Legalization of Marijuana

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I think it should be legal but heavily controlled and maybe, MAYBE sold to the public like cigarettes but under heavy law and high price. They would make a lot of money I thibk.
I Voted No.

I'll tell you why, I've never done drugs and I never plan to. A kid who went to my school was a smoker, he came from a bad crowd, lived in a bad neighborhood and his parents were extremely unsupportive and generally didn't give a damn. He smoked dope nearly everyday and one day he just came into school and some girl had been picking on his sister, he lost it. He pretty much beat the crap out of the girl and she ended up with a broken rib. She made a full recovery but he was expelled from school, he was my age, 14. He now sits at home everyday and doesn't go to school, someone's education ruined by a bit of dope. Pointless. Before someone goes off on a rant I know this doesn't happen to every person that smokes weed but it's put me off completely. I really don't see the point to be honest.
If it was legal, I would have thought certain individuals who appear to thrive in the attention of trying to be victimised would lose interest.
I would hope too, that maybe kids would cease nattering about how badass they are. Like others here, seriously don't care either way, the ego of some of the smokers are more of a nuisance.
I wouldn't benefit from a change, but maybe it might be useful for some.
I Voted No.

I'll tell you why, I've never done drugs and I never plan to. A kid who went to my school was a smoker, he came from a bad crowd, lived in a bad neighborhood and his parents were extremely unsupportive and generally didn't give a damn. He smoked dope nearly everyday and one day he just came into school and some girl had been picking on his sister, he lost it. He pretty much beat the crap out of the girl and she ended up with a broken rib. She made a full recovery but he was expelled from school, he was my age, 14. He now sits at home everyday and doesn't go to school, someone's education ruined by a bit of dope. Pointless. Before someone goes off on a rant I know this doesn't happen to every person that smokes weed but it's put me off completely. I really don't see the point to be honest.

That doesn't sounds like a "dope" problem, more of a mental and poor parenting problem. If he didn't smoke dope and played video games all day would you blame the video games?
That doesn't sounds like a "dope" problem, more of a mental and poor parenting problem. If he didn't smoke dope and played video games all day would you blame the video games?

Of course you can view it like that but the dope just contributed to a collection of things, I'm not saying if he hadn't smoked dope then it wouldn't have happened but it certainly didn't help the situation.
I Voted No.

I'll tell you why, I've never done drugs and I never plan to. A kid who went to my school was a smoker, he came from a bad crowd, lived in a bad neighborhood and his parents were extremely unsupportive and generally didn't give a damn. He smoked dope nearly everyday and one day he just came into school and some girl had been picking on his sister, he lost it. He pretty much beat the crap out of the girl and she ended up with a broken rib. She made a full recovery but he was expelled from school, he was my age, 14. He now sits at home everyday and doesn't go to school, someone's education ruined by a bit of dope. Pointless. Before someone goes off on a rant I know this doesn't happen to every person that smokes weed but it's put me off completely. I really don't see the point to be honest.

Doesnt really spound like a problem that came from smoking weed. Sounds like he is that way because of the environment that hes been in. I know a lot of people who smoke weed and are peaceful and dont go on rampages. And dope is slang for heroin, not weed.
Of course you can view it like that but the dope just contributed to a collection of things, I'm not saying if he hadn't smoked dope then it wouldn't have happened but it certainly didn't help the situation.

Well it could have been anything that sent him over the edge is what I mean, smoking dope won't do that to a sane person.
Well it could have been anything that sent him over the edge is what I mean, smoking dope won't do that to a sane person.

True, he did always have anger issues, but I'd never seen anything like it before, she was completely helpless, did the teachers do anything? 🤬 did they! :grumpy:
Same here in the US, along with other derogatory slang terms like pot and bud.


As for the guy saying "Oh look, it will make you beat people up!"

It is a downer and generally relaxes most people. If you look at all the other factors you put down, I bet you they played a much larger part than smoking Marijuana.

Besides, you know how many highly educated, incredibly successful people also smoke?

A lot.
We can throw anecdotal stories back and forth forever. I know a really nice guy in his 40's with a wife and family, who is a good, supportive father who smokes. He goes out in the garage with his friends, puts on the Grateful Dead, and works on his El Camino and has a good time with his friends to relax after work. The question I ask, is who is he hurting? Why should what he does be illegal?
I think the only problem that is stopping marijuana from being legalised is the effects it has on driving and such. While I don't know about how well people can drive while on it, my assumption would be that it would be effected negatively. Other than that, I'm all for legalisation. Can't kill you, is (in my opinion) better than alcohol in the way that you don't get people beating other people up, hangovers and generally destructive attitudes.
I think the only problem that is stopping marijuana from being legalised is the effects it has on driving and such. While I don't know about how well people can drive while on it, my assumption would be that it would be effected negatively. Other than that, I'm all for legalisation. Can't kill you, is (in my opinion) better than alcohol in the way that you don't get people beating other people up, hangovers and generally destructive attitudes.

Some studies have shown it to make drivers more attentive and is much better than driving tired and of course drunk. I personally think it's irresponsible to drive while high so I'm not for it, but I'm under no illusions that it's a real detriment to your driving ability because of course there are different levels of "highness". Know doubt it will be illegal to drive while under the influence though, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Dope also means weed up here as well, though can be other things. Dope = drugs in general for those in older generations. At least from what I've observed.

Wow. I live in New Orleans and have never heard dope being referred to any other drugs but heroin, and Ive seen A LOT of drugs here.
I am just going to chip in and say I've seen Weed take out more of my friends than Alcohol. I'm talking in respect of people living their lives and achieving their ambitions. It becomes like a giant pause button on life. Very sad, I have friends I used to know so well, but you have to leave them behind...
Can you please provide a source to show exactly how individual drugs affect the body over specific periods of time and in what manner.

I only ask because this is open to such a huge number of variables that to be as specific as you are is almost impossible.

Given that I take it you would support a ban on all forms of intoxicants (including stimulants such as caffeine) being taken when someone could potentially work within a 12 hour period.

However how can you effectively police this?

So you can't actually prove this yet a number of arrests were made?

Surely if a number of arrests were made because of intoxicated workers this would have made the news on even a local basis. Would you be so kind as to provide more details and a source to confirm this.

Now while he should not make a comment directly about your religion his comments are in no way akin to racism and certainly not in the manner in which you are describing.

That said, if you don't want comments about your religion don't bring it into a discussion with someone who has clearly said they would rather not hear about it.

You can't have this both ways.


I cannot provide any information due to the lack of knowledge plus lack of researching skills on the particular subject. However, I have met people who have claimed to have taken illegal substances hours or even days after consumption, while still behaving in a manner of intoxication. I cannot provide any proof, either for their actions, or for myself describing only accurate and truthful information.

I can only imagine the mass of variables that have to be considered over the effect of the drugs itself intoxicating the person and different severities, and the amount of time the effects will have a notable influence if the capability of that particular person. The mass of the being, the volume if substance taken along with the particular type of substance itself, any other consumption of any solids, liquids, or gases the person may be also absorbing into his/her body, the age of the person, the metabolic rate of the person, and the gender of the person are all possibilities. In our workplace, I stated that routine drug tests were taken by our employers. I worded this wrong. Tests are taken out upon the job interview along with random tests during the duration of random work shifts. As part of securing a job, urine tests are conducted upon the potential new employee, sometimes along with hair follicle tests and even blood tests although these are sometimes avoided unless necessary (like a lack of co-operation of potential employee) due to the expenses such tests require. The hair follicle test provides drug test results for a larger period of time unlike the urine test. Employers like to know if the potential employee has had any experience with the intoxication of drugs not only to show a better chance of reliability of the employer over a period of time, but to make sure that the potential employee's thought mentality has not suffered as result to such substances, does this not mean that if a person has taken drugs in the past that it may risk the welfare of his colleagues in the workplace? Please note that these tests are done to prove the existence of most illegal substances within the employee's body. The urine and blood tests prove the effects of recent alcohol consumption. Alcohol in the body as we all know will effect a persons effectiveness in even the simplest tasks.
Then there is the discussion of the severity drugs can affect the worker himself, and how it compares to other problems that could place colleagues at risk. Sleep deprivation, mental problems, any health problems, lack of hygiene, lack of morale, lack if willingness to work, and a negative attitude are all examples. Discussing this subject is beyond my intelligence, although illegal substance consumption still contributes to being a major factor in my opinion.

The arrests on the day following halloween were not at the workplace themselves, but on the street for dangerous driving.

About the religion part, if I do not agree with someone about a particular manner, it does not affect my respect or importance to any support, advice or other arguments made. I may doubt the persons claims or advice to begin with due to my natural human instinct, yet I would never dismiss that information as being invaluable due to a previous disagreement of a particular subject or topic which has no relevance to the information displayed itself. I would, in the end, treat every response as equal.

I would rather not hear about his support of persecution of religion or his adversity towards free will and free speech in other threads, and I see why it is any different. I am simply sticking up for myself.

I hope I have not caused too much disruption and anger if I have done anything wrong which I have not yet seen. I stick up for what I believe in, or rather support my beliefs when others oppose it. I see no wrong doing in that.
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I say yay.

The government could tax the heck out of it and make lots of money.

I'm a ex-toker.Did so for almost 10 years.

I use to smoke the stuff all the time.My name for it was ganja,the sticky icky,and christmas trees.I'd smoke when i first woke up,after lunch,before work,after work,after supper,before bed,while driving and pretty much whenever.It never had an effect on my workdays,i had a better relationship with my family and it never effected my driving.It in fact made me a better driver because i paid more attention to everything around me.It does effect people different ways though.

Never once when i was on it did i hurt anyone or get mad at anyone.It pretty much just mellowed me out and made me think more about things.

I had to quit a few years back though.Had a job opening open up for me and i had to give it up.In this economy i had to take making more money over smoking since it was illegal.I was lucky because my boss knew i smoked so he gave me a few months to get completely clean before i took the test.I do miss it though.

I do think in the near future that it will get legalized,the government will finally see that it is no worse than alcohol.To be honest it's not as bad as most people make it out to be.All them other drugs,well i agree with them on that as those are the ones that need to stay illegal.
Drugs, like alcohol, still affect the body ever after the maximum time span available for yourself, which is 12 hours after intake.
In the workplace I am training to be in, routine tests are carried out for recent drugs or alcohol substances. Negative results are shown up around 24 hours after intake. There is a zero tolerance for intoxication in this workplace.

If you take drugs even as soon as you return from work, you will still be a potential hazard in the work place upon your arrival at the next working session, considering you have a maximum span of 12 hours.

It is a regular occurrence for my colleagues to have a pint after work (please take note that my colleagues are at an older age than myself. I am under age for buying alcohol), but that is only at the week end. They show respect for their fellow work mates from removing the potential of being a hazard.
At halloween yesterday, people were still under the influence from the night before in the morning. I have no evidence for this, as I can predict you will ask, but never the less arrests were clearly made to individuals.

You have also singled out my religion as a reason why you do not need any suggestions from me. This is racism, pure and simple. It's like saying you will not accept to purchase produce from a black farmer.

I will continue to pray for you. God may help lead you to clear your mind of so much hate.

Christians are not a different race... Christians are born Aethists and then someone tells them to believe if you want a good life otherwise you will burn in hell.

So no, i really don´t want any tips or tricks from you or any suggestions about anything in this world.

I love black people, they are the best people on earth due to their laid back style embedded in their DNA.
I had only one white friend when i grew up so maybe you should focus on something else in your life then me because i seriously don´t give a flying **** about you and your religion.

666 for life.

I think the only problem that is stopping marijuana from being legalised is the effects it has on driving and such. While I don't know about how well people can drive while on it, my assumption would be that it would be effected negatively. Other than that, I'm all for legalisation. Can't kill you, is (in my opinion) better than alcohol in the way that you don't get people beating other people up, hangovers and generally destructive attitudes.

I can confess and say i drive high. For me it´s as i was normal.
Never had anything happen to me in traffic, knock on wood.

Well except for one time :)
Me my friend shared a big one so i started driving from the place i grew up and i took a different route then the one i usually take because there was a police control there.
Funnily enough i get caught in the other Police control, high as hell in the middle of the day with no sunglasses on.
Me and the cop ended up talking to each other for around 10 minutes about absolutely nothing due to the car ahead was blocking the road.
"Have a nice day" he said and i was on my way.

I will make a video some day of me just driving around and you can be the judge.
I should point out that it should not be legal to be high while driving.

50% of everyone that has a license can´t drive even if their life depended on it.
We that can drive have it in our DNA, it just makes sense.


Will also say this, Weed will make you look at the world you are living in a totally different way.
Not bad at all, just that you see the world in a different angle, a big appreciation for the earth we live on for sure.
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You have also singled out my religion as a reason why you do not need any suggestions from me. This is racism, pure and simple....

Wow ..... I can't believe this guy actually said this.

What does an accusation of racism have to do with someone not wishing to hear about your religious beliefs ?

That's a serious accusation to make on GTP , if you continue to state that it's " Racism "every time a person challenges your beliefs and religion , then i'd be preparing what I was going to say to the mods if I were you.
I would rather not hear about his support of persecution of religion.....
That's your problem buddy , deal with it . GTP is not a Christian only site & neither is the Net on which you are browsing through. There's no point crying about how people don't believe in your magical book , when you're busy dishing out this rubbish .....
I will continue to pray for you. God may help lead you to clear your mind of so much hate.....
And don't forget -
That said, if you don't want comments about your religion don't bring it into a discussion with someone who has clearly said they would rather not hear about it.

Welcome to the Internet . 👍
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Christians are not a different race... Christians are born Aethists and then someone tells them to believe if you want a good life otherwise you will burn in hell.

So no, i really don´t want any tips or tricks from you or any suggestions about anything in this world.

I love black people, they are the best people on earth due to their laid back style embedded in their DNA.
I had only one white friend when i grew up so maybe you should focus on something else in your life then me because i seriously don´t give a flying **** about you and your religion.

666 for life.

I can confess and say i drive high. For me it´s as i was normal.
Never had anything happen to me in traffic, knock on wood.

Well except for one time :)
Me my friend shared a big one so i started driving from the place i grew up and i took a different route then the one i usually take because there was a police control there.
Funnily enough i get caught in the other Police control, high as hell in the middle of the day with no sunglasses on.
Me and the cop ended up talking to each other for around 10 minutes about absolutely nothing due to the car ahead was blocking the road.
"Have a nice day" he said and i was on my way.

I will make a video some day of me just driving around and you can be the judge.
I should point out that it should not be legal to be high while driving.

50% of everyone that has a license can´t drive even if their life depended on it.
We that can drive have it in our DNA, it just makes sense.


Will also say this, Weed will make you look at the world you are living in a totally different way.
Not bad at all, just that you see the world in a different angle, a big appreciation for the earth we live on for sure.

Wow ..... I can't believe this guy actually said this.

What does an accusation of racism have to do with someone not wishing to hear about your religious beliefs ?

That's a serious accusation to make on GTP , if you continue to state that it's " Racism "every time a person challenges your beliefs and religion , then i'd be preparing what I was going to say to the mods if I were you.

That's your problem buddy , deal with it . GTP is not a Christian only site & neither is the Net on which you are browsing through. There's no point crying about how people don't believe in your magical book , when you're busy dishing out this rubbish .....

And don't forget -

Welcome to the Internet . 👍

No, I never said that it was racism not to follow Christianity. I was referring to another post in the North Korea thread, where he replied after I had said it was the worst country for persecution of Christians in the world saying that he would love to go there, as he has heard that it is a great place for Atheists. Any person who supports the slaughtering of thousands of Christian missionaries just because he does not believe their religion, I cannot let pass.

Taking my information seriously is your choice, but I treat every comment with respect and value other people's opinions.

666 for life? So you believe in worshiping Satan yet you don't God? Or rather you find significance to Satan's existence but not to God? I find that hard to believe.

Never did I state GTP is a Christian based site, so I'm not sure where you get that from. And I never blamed anyone for not believing my religion. It's your misinterpretation.

And no baby is born atheist, they are born with a free mind to choose what they want. Atheists believe in science, a baby cannot comprehend such things at that age. Being an atheist does not particularly mean the belief or no religion, it means the belief in science.
Actually you are wrong.

Very wrong about that, you believe that, but is not true.

So how can a baby decide what is real or not? People believe what they want when they grow up. I was not a Christian as a baby, because I was incapable of comprehending religion at that time.
No, I never said that it was racism not to follow Christianity
I know you didn't , you missed the point , re-read my post.
Never did I state GTP is a Christian based site
Again I know that , re-read as above .
Atheists believe in science
Just Atheists is it ? Science is a belief & not fact ? Incorrect on both points.
Being an atheist does not particularly mean the belief or no religion, it means the belief in science.
Answered above .
And no baby is born atheist
A baby is conditioned to learn from it's parents , therefore if a baby grows up in a religious environment they are far more likely to accept the religious belief system that they are conditioned around , or conversely a non religious environment .

This conversation does not belong here anyway , you are free to reply but I will not discuss any more of this topic on this thread .

To post on topic though , I would like to see Marijuana legalised . I do not smoke it myself but I see it as being less harmful to society than alcohol . 👍
I believe Marijuana should not be legalised to the general public until more is known about the effects of intoxication and the hazard that a person might be both in the workplace, or away from the workplace towards other people. I believe both illegal drugs and alcohol are non-productive substances that can easily begin to be destructive for society through abuse.

So basically we need to study more on it's effects before we make proper conclusions. 👍
I believe Marijuana should not be legalised to the general public until more is known about the effects of intoxication and the hazard that a person might be both in the workplace, or away from the workplace towards other people. I believe both illegal drugs and alcohol are non-productive substances that can easily begin to be destructive for society through abuse.

So basically we need to study more on it's effects before we make proper conclusions. 👍

I almost agree with this.... but not quite .

If you have ever smoked marijuana you would know that a smoker is not a hazard to other people in their own homes for example . Smokers are chilled , relaxed & deep thinking people . They don't cause harm or seek to harm whilst under the influence of this substance , unlike alcohol which routinely causes this issue .

In terms of workplace smoking or driving , then I can see the issues there . I'm neither for or against as ultimately that's employer discretion & road laws . Both of which would have to set it's own respective guidelines & limits on what is or is not acceptable under these conditions.

Agreed with the final statement however , science & scientific studies will come to their own conclusions in due course . 👍 ;)
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