Edit: On a side note I can actually be prescribed for medicinal marijuana for pain and I haven't ever done it legally or illegally. There just simply isn't that kind of need and I just don't see what benefit there is for doing it and I'm actually in pain enough on a routine basis that it could legally warrant the use of it.

If you base jump in the middle of New York you endanger other people. That´s why it´s illegal to base jump in New York.

"Populations must be assumed stupid or evil because if there weren't any laws to prevent harm"

By legalizing Cannabis you steal a whole market from the Cartels and other small-time hustlers.
You are actually doing something that´s good by making it legal.

"One of the leading reasons people smoke marijuana is because of the fact it is illegal, it gets you high and its a rush to get away with that. Debate that what you will but I assure you there is huge population doing it for that reason alone. The second big reason is to fit in with what is perceived as cool. Again I'm not saying everyone but I will say probably a large majority fall into those groups whether they admit it or not. "

No people smoke it because they like it, they have a brain so after they had studied it they knew the goverment are just playing tricks on them to keep it illegal.

Please show us these sources, i´m afraid you can´t because i feel you have taken them from a place where the sun never shines.

If marijuana becomes legal then what is that next rung up the ladder? Where does that rush and that thrill come from next? If marijuana is legalized then all those drug lords are going to start warring again all over the country for control of other "drug markets." if it becomes legal then exstacy, cocaine, heroine.... What's next? I'd personally rather have that drug stay with marijuana and I personally think cigarettes should be illegal to so I completely disregard the argument that well it's legal so weed should be to.

Nothing. You have to understand what you are talking about, Cannabis is not deadly, it´s not bad for you if you don´t smoke it everyday.

You and me have Cannabinoid receptors in our brain, lungs, kidneys etc, Have you ever wondered WHY they are there?

Do some reading on Cannabis so you are somewhat educated in the subject.

A peer reviewed article talking of the negative influences of cannabis usage and how there is a connection between cannabis usage and lower GPA, less satisfaction with schools and increased rates of school absenteeism. I can read the full article through my school's library but sadly all I can find through Google Scholar is one you must pay for so all I can provide is an abstract.

Article 2 talking about the negative effects of early onset users.

Article 3 talking about why people use it both for people with psychosis and the control (ie "normal") which supports my claim that a large portion of marijuana users do so because it is a "cool" thing to do..... 49-51% do so for social reasons.

In reality I can go all day with this finding dozens more articles just like this. This was only on the first page of my search in 1 database. I believe we have 4 or 5 databases on psychology alone let alone medical journal databases. I do my research and I am fairly well informed about a lot of different things. Maybe try reading up on some real research instead of whatever google and wikipedia come up with.
One of those cause and effect things. I know people with PhD's that have smoked for decades, daily. I know people that have never done drugs that end up beating their girlfriends or dropping out of high school. The less than ideal social situations that put people in contact with illegal substances, at a younger age, are likely the result of poor influences at the home, etc.

Oh wait, they say that right there in the article you first mentioned

Article 1
However, results of cross-sectional studies cannot be used to determine whether cannabis use causes poor educational performance, poor educational performance is a cause of cannabis use or whether both outcomes are a reflection of common risk factors.

The number of people I know personally that are contributing members of society and college educated vastly out number those that I know who are complete failures.

And I find this all kind of funny coming from someone that lives in Vancouver. Are you LDS? Serious question given other statements you've made.

Also, there is no rush to smoking marijuana. It is the opposite of a rush. Educate yourself a bit more on these "dangerous" drugs. You just sound like someone that is so blindly for controlling anything dangerous that you've not put much thought into the order of cause and effect, or what the studies are actually showing.
Lmao no.

Never did I say nobody was a contributing member of society and never did I say those studies or I believe it's all. I'm pointing out there Is negative effects to using it and it's not as harmless as most people give it credit for being.
If they didn't do this there wouldn't be laws against base jumping in New York either but nobody seems to complain about that. Populations must be assumed stupid or evil because if there weren't any laws to prevent harm then I can tell you we wouldn't be much better than any 3rd world country out there.

I agree that a lot of people are rather stupid, but that is not a reaso to put them under the tutelle of the gouverment. People are free and can do what they want as long as they don't infringe others people liberties. And smoking pot isn't harming you, your family or anyone

My answer is no by the way and one of my bigger answers is this:

One of the leading reasons people smoke marijuana is because of the fact it is illegal, it gets you high and its a rush to get away with that. Debate that what you will but I assure you there is huge population doing it for that reason alone. The second big reason is to fit in with what is perceived as cool. Again I'm not saying everyone but I will say probably a large majority fall into those groups whether they admit it or not.

How old are you? This seems like a 15 year old's argument. For those it will maybe apply, but at that age it would still be illegal even if it were legalized as substance. I never saw someone smoke to be cool. And surly not doing it because it is illegal. Most smokers **** their pants in fear of getting caught.

If marijuana becomes legal then what is that next rung up the ladder? Where does that rush and that thrill come from next? If marijuana is legalized then all those drug lords are going to start warring again all over the country for control of other "drug markets." if it becomes legal then exstacy, cocaine, heroine.... What's next? I'd personally rather have that drug stay with marijuana and I personally think cigarettes should be illegal to so I completely disregard the argument that well it's legal so weed should be to.

Complete and utter BS. Look at the netherlands where it was done to limit the power of dealers. And it worked. And nobody gave up weed because it became legal.

And on your articles, choose your sources more wisely and with more of a critical attitude. All your articles are from Australia and NZ where we know how the laws are made, look at the video games ruling they got. Also all your articles come from state funded researches so they surely aren't BS.
Common and critical sense is missing.
Take an article from and independant research and we can talk.

I could show you plenty of studies where the climate changement is seen as made up stuff.
Or studies where cigarrettes are considered non lethal and non addictive.

Again selection on your articles is essential in all domain, to not let you get fooled
*ibo* S3 Racer
And on your articles, choose your sources more wisely and with more of a critical attitude. All your articles are from Australia and NZ where we know how the laws are made, look at the video games ruling they got. Also all your articles come from state funded researches so they surely aren't BS.
Common and critical sense is missing.
Take an article from and independant research and we can talk.

I could show you plenty of studies where the climate changement is seen as made up stuff.
Or studies where cigarrettes are considered non lethal and non addictive.

Again selection on your articles is essential in all domain, to not let you get fooled

You do know what peer reviewed articles mean eh? Those articles are reviewed by peers from all over the world for authenticity and bias and they are rejected if they reflect that in anyway. The articles your referring to are the crap they post on the news that never gets published in any professional journal and is never peer reviewed.
I heard that pot, alcohol, and Redbull gets a bit sketchy. It can be done, though words do not exist to describe how messed up you'll be.

There's sort of a cliff that you walk up blindfolded.

You have no idea how much
to smoke to stay safe but if you go over it, be ready with a bag or something because you will puke your organs out.
I heard that pot, alcohol, and Redbull gets a bit sketchy. It can be done, though words do not exist to describe how messed up you'll be.

Alcohol and pot is doable... You just have to be careful :P In my experience the worst time to do it is if you've been drinking ALL night and when you get home, before you go to sleep... you spark a big one, thinking it'll help you sleep... Get ready to watch the world spin..... A LOT. Not sure how Red Bull would affect the mix though...
Red Bull keeps you awake to see the world spin. And makes your puke smell funky.
Lmao no.

Never did I say nobody was a contributing member of society and never did I say those studies or I believe it's all. I'm pointing out there Is negative effects to using it and it's not as harmless as most people give it credit for being.

From my experience, if someone is not being productive on pot, they likely aren't too productive off it either. You are just fanning flames on an issue that isn't nearly as bad as it sounds.

Alcohol on the other ruins far more lives than pot, and not just because of the availability.
Lmao no.

Never did I say nobody was a contributing member of society and never did I say those studies or I believe it's all. I'm pointing out there Is negative effects to using it and it's not as harmless as most people give it credit for being.

Wow, you must have been blitzed during english class; it made my head hurt just reading those two "sentences". :dunce:
Note: I never have and never will use any form of drugs

I don't believe marijuana's effects are as harmful as other legal substances in certain amounts, but I do think it would be beneficial to the economy to sell commercially and tax. I'm not 100% sure of what harm it could lead to but I do see a few positives to it.
18 pages, any mention of the constitution saying we're allowed to use whatever medicine we desire and the government has no right to tell us what or how to apply it?
Alcohol and pot is doable... You just have to be careful :P In my experience the worst time to do it is if you've been drinking ALL night and when you get home, before you go to sleep... you spark a big one, thinking it'll help you sleep... Get ready to watch the world spin..... A LOT. Not sure how Red Bull would affect the mix though...

Yup, if you smoke throughout the night while drinking, it won't hit you hard at all. But watch out if you drank all night without smoking and have some after...the spins can catch even the smokers with the highest of tolerances.

I can't see red bull making any difference at all TBH.
Take it from somebody who is not a pothead and abhors the usage of drugs, legalize them. Not just pot, but drugs also.

When drugs are legalized drug dealers are not just denied the profits that come it, but they are denied the opportunity to hurt people. Sadly when people voted against Prop 19, they were really voting in favor of the dealers.

But much as I would like a totally free world, I do believe that society does need to protect itself against addictive sustances. Where the line is drawn would depend on how much something affects the productivity and well-being of the society as a whole. A more mature culture than ours might deal effectively with total deregulation, but right now, even with alcohol as the only legal mind-altering substance, there are problems. Still, if you don't give people room to mature, they won't, so legalization it is

God gave man a brain to make intelligent choices, however he didn't give man a brain to be nannied by government. In the case of pot and drugs the stupid drug war just represent a form of government nannying and someone who is intelligent does not need to be nannied, in this case people.
Yup, if you smoke throughout the night while drinking, it won't hit you hard at all. But watch out if you drank all night without smoking and have some after...the spins can catch even the smokers with the highest of tolerances.

I can't see red bull making any difference at all TBH.
Red Bull or something like Stackers can really make it twice as bad.

There's no need or reason to mix any of the bunch though.
It is reasonably common knowledge that parts of the country grow illegal pot. Not surprisingly, that industry is seemingly against legalizing it for the obvious reason of loss of market share. I have also heard of possible reservations and doubts among all sorts of folks. I think there have been a number of polls where votes are roughly even, without an overwhelming mandate.

Respectfully submitted,
There is no balanced argument for it... the best I ever hear is the one that works along the lines of.. Alcohol being worse...

Fine, ban alcohol instead of legalising more mind bending sh..gear

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