Legalization of Marijuana

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Wow bunch of potheads up in here. Almost double votes for yes. :rolleyes: Don't mind replying to this, I won't see it.

Hah, I don't even smoke pot and I voted "yes". I take it you vote "no"?
Wow bunch of potheads up in here. Almost double votes for yes. :rolleyes: Don't mind replying to this, I won't see it.

Maybe there are potheads in this thread, but I have never smoked pot and I never intend to - that doesn't stop me from knowing it should be legal.

A "yes" vote for legalization does not mean that the person smokes or wants to smoke pot.
Regardless of the ideological reasons for legalization, I still maintain that our dire fiscal/trade deficits need to be improved.

Trade deficits are not bad. Federal budget deficits can be fixed by reducing spending.

Legalization is [probably] the only way to restore vital public services that were underfunded as a result of massive (ineffective) tax cuts.

Vital is a bit strong here isn't it?
And a "no" vote does not mean that a person doesn't smoke.

I do (sometimes), but I don't think that we have the right infrastructure to legalize pot.

It impairs judgement just like alcohol, but I don't think there is any accurate breathalyzer-type test to tell if a person is high. Which would make any sort of enforcement difficult.
lol I doubt the FBI would care.

Just out of curiousity say a kid in america whose 16 got caught with $50 worth of ganja what would happen to him. Jail time? Warning?

Oh and whats the current street price per ounze where you guys live.
lol I doubt the FBI would care.

Just out of curiousity say a kid in america whose 16 got caught with $50 worth of ganja what would happen to him. Jail time? Warning?

Oh and whats the current street price per ounze where you guys live.

I think $50 possesion is still a misdemeanor, so for a 16 year-old, that means a little bit of community service? I knew a guy in high school who was a dealer. He was 17 when he got caught, and got a few days in jail + community service. Not big stuff if you're a minor.

I voted "yes" even though I don't smoke it. I don't see how it's any worse than alcohol, which is legal.
I think it would be good legalised because then the law would be free to persue other more important issues. I think weed isnt even that bad.
I say aye.

I could list all I know about NORML, cannabinoids, etc. but I don't want to confuse.

So instead I will show the Hawaii example (I live there too).

Pot proliferates in Hawaii for a while. People are all getting along fairly well, and only a few crimes over pot appear in the news. (I watched this all happen, by the way.)

Then the U.S. Government sees this and begins an enormous "eradication" campaign. Pot is all but eliminated from the news (a few people make it through with their pot.)

Good job! You solved the pot problem! Now guess what happens? Crystal meth swallows the Big Island(where I live) whole and meth babies are being born everywhere, chaos beginning, and people complaining about the NEW problem.

:crazy: :yuck:

It makes me sick.
Trade deficits are not bad. Federal budget deficits can be fixed by reducing spending.

I agree. Corporate handouts and subsidies should be eliminated.

Vital is a bit strong here isn't it?

Me? I don't think so.

I'd be the first in line to invest in a publicly-traded pot company (as long as they don't use pesticides).

you'd be shocked how evil they are.

The CIA's worse... so I've heard.
Prove it.

If you want to put up an argument against the legalization of marijuana, please be my guest. But provide evidence for your claims or don't make them at all

Fifth Gear even did a driving test with a..."subject", and the subject did his driving test quicker and more accurately after smoking marijuana.
I agree. Corporate handouts and subsidies should be eliminated.

Absolutely! Farmers are one of the worst in that regard.

I'd be the first in line to invest in a publicly-traded pot company (as long as they don't use pesticides).

What's wrong with pesticides? You like bugs in your pot?
I think alcohol is worse than Marijuana. Im not saying we should ban alcohol but realise that Marijuana isnt really that bad. It doesnt encorage violence like alcohol and doesnt give you a hang-over the next morning like alcohol and i dont think its that addictive. I think computer games are more addictive than Marijuana!!
Cannabis doubles the risk of fatal crashes
Cannabis almost doubles the risk of fatal car crashes, according to a new study, though smoking the drug is still far less risky than drink-driving, the researchers say.

Stoned drivers were almost twice as likely to be involved in a fatal car crashes than abstemious drivers, according to a study of 10,748 fatal car crashes in France between 2001 and 2003. More than half of the drivers in the study themselves died as a result of their accidents and all the subjects were tested for drug and alcohol use after crashing.

Even after accounting for factors such as the age of the drivers and the condition of the vehicle, the researchers conclude that cannabis caused a significant number of the fatalities, with 2.5% of the crashes directly attributed to cannabis use. Alcohol was the direct cause of about 29%.

Using cannabis and alcohol together was 16 times more risky than driving with neither drug in their body.

I think this is reason enough to keep it illegal--just becuase it is safer than alcohol does not mean it is safe.
So make causing an accident while under the influence a crime of negligence... done. That's not a good reason to keep it illegal. If it were, we'd ban a lot of substances.
But the thing is, we have a reliable and objective way to tell if someone has been drinking (breathalyzer test).

I don't believe such a test exists for THC...please correct me if I am wrong. They have the saliva test but that does not tell if you are currently "high" or just have used it recently.
Cannabis doubles the risk of fatal crashes

I think this is reason enough to keep it illegal--just becuase it is safer than alcohol does not mean it is safe.

You know what? Fine. It's a risk. Far smaller than alcohol, but still a risk.

This country is built on risks. That's what freedom is. We have the freedom to own steak knives. There's a risk of me killing my neighbor with one if I was pissed off enough, but of course it's still legal to own one. Part of being free is accepting risk.

Freedom over government-mandated "safety"? I choose freedom.
I would much rather be in a car with a high driver, than a car with a drunk driver.

You do that, I'd rather walk. Driving while under the influence of any mind altering substance is incredibly dangerous and should not be done.
Anti-depressants are mind-alterning, too, but they don't whack your reflexes too much. I would never try driving drunk or high, because I feel too messed up in those conditions, but most medications and over-the-counter drugs don't affect the body nearly as much. And any medication that MIGHT impair your driving has a warning on it.